E. Elattar


Ehab E. Elattar, T. A. Farrag, Tamer Ahmed Farrag, 2021, IEEE Access.

Ragab A. El-Sehiemy, Ehab E. Elattar, Abdullah M. Shaheen, 2021, IEEE Access.

E. Elattar, A. Shaheen, R. El-Sehiemy, 2022, Energy Science & Engineering.

Ragab A. El-Seheimy, E. Elattar, A. Shaheen, 2022, Ain Shams Engineering Journal.

E. Elattar, A. Shaheen, R. El-Sehiemy, 2021, Energy Reports.

E. Elattar, A. Shaheen, R. El-Sehiemy, 2022, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems.

Ibrahim B. M. Taha, E. Elattar, N. Sabiha, 2020, Applied Intelligence.

Ehab E. Elattar, E. Elattar, 2011, 2011 2nd IEEE PES International Conference and Exhibition on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies.

Q. Henry Wu, Ehab E. Elattar, John Yannis Goulermas, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews).

E. Elattar, A. Shaheen, R. El-Sehiemy, 2020, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution.

Abdullah M. Elsayed, E. Elattar, A. Shaheen, 2022, IEEE Systems Journal.

Abdullah M. Elsayed, E. Elattar, A. Shaheen, 2021, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems.

Ragab A. El-Sehiemy, Ehab E. Elattar, Abdullah M. Shaheen, 2021, IEEE Access.

Ragab A. El-Sehiemy, Ehab E. Elattar, Abdullah M. Shaheen, 2021 .

Ragab A. El-Sehiemy, Ehab E. Elattar, Abdullah M. Shaheen, 2020, IEEE Access.

Ehab E. Elattar, Nehmdoh A. Sabiha, Ibrahim B. M. Taha, 2020, Applied Intelligence.

Ragab A. El-Sehiemy, Ehab E. Elattar, Abdullah M. Shaheen, 2021, IEEE Access.

Nagy I. Elkalashy, Ehab E. Elattar, Nehmdoh A. Sabiha, 2021 .

Ehab E. Elattar, Salah K. Elsayed, E. Elattar, 2021, Sustainability.

Y. S. Hamed, D. O’Regan, E. Elattar, 2022, Mathematical biosciences and engineering : MBE.

Q. Henry Wu, Ehab E. Elattar, John Yannis Goulermas, 2012, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews).

E. Elattar, Salah Kamel, Oluwatayomi Rereloluwa Adegboye, 2024, IEEE Access.