Alex Settle


Vijay Janapa Reddi, Robert S. Cohn, Alex Settle, 2004, WCAE '04.

Dirk Grunwald, Tipp Moseley, Vijay Janapa Reddi, 2005, CF '05.

Antonio González, Enric Gibert, Alex Settle, 2006, J. Embed. Comput..

Alex Settle, Daniel A. Connors, Gerolf Hoflehner Dan Lavery, 2003 .

Daniel M. Lavery, Alex Settle, Daniel A. Connors, 2003, International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, 2003. CGO 2003..

Alex Settle, Daniel A. Connors, Gerolf Hoflehner Dan Lavery, 2004 .

Daniel M. Lavery, Alex Settle, Daniel A. Connors, 2003, CGO.

Alex Settle, Daniel A. Connors, Joshua L. Kihm, 2005, J. Instr. Level Parallelism.

Alex Settle, Daniel A. Connors, Ian Bratt, 2003, Seventh Workshop on Interaction Between Compilers and Computer Architectures, 2003. INTERACT-7 2003. Proceedings..

Alex Settle, Daniel A. Connors, Joshua L. Kihm, 2004, IEEE PACT.