S. Suter


S. Suter, M. Berner, E. Girardin, 1989, European Journal of Pediatrics.

R. Auckenthaler, S. Suter, A. Gervaix, 1999, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

S. Suter, Susanne Suter, 1994, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.

S. Suter, U. Schaad, J. Morgenthaler, 1988, The Journal of infectious diseases.

S. Suter, A. Gervaix, R. Thompson, 1992, The European respiratory journal.

S. Suter, T. Rochat, C. Barazzone, 1993, European Journal of Pediatrics.

S. Suter, M. Chanson, J. Lacroix, 2006, American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology.

S. Gallati, S. Suter, J. Sanz, 2007, Differentiation; research in biological diversity.

S. Suter, A. Gervaix, 1991, The Pediatric infectious disease journal.

S. Suter, T. Rochat, D. Belli, 1998, The Journal of infectious diseases.

R. Auckenthaler, S. Suter, T. Rochat, 1996, The European respiratory journal.

S. Suter, A. Gervaix, E. Jaeggi, 2000, The New England journal of medicine.

S. Suter, D. Jefferson, C. Ruef, 1993, The European respiratory journal.

S. Suter, F. Waldvogel, L. Roux, 1981, The Journal of infectious diseases.

R. Auckenthaler, S. Suter, A. Gianella-Borradori, 1990, The New England journal of medicine.

S. Suter, B. Hirschel, C. Siegrist, 1993, The New England journal of medicine.

R. Auckenthaler, S. Suter, A. Beutler, 1991, European Journal of Pediatrics.

S. Suter, M. Berner, E. Girardin, 1990, European Journal of Pediatrics.

S. Suter, I. Chevallier, 1988, Biological chemistry Hoppe-Seyler.

S. Suter, K. Posfay-Barbe, J. Fluss, 2002, Journal of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus.

S. Suter, U. Nydegger, 1984, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

S. Suter, D. Schranz, S. Fanconi, 1990, European Journal of Pediatrics.

S. Suter, H. Gnehm, L. Roux, 1986, Helvetica paediatrica acta.

S. Suter, A. Gervaix, C. Haenggeli, 1993, European Journal of Pediatrics.

S. Suter, H. Vienny, M. Lacour, 1993, European Journal of Pediatrics.

S. Suter, J. Vassalli, P. Lambert, 1983, Clinical and experimental immunology.

S. Suter, M. Chanson, I. Scerri, 1999, The Journal of clinical investigation.

K. Willecke, P. Meda, S. Suter, 1998, The Journal of cell biology.

S. Suter, A. Zwahlen, F. Waldvogel, 1982, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

P. Meda, H. Jongsma, S. Suter, 1999, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

S. Suter, P. Suter, A. Forster, 1985, Bulletin europeen de physiopathologie respiratoire.

J. Trosko, S. Suter, M. H. El-Fouly, 1987, Fundamental and applied toxicology : official journal of the Society of Toxicology.

S. Suter, A. Osterhaus, P. Jeannet, 1997, Archives of disease in childhood.

K. Willecke, P. Meda, S. Suter, 1998, The Journal of cell biology.