J. Brokel


M. Ward, D. Wakefield, J. Halbesleben, 2007, Medical care.

Jane M. Brokel, J. Brokel, M. Harrison, 2009, Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety.

Jane M. Brokel, M. Ward, D. Wakefield, 2011, Computers, informatics, nursing : CIN.

Jane M. Brokel, Donald K. Crandall, M. Ward, 2009, Health information management : journal of the Health Information Management Association of Australia.

M. Ward, D. Wakefield, J. Brokel, 2010, American journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

Jane M. Brokel, J. Brokel, L. Simon, 1997, Geriatric nursing.

Jane M. Brokel, Donald K. Crandall, M. Ward, 2009, Quality & Safety in Health Care.

Marisa L. Wilson, Tera J. Watkins, J. Brokel, 2009, Urologic nursing.