J. Dear


Miltiadis Kourmpetis, Amit Puri, John P. Dear, 2007 .

J. Dear, P. Hooper, R. Sukhram, 2012 .

S. John, J. Dear, Z. Guan, 2018, Journal of Materials Science.

J. Dear, X. Zhang, M. Charalambides, 2019, Aerospace Science and Technology.

John E. Field, J. Field, J. Dear, 1985, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

John E. Field, J. P. Dear, J. Field, 1988, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

Claire E. J. Cheetham, A. Lowe, J. Dear, 2014, Cerebral cortex.

J. Dear, P. Hooper, G. Aldrich-Smith, 2020, Experimental Mechanics.

J. Dear, Zhusheng Shi, K. Nikbin, 2020, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology.

J. Dear, J. Millett, P. Hooper, 2019, Materials Science and Engineering: A.

J. Dear, Zerong Ding, Hongyan Wang, 2022, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture.

J. Dear, X. Kong, A. Kinloch, 2020, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture.

J. Dear, P. Hooper, M. Kelly, 2015, Experimental Mechanics.

J. Dear, I. Mohagheghian, Yue Yan, 2018, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids.

J. Dear, A. Fergusson, P. Hooper, 2014, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

J. Dear, A. Fergusson, D. Carolan, 2022, Composites Part B: Engineering.

J. Dear, A. Fergusson, D. Carolan, 2022, Polymer.

J. Dear, P. Hooper, C. Kaboglu, 2018, Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials.

J. Dear, C. Maharaj, L. Salles, 2022, Composites Science and Technology.

S. G. Goveas, J. M. Huntley, I. Hutchings, 2021, Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials.

Andy Morris, John P. Dear, Chris Maharaj, 2012 .

J. Dear, P. Hooper, Y. Wang, 2016, Experimental Mechanics.

John P. Dear, Bamber R.K. Blackman, Paul A. Hooper, 2012, Journal of Materials Science.

J. Dear, A. Kinloch, M. Charalambides, 2018, International Journal of Impact Engineering.

J. Dear, I. Mohagheghian, Yue Yan, 2017, Journal of Materials Science.

J. Dear, P. Hooper, B. Blackman, 2019, Engineering Fracture Mechanics.

J. Dear, E. Rolfe, H. Arora, 2020, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture.

J. Dear, P. Hooper, G. Aldrich-Smith, 2016 .

John E. Field, J. P. Dear, J. Field, 1989 .

J. Dear, J. MacGillivray, 1991, Journal of Materials Science.

J. Dear, A. Fergusson, D. Carolan, 2020 .

J. Dear, P. Hooper, C. Kaboglu, 2018, Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design.

J. Dear, P. Hooper, C. Kaboglu, 2018, Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design.

J. Dear, P. Hooper, E. Rolfe, 2017 .

Hari Arora, John P. Dear, Mark Kelly, 2016 .

John P. Dear, Catrin M. Davies, J. Dear, 2018, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture.

John P. Dear, Catrin M. Davies, J. Dear, 2018, Journal of Manufacturing Processes.

R. A. Brooks, J. Dear, A. Kinloch, 2022, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.

J. Dear, A. Fergusson, D. Carolan, 2023, Composite Structures.

John P. Dear, J. Dear, Samuel A. Brown, 2003 .

J. Dear, I. Mohagheghian, C. Kaboglu, 2017 .

J. Dear, Z. Shi, J. Lin, 2022, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.

Jianguo Lin, John P. Dear, Catrin M. Davies, 2013 .

J. Dear, P. Hooper, Z. Li, 2018, Additive Manufacturing.

J. Dear, Shuming Yang, Haibao Liu, 2021, Measurement Science and Technology.

Theofano Eftaxiopoulou, Chinmay M Gupte, John P Dear, 2013, Journal of sports sciences.