F. Roberts


D. Chakrabarti, F. Roberts, C. Roberts, 1998, Nature.

F. Roberts, C. Roberts, F. Henriquez, 2009, International journal for parasitology.

F. Roberts, C. Roberts, Jennifer J. Johnson, 1999, International journal for parasitology.

F. Roberts, C. Roberts, F. Brombacher, 2001, Infection and Immunity.

F. Roberts, R. McLeod, 1999, Parasitology today.

J. Finnerty, R. Lyons, J. Dame, 2002, The Journal of infectious diseases.

F. Roberts, D. Ferguson, R. McLeod, 2001, Archives of ophthalmology.

F. Roberts, C. Roberts, R. McLeod, 2005, Trends in parasitology.

F. Roberts, C. Roberts, D. Ferguson, 2000, Parasite immunology.

J. Finnerty, D. Chakrabarti, F. Roberts, 1999, Nature.

F. Roberts, C. Roberts, F. Henriquez, 2009, International Journal of Parasitology.