R. Vale


R. Wollman, G. Goshima, Sarah S. Goodwin, 2007, Science.

R. Vale, Teppei Mori, M. Tomishige, 2007, Nature.

R. Vale, A. Carter, 2010, Biochemistry and cell biology = Biochimie et biologie cellulaire.

A. Hudspeth, R. Vale, J. Howard, 1989, Nature.

Samara L. Reck-Peterson, Nan Zhang, R. Vale, 2006, Cell.

R. Vale, A. Sachs, S. Wells, 1998, Molecular cell.

R. Vale, A. Yildiz, 2015, Cold Spring Harbor protocols.

N. Zhang, R. Vale, N. Coudray, 2020, Nature structural & molecular biology.

D. Agard, R. Vale, G. Greenan, 2019, The Journal of cell biology.

Nan Zhang, R. Vale, Yifan Cheng, 2014, Cell.

R. Vale, P. Selvin, M. Tomishige, 2004, Science.

R. Vale, A. Carter, C. Cho, 2011, Science.

R. Vale, N. Stuurman, Nenad Amdodaj, 2007, Microscopy Today.

G. Goshima, R. Vale, Sabine Petry, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Ronald D. Vale, Luke A. Gilbert, Jonathan S. Weissman, 2014, Cell.

Ronald D. Vale, Marvin E. Tanenbaum, Tim A. Hoek, 2016, Cell.

R. Vale, R D Vale, Ronald D. Vale, 1987, Annual review of cell biology.

Ronald D. Vale, G. Goshima, R. Vale, 2006, Current Biology.

A. Barkovich, R. Vale, E. Leshinsky‐Silver, 2015, Annals of clinical and translational neurology.

Gira Bhabha, Ronald D. Vale, Marvin E. Tanenbaum, 2014, Science.

R. Vale, L. Rice, M. Sirajuddin, 2014, Nature Cell Biology.

Ronald D. Vale, Robert J. Fletterick, R. Fletterick, 1998, Journal of Muscle Research & Cell Motility.

R. Vale, E. Hui, 2014, Nature Structural &Molecular Biology.

R. Vale, Y. Harada, M. Tokunaga, 1997, Biophysical chemistry.

Toshio Yanagida, Ronald D. Vale, Takashi Funatsu, 1996, Nature.

B. Helfand, R. Vale, R. Goldman, 2000, Journal of cell science.

R. Vale, A. Iwamatsu, K. Okawa, 1996, Journal of cell science.

R. Vale, 1999, Trends in cell biology.

Cheng-han Yu, Jay T. Groves, Ronald D. Vale, 2010, PloS one.

I. Henderson, R. Vale, S. Ovchinnikov, 2016, bioRxiv.

D. Brillinger, R. Vale, F. Malik, 1994, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

R. Vale, M. Rosen, J. Ditlev, 2017, Methods in molecular biology.

Samara L. Reck-Peterson, R. Vale, S. Reck-Peterson, 2012 .

R. Vale, Ankur Jain, 2017, bioRxiv.

J. Myklebust, A. Dunn, R. Vale, 2020, Cancer discovery.

R. Vale, A. Chishti, A. Gennerich, 2010, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Samara L. Reck-Peterson, R. Vale, S. Reck-Peterson, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

R. Vale, A. Marson, F. Blaeschke, 2020, The EMBO journal.

R. Vale, H. Hotani, R D Vale, 1988, The Journal of cell biology.

Z. Gartner, R. Vale, Marcus J. Taylor, 2016 .

J. McIntosh, D. Stemple, M. Sheetz, 1987, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

R. Vale, B. Carragher, R. Milligan, 2003, The Journal of cell biology.

R. Vale, Y. Toyoshima, Ronald D. Vale, 1989, The Journal of cell biology.

M. Sheetz, R. Vale, T. Schroer, 1987, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

M. Sheetz, R. Vale, T. Reese, 1986, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

R. Vale, N. Stuurman, Stefan Niekamp, 2019, bioRxiv.

K. Thorn, R. Vale, R. Cooke, 2008, Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society.

R. Vale, N. Stuurman, D. Portnoy, 2005, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

I. Henderson, R. Vale, S. Ovchinnikov, 2016, Cell.

R. Hodges, R. Vale, B. Tripet, 1997, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

R. Vale, B. Hobmayer, Kara L. McKinley, 2021, bioRxiv.

R. Vale, S. Rogers, Dieter R. Klopfenstein, 2000, Cell.

R. Fletterick, R. Vale, A. Hoenger, 1995, Nature.

R. Vale, Sabine Petry, 2011, Nature Cell Biology.

R. Vale, S. Reck-Peterson, Arne Gennerichc, 2012 .

M. P. Carson, R. Vale, M. Moynahan, 1982, Experimental cell research.

G. Goshima, R. Vale, F. Nédélec, 2005, The Journal of cell biology.

R. Vale, A. Weiss, Yuxiao Wang, 2019, The Journal of cell biology.

R. Vale, B. Govindan, 2000, Cell motility and the cytoskeleton.

Roger Cooke, Ronald D. Vale, Robert J. Fletterick, 1996, Nature.

J. Spudich, G. Goshima, R. Vale, 2010, Current Biology.

J. Spudich, G. Goshima, R. Vale, 2010 .

R. Vale, N. Stuurman, Stefan Niekamp, 2019, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

R. Vale, Dieter R. Klopfenstein, E. A. Holleran, 2004, Journal of Muscle Research & Cell Motility.

R. Vale, J. Wilhelm, R. S. Hegde, 2000, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

R J Fletterick, R. Fletterick, R. Vale, 1997, Annual review of cell and developmental biology.

Roger Cooke, Daniel Safer, Ronald D. Vale, 1999, Nature.

R. Vale, D. Billadeau, R. A. Schoon, 2015, The Journal of Immunology.

L. Goldstein, R. Vale, 1991, Nature.

Russell L. Malmberg, Karen R. Christie, Carolyn J. Lawrence, 2004, The Journal of cell biology.

Michael P. Sheetz, Ronald D. Vale, Thomas S. Reese, 1985, Cell.

Michael P. Sheetz, Ronald D. Vale, Thomas S. Reese, 1985, Cell.

Samara L. Reck-Peterson, Ronald D. Vale, Andrew P. Carter, 2007, Cell.

Samara L. Reck-Peterson, R. Vale, A. Carter, 2005, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Ronald D. Vale, R. Vale, Julia R Kardon, 2009, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

Nico Stuurman, Arthur Edelstein, Nenad Amodaj, 2010, Current protocols in molecular biology.

Henry Pinkard, Nico Stuurman, Nenad Amodaj, 2014, Journal of biological methods.

Robert D. Goldman, Ronald D. Vale, R. Vale, 1998, The Journal of cell biology.

R. Vale, 1990, Current opinion in cell biology.

Shawn M. Douglas, R. Germain, R. Vale, 2021, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

R. Vale, M. Headley, Edward W. Roberts, 2018, bioRxiv.

R. Vale, E. D. de Hostos, G. Mccaffrey, 1998, Molecular biology of the cell.

Ronald D. Vale, Robert J. Fletterick, R. Fletterick, 1996, Nature.

Ronald D. Vale, Hiroyuki Ohkura, R. Vale, 2005, The Journal of cell biology.

G. C. Rogers, R. Vale, S. Rogers, 2002, The Journal of cell biology.

Jason R. Swedlow, Ronald D. Vale, Ira Herskowitz, 1997, Nature.

Samara L. Reck-Peterson, William B. Redwine, R. Vale, 2018, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

Ronald D. Vale, R. Vale, 2000, The Journal of cell biology.

Samara L. Reck-Peterson, Ronald D. Vale, R. Vale, 2008, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Samara L. Reck-Peterson, R. Vale, S. Reck-Peterson, 2004, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

E. Shooter, R. Vale, M. Ignatius, 1985, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

Ronald D. Vale, Michael V. D’Ambrosio, Michael A. Simon, 2014, The Journal of cell biology.

R. Vale, G. Ou, Guangshuo Ou, 2009, The Journal of cell biology.

R. Vale, 2003, The Journal of cell biology.

Ronald D. Vale, Jack Taunton, Michael K. Rosen, 2016, Science.

Joseph L DeRisi, Kelly A Shepard, Ronald D Vale, 2005, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

R. Wollman, G. Goshima, J. Scholey, 2005, Current Biology.

R. Vale, N. Stuurman, M. Yaffe, 2003, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

E. Shooter, R. Vale, 1985, Methods in enzymology.

R. Vale, P. Takizawa, Peter A. Takizawa, 2000, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Ronald D Vale, R. Vale, 2014, Methods in enzymology.

Melissa C. Hendershott, Ronald D Vale, R. Vale, 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

S. Varambally, Jindan Yu, N. Palanisamy, 2008, Science.

Ronald D Vale, R. Vale, G. Woehlke, 1997, Cell.

J. Weissman, R. Vale, Noam Stern-Ginossar, 2015, eLife.

N. Zhang, R. Vale, N. Stuurman, 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

R. Vale, N. Zhang, N. Coudray, 2018, bioRxiv.

Ronald D. Vale, Robert J. Fletterick, R. Fletterick, 1998, Nature.

R. Vale, G. Johnson, Microtubules Bhabha, 2016 .

Gira Bhabha, Graham T Johnson, Ronald D Vale, 2016, Trends in biochemical sciences.

Arne Gennerich, Ronald D Vale, R. Vale, 2009, Current opinion in cell biology.

Ronald D. Vale, Ahmet Yildiz, Arne Gennerich, 2008, Cell.

Ronald D. Vale, Kurt S. Thorn, K. Thorn, 2000, The Journal of cell biology.

Ronald D. Vale, R. Vale, Dara S. Friedman, 1999, Nature Cell Biology.

R. Vale, Ronald D. Vale, 1996, The Journal of cell biology.

R. Vale, Sabine Petry, 2015, Nature Cell Biology.

Henry Pinkard, Nico Stuurman, Matthew F Krummel, 2016, Nature Methods.

P. Brown, J. Derisi, D. Herschlag, 2003, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Max A. Horlbeck, J. Weissman, R. Vale, 2020, bioRxiv.

Shawn M. Douglas, R. Vale, Meghan A. Morrissey, 2021, bioRxiv.

Karen Lipkow, Mark A DePristo, Ronald D Vale, 2009, Progress in biophysics and molecular biology.

Ronald D Vale, G. Goshima, R. Vale, 2005, Molecular biology of the cell.

G. Goshima, R. Vale, Gohta Goshima, 2003, The Journal of cell biology.

R. Vale, N. Stuurman, S. Rogers, 2003, The Journal of cell biology.

Nico Stuurman, Ronald D Vale, J. Spudich, 2005, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Ronald D. Vale, R. Vale, Daniel W. Pierce, 1998, The Journal of cell biology.

G. C. Rogers, Ronald D. Vale, Gregory C. Rogers, 2005, Nature Cell Biology.

G. C. Rogers, Tamara A. Schwimmer, J. Scholey, 2004, Nature.

R. Fletterick, R. Vale, E. Sablin, 2000, Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences.

Ronald D. Vale, R. Vale, Daniel W. Pierce, 1997, Nature.

Michael L. Dustin, Ronald D. Vale, R. Vale, 2009 .

D. Agard, R. Vale, N. Mahoney, 2008, Journal of Cell Science.

R. Vale, D. Pierce, D. W. Pierce, 1998, Methods in enzymology.

Rajat Varma, Ronald D Vale, R. Vale, 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Shawn M. Douglas, R. Vale, Meghan A. Morrissey, 2021, eLife.

R. Vale, L. Hsu, L. Hsu, 1997, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Ronald D Vale, R. Vale, M. Tomishige, 2002, Science.

Adam Douglass, Ronald D Vale, Jonathan S Weissman, 2004, PLoS biology.

G. Goshima, R. Vale, N. Stuurman, 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

C. Turck, R. Vale, T. Hazelrigg, 2000, The Journal of cell biology.

K. Garcia, R. Vale, E. Hui, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

I D Kuntz, I. Kuntz, R. Vale, 2000, Biochemistry.

M. Sheetz, R. Vale, A. Szent-Gyorgyi, 1984, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

R. Vale, F. Nédélec, Sabine Petry, 2011, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Nico Stuurman, Ronald D Vale, R. Vale, 2016, The Biological Bulletin.

E. Shooter, R. Vale, A. Sutter, 1983 .

Nico Stuurman, Ronald D Vale, R. Vale, 2006, Nature Structural &Molecular Biology.

R. Vale, Y. Toyoshima, T. Shimizu, 1993, Methods in cell biology.

Michael P. Sheetz, Ronald D. Vale, Jonathan M. Scholey, 1986 .

K. Kosik, R. Vale, A. Ferreira, 1992, The Journal of cell biology.

J. Spudich, R. Vale, J. Finer, 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

R. Vale, J. Wilhelm, 1996, Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms.

R. Vale, A. Gennerich, Nicholas F. Endres, 2006, The Journal of cell biology.

Ronald D. Vale, R. Vale, M. Tomishige, 2000, The Journal of cell biology.

R. Vale, 1992, Trends in biochemical sciences.

Ronald D Vale, R. Vale, A. Douglass, 2008, Methods in cell biology.

P. Linsley, R. Vale, M. Wrann, 1979, Journal of supramolecular structure.

R. Vale, S. Ribeiro, Michael V. D'Ambrosio, 2014, Molecular biology of the cell.

Ronald D. Vale, Ronald A. Milligan, R. Vale, 2006, Nature.

R. Vale, F. Malik, 1990, Nature.

Ronald D. Vale, R. Vale, S. Rice, 2000, Current Biology.

R. Vale, A. Otsuka, D. Pierce, 1999, Biochemistry.

Nico Stuurman, Ronald D Vale, R. Vale, 2016, Nature Methods.

Tim A. Hoek, R. Vale, Xiaowei Yan, 2016, Cell.

R. Vale, M. Headley, Edward W. Roberts, 2018, bioRxiv.

R. Vale, 1994, Cell.

R. Vale, R. Saunders, Colson Tomberlin, 2023, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

M. Sheetz, R. Vale, T. Schroer, 1986, Journal of Cell Science.

R. Vale, N. Coudray, G. Bhabha, 2020, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology.

R. Vale, A. Carter, C. Cho, 2011, Science.

M. DePristo, R. Vale, Karen Lipkow, 2009, Progress in biophysics and molecular biology.

Samara L. Reck-Peterson, R. Vale, Julia R Kardon, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

R. Vale, A. Douglass, Michael Loran Dustin, 2009 .

Nan Zhang, R. Vale, Yifan Cheng, 2014, Cell.