B. Lane


Benjamin F. Lane, Michael Shao, Bruce Martin Levine, 2002, SPIE Optics + Photonics.

F. P. Schloerb, Observatoire de Haute-Provence, K. Perraut, 2006, astro-ph/0607399.

E. Serabyn, R. K. Barry, W. A. Traub, 2006, astro-ph/0612099.

S. R. Kulkarni, M. R. Zapatero Osorio, E. L. Martin, 2001, astro-ph/0106267.

Benjamin F. Lane, M. M. Colavita, Sloane J. Wiktorowicz, 2010 .

Benjamin F. Lane, M. M. Colavita, Matthew W. Muterspaugh, 2006 .

Benjamin F. Lane, Maciej Konacki, Matthew W. Muterspaugh, 2007, 0705.3072.

M. Shao, B. Lane, S. Turyshev, 2008, 0805.4033.

M. M. Colavita, R. P. Linfield, B. Lane, 2001, astro-ph/0102052.

B. Lane, M. Sirk, M. Muterspaugh, 2012, 1206.5172.

Hannah A. Clevenson, M. Watts, B. Lane, 2020 .

B. Lane, N. Dalal, 2002, astro-ph/0209249.

M. Shao, B. Burke, B. Lane, 2006, astro-ph/0608640.

W. Traub, B. Lane, M. Colavita, 2005, astro-ph/0503619.

M. Shao, B. Lane, M. Muterspaugh, 2006, astro-ph/0606181.

B. Oppenheimer, J. Wallace, M. Shao, 1999, astro-ph/9905207.

J. Wallace, M. Shao, B. Lane, 1998, astro-ph/9811029.

B. Lane, T. Nordgren, M. Creech-Eakman, 2002, astro-ph/0203060.

J. Wallace, M. Shao, B. Lane, 1998, astro-ph/9804016.

J. Wallace, C. Beichman, M. Shao, 1998, astro-ph/9808326.

E. H. Cook, B. Lane, S. Spector, 2020, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems.

Tyler E. Nordgren, P. Kervella, R. B. Hindsley, 2002, astro-ph/0203130.

Benjamin F. Lane, Tyler E. Nordgren, B. Lane, 2000, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

Benjamin F. Lane, M. M. Colavita, William I. Hartkopf, 2010, 1010.4048.

M. Osorio, B. Lane, G. Basri, 2005 .

Benjamin F. Lane, M. M. Colavita, Mathematics, 2005, astro-ph/0507585.

Gautam Vasisht, Benjamin F. Lane, Braden E. Hines, 1998, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation.

M. J. Creech-Eakman, R. L. Akeson, J. Coyne, 2007, 0711.4194.

Julien Borgnino, Aziz Ziad, Richard Dekany, 2004, Applied optics.

Gautam Vasisht, Benjamin F. Lane, Rafael Millan-Gabet, 2003, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

Benjamin F. Lane, M. M. Colavita, Mathematics, 2005, astro-ph/0509406.

Supriya Chakrabarti, Brian A. Hicks, Timothy Cook, 2009, Applied optics.

Benjamin F. Lane, Rocco Samuele, Michael Shao, 2006, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

L. Hillenbrand, B. Lane, R. Akeson, 2004, astro-ph/0406356.

B. Lane, J. Eisner, A. Retter, 2005, astro-ph/0502293.

B. Mennesson, C. Hanot, G. Laughlin, 2009, 0911.2936.

Supriya Chakrabarti, Brian A. Hicks, Timothy Cook, 2010, Optics express.

Benjamin F. Lane, Wesley A. Traub, Mark R. Swain, 2003, SPIE Optics + Photonics.

B. Lane, A. Boden, 2000, astro-ph/0001138.

Benjamin F. Lane, Stephen A. Shectman, Alex Edward Athey, 2004, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

Rocco Samuele, Timothy A. Cook, Supriya Chakrabarti, 2008, SPIE MOEMS-MEMS.