J. Ezzell


J. Ezzell, T. Abshire, 1988, Infection and immunity.

T. Popović, J. Ezzell, T. Abshire, 2005, Journal of AOAC International.

J. Ezzell, S. Welkos, 1999, Journal of applied microbiology.

J. Ezzell, F. Ligler, G. Anderson, 1995, Journal of clinical microbiology.

J. Ezzell, M. Jett, R. Hammamieh, 2008, BMC infectious diseases.

J. Ezzell, J. Higgins, G. Ludwig, 1999, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

J. Ezzell, T. Abshire, J. Brown, 2005, Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

J. Ezzell, C. Fenselau, B. Falk, 1998, Analytical chemistry.

J. Ezzell, A. Friedlander, K. Davis, 1995, Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.

J. Ezzell, K. Nelson, T. Sirisanthana, 1988, The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.

J. Ezzell, S. Welkos, A. Friedlander, 1998, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

J. Ezzell, W. Kloos, W. Dobrogosz, 1981, The Journal of infectious diseases.

J. Ezzell, B. J. Hinnebusch, J. Higgins, 1998, Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

J. Ezzell, R. Doyle, K. Keller, 1984, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

R. J. Gibson, J. Ezzell, J. Feeley, 1980, The Journal of infectious diseases.

J. Ezzell, E. Stephenson, W. Mitchell, 1987, Laboratory animals.

J. Ezzell, S. Leppla, A. Friedlander, 1985, Infection and immunity.

J. Ezzell, P. Jahrling, T. Geisbert, 1993, Journal of clinical microbiology.

J. Ezzell, R. Doyle, K. Keller, 1984, Journal of clinical microbiology.

J. Ezzell, J. Teska, E. Henchal, 2001, Clinics in laboratory medicine.

J. Ezzell, T. Abshire, 1992, Journal of general microbiology.

J. Ezzell, H. Newcomb, N. Jaax, 1994, Veterinary pathology.

J. Ezzell, S. Welkos, B. Ivins, 1993, The Journal of infectious diseases.

J. Ezzell, R. Doyle, G. Zipperle, 1984, Canadian journal of microbiology.

J. Ezzell, B. Ivins, S. Leppla, 2022 .

J. Ezzell, R. Doyle, K. Keller, 1984, Journal of clinical microbiology.

J. Ezzell, W. Dobrogosz, 1978, Journal of bacteriology.

J. Ezzell, A. Kaufmann, L. Harrison, 1989, The Journal of infectious diseases.

J. Ezzell, B. Ivins, S. Leppla, 1986, Infection and immunity.

J. Ezzell, Jeffery P. Taylor, H. Whitford, 1993, Southern medical journal.

Tanja Popovic, John W. Ezzell, T. Popović, 2002, Emerging infectious diseases.

J. Ezzell, J. Mekalanos, K. Killeen, 1994, The Journal of infectious diseases.

J. Ezzell, A. Vaglia, G. Pellizzer, 1992, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

J. Ezzell, R. Doyle, A. Burnett, 1986, The Journal of applied bacteriology.

J. Ezzell, S. Bavari, A. Friedlander, 2008, Infection and Immunity.

Frances S. Ligler, J. Ezzell, F. Ligler, 1998, Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology.

J. Ezzell, G. Knudson, P. Mikesell, 1981, Infection and Immunity.