R. Street


Richard L Street, R. Street, C. Teal, 2009, Social science & medicine.

Robert A. Bell, Richard L. Kravitz, Paul Haidet, 2003, Journal of General Internal Medicine.

R. Epstein, R. Street, 2011, The Annals of Family Medicine.

R. Street, Rick L Street, 1992, Social science & medicine.

R. Street, B. Millay, Brad Millay, 2001, Health communication.

Sarah M. Greene, Gwen L. Alexander, T. Gallagher, 2013, Psycho-oncology.

Mark T. Gabuzda, Steven R. Rick, Yunan Chen, 2014, Patient education and counseling.

R. Street, B. Voigt, Rick L Street, 1997, Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making.

Mark T. Gabuzda, Steven R. Rick, Yunan Chen, 2018, Journal of General Internal Medicine.

R. Street, Qiwei L. Wu, Q. Wu, 2020, Journal of health communication.

Richard L Street, R. Street, E. Applegate, 2010, Annals of emergency medicine.

R. Epstein, G. Elwyn, R. Street, 2012, Expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research.

Richard L Street, R. Street, H. Gordon, 2006, Patient education and counseling.

Richard L Street, R. Street, 2007, Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making.

Janice L. Krieger, R. Street, B. Hesse, 2017, Journal of health communication.

Kristina M. Niehoff, R. Street, M. Goldstein, 2017, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

A. Wu, R. Street, H. Thimbleby, 2017, Journal of health organization and management.

R. Kravitz, A. Jerant, R. Street, 2012, Journal of pain and symptom management.

Hardeep Singh, Richard L Street, Hardeep Singh, 2011, The American journal of managed care.

R. Epstein, P. Butow, R. Street, 2009, Patient education and counseling.

R. Street, Erica C. Spears, K. Mazor, 2018, Psycho-oncology.

Hardeep Singh, R. Street, K. Mazor, 2015, Patient experience journal.

Ashley N. D. Meyer, Hardeep Singh, R. Street, 2019, International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care.

R. Street, 2021, Patient education and counseling.

R. Street, C. Skinner, S. C. Lee, 2016, Patient education and counseling.

R. Street, E. Fortune, E. Kranzler, 2022, Journal of patient experience.

R. Street, S. Persky, 2015, Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

A. Finset, R. Street, 2022, Patient education and counseling.

R. Street, 2022, Patient Education and Counseling.

Nadir Weibel, Jing Zhang, Kai Zheng, 2015, AMIA.

Nadir Weibel, Jing Zhang, Kai Zheng, 2015, American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium.

R. Street, J. Freytag, Kellie W. Smith, 2020 .

Richard L. Street, R. Street, V. Piziak, 2001 .

R. Street, B. Germino, T. McCoy, 2013, Journal of best practices in health professions diversity : research, education and policy.

B. F. Sharf, P. Haidet, K. O'malley, 2005, International journal of psychiatry in medicine.

R. Street, T. Fried, A. Cohen, 2020, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

D. Parsons, A. McGuire, R. Street, 2021, Journal of personalized medicine.

H. Eide, R. Street, P. Gulbrandsen, 2021, Journal of General Internal Medicine.

B. Reeve, R. Street, M. Ashok, 2018, Patient education and counseling.

Ashley N. D. Meyer, Hardeep Singh, R. Street, 2018, International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care.

R. Street, 2016, Patient education and counseling.

M. Suarez‐Almazor, R. Street, Heather Y. Lin, 2015, Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseases.

R. Street, M. Wirtz, H. Pfaff, 2015, Supportive Care in Cancer.

R. Kravitz, R. Street, D. Dean, 2014, Psycho-Oncology.

R. Street, H. El‐Serag, A. Naik, 2014, Digestive Diseases and Sciences.

R. Street, A. Naik, J. Arney, 2013, Patient preference and adherence.

M. Suarez‐Almazor, R. Street, M. Kallen, 2012, Patient education and counseling.

Richard L Street, R. Street, N. Abraham, 2011, Patient education and counseling.

Richard L. Street, R. Epstein, R. Street, 2011, The Annals of Family Medicine.

Richard L Street, Paul Haidet, M. Suarez‐Almazor, 2011, Archives of internal medicine.

Paul Haidet, P. Haidet, R. Street, 2011, Journal of general internal medicine.

P. A. Kelly, B. F. Sharf, R. Street, 2006, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Richard L Street, Michael M Ward, Debra Lotstein, 2003, Arthritis and rheumatism.

R. Street, V. Piziak, R L Street, 1993, Diabetes Care.

Laura A. Petersen, Debora A. Paterniti, Paul Haidet, 2003, Journal of General Internal Medicine.

A. Finset, P. Butow, R. Street, 2020, Patient Education and Counseling.

Richard L Street, Paul Haidet, Tracie C Collins, 2003, Journal of general internal medicine.

R. Street, J. Bolin, M. Tai-Seale, 2011, European journal of pain.

Richard L Street, Barbara F Sharf, B. F. Sharf, 2006, Cancer.

Terri R. Fried, Richard L. Street, Liana Fraenkel, 2011, BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak..

R. Street, N. Abraham, A. Naik, 2012, Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association.

R. Street, R. Bramson, T. Manning, 1998, Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education.

Michael R. Kauth, R. Street, M. Sherman, 2014, Psychological services.

E. Peters, L. Fraenkel, R. Street, 2018, Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making.

Richard L Street, Ellen Peters, Liana Fraenkel, 2017, Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making.

R. Street, D. Barnes, R. Sudore, 2020, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Richard L Street, Phyllis N Butow, Mary Catherine Beach, 2017, JAMA internal medicine.

R. Epstein, R. Street, R. Volk, 2019, Journal of geriatric oncology.

P. Haidet, R. Street, C. Teal, 2017, Healthcare.

Eric Nadler, Richard L Street, Douglas J. Rupert, 2011, Social science & medicine.

Richard L Street, Mary C Politi, R. Street, 2011, Journal of evaluation in clinical practice.

Richard L Street, L. Wigfall, R. Street, 2018, Journal of medical Internet research.

Richard L. Street, Ernest T. Goetz, Timothy Manning, 2000, Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw..

France Légaré, Jennifer Kryworuchko, Jeff Belkora, 2013, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.

Hardeep Singh, Richard L Street, Hardeep Singh, 2009, Journal of medical Internet research.

Richard L Street, M. Suarez‐Almazor, R. Street, 2008, Arthritis and rheumatism.

Richard L. Street, William R. Gold, Timothy R. Manning, 1997 .

Richard L. Street, R. Street, Thomas L. Murphy, 1987 .

R. Street, H. Gordon, 2008, Psycho-oncology.

Richard L Street, Kimberly J O'Malley, Paul Haidet, 2008, Patient education and counseling.

Valerie M. Sue, R. Street, K. Mazor, 2016, Patient education and counseling.

Richard L Street, Kimberly J O'Malley, Paul Haidet, 2004, Patient education and counseling.

R. Street, A. Naik, J. Moye, 2014, Journal of psychosocial oncology.

Jeffrey D. Robinson, R. Street, D. Hoover, 2013, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

R. Street, A. Naik, J. Arney, 2014, Evaluation & the health professions.

R. Street, H. El‐Serag, A. Naik, 2013, Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus.

R. Street, T. Fried, A. Cohen, 2020, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Yunan Chen, Zia Agha, Richard L Street, 2015, The Journal of family practice.

R. Street, J. Petrocelli, K. Mazor, 2020, Journal of patient experience.

Nadir Weibel, Charlene R. Weir, Yunan Chen, 2017, J. Biomed. Informatics.

R. Street, 2023, Patient education and counseling.

R. Epstein, R. Street, G. Makoul, 2009, Patient education and counseling.

R. Epstein, R. Street, 2011, The Annals of Family Medicine.

B. F. Sharf, R. Street, N. Abraham, 2010, Qualitative health research.

M. Suarez‐Almazor, P. Haidet, R. Street, 2011, Archives of internal medicine.

L. Fraenkel, R. Street, T. Fried, 2011, BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak..

R. Kravitz, R. Street, D. Dean, 2014, Psycho-oncology.

M. Suarez‐Almazor, R. Street, M. Kallen, 2012, Patient education and counseling.