A. Vandaele


David John Lary, A. Vandaele, G. Hartmann, 2005 .

V. M. Devi, H. Müller, Li-Hong Xu, 2011 .

J. Worden, D. Oehler, B. Ehlmann, 2018, Astrobiology.

J. Worden, D. Oehler, B. Ehlmann, 2018, Astrobiology.

A. Vandaele, C. Hermans, M. Carleer, 1999, Environmental science and pollution research international.

F. Daerden, P. Coheur, A. Vandaele, 2018, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.

T. Encrenaz, M. Wolff, A. Vandaele, 2015, 1510.04619.

Franklin P. Mills, Ann Carine Vandaele, Emmanuel Marcq, 2014, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Planetary Science.

Anna Fedorova, Oleg Korablev, Franck Lefèvre, 2011 .

Ann Carine Vandaele, Christian Hermans, Michel Carleer, 2003 .

P. Bernath, J. Tennyson, A. Vandaele, 2000 .

A. Vandaele, I. Thomas, J. Bertaux, 2016 .

C. Clerbaux, P. Coheur, J. Hadji-Lazaro, 2005 .

F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, Michael D. Smith, 2021, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

F. Daerden, M. Wolff, A. Vandaele, 2021, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

F. Daerden, R. Clancy, A. Vandaele, 2019, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

A. Vandaele, C. Hermans, M. Carleer, 1999 .

Joe Zender, Jon Mason, Eddy Neefs, 2019, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology.

C. Clerbaux, P. Coheur, A. Vandaele, 2003 .

A. Vandaele, E. Javaux, V. Dehant, 2013, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres.

A. Vandaele, N. Kumps, M. Mazière, 2017 .

L. Bruzzone, P. Mason, A. Vandaele, 2017, 1703.09010.

David John Lary, A. Vandaele, J. Orlando, 2020, Journal of quantitative spectroscopy & radiative transfer.

Manish R. Patel, F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, 2020, Icarus.

Manish R. Patel, F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, 2022, Geophysical Research Letters.

T. Encrenaz, M. Wolff, A. Vandaele, 2015, 1510.04619.

F. G. Carrozzo, F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, 2022, Journal of geophysical research. Planets.

F. Daerden, R. Clancy, A. Vandaele, 2022, Journal of geophysical research. Planets.

F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, G. Bellucci, 2021, Planetary and Space Science.

F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, F. Lefévre, 2017 .

Manish R. Patel, A. Vandaele, S. Lewis, 2014 .

Manish R. Patel, F. Daerden, G. Sellers, 2021, Journal of geophysical research. Planets.

F. Daerden, P. Coheur, A. Vandaele, 2020 .

F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, G. Bellucci, 2022, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

Manish R. Patel, F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, 2021, Geophysical Research Letters.

Manish R. Patel, F. Daerden, G. Sellers, 2018 .

Manish R. Patel, F. Daerden, B. Funke, 2018 .

A. Vandaele, S. Lewis, A. Fedorova, 2022, Journal of geophysical research. Planets.

A. Vandaele, J. Bertaux, A. Mahieux, 2011 .

Jonathan Tennyson, Laurence S. Rothman, Olga V. Naumenko, 2014 .

Frédéric Schmidt, Ian Thomas, Bojan Ristic, 2020, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.

P. Bernath, A. Vandaele, C. Hermans, 1998 .

P. Fernique, J. Desmars, M. Gangloff, 2016, 1705.09727.

Manish R. Patel, F. Daerden, F. Schmidt, 2021, Geophysical Research Letters.

Ian Thomas, Eddy Neefs, Bojan Ristic, 2016 .

A. Vandaele, M. Carleer, R. Colin, 2002, Environmental pollution.

Ann Carine Vandaele, Christian Hermans, Sophie Fally, 2009 .

Christian Hermans, Michel Carleer, A. C. Vandaele, 2001, Journal of molecular spectroscopy.

Manish R. Patel, F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, 2021, Science Advances.

Ann Carine Vandaele, Christian Hermans, Michel Carleer, 2002 .

A. Vandaele, E. Javaux, V. Dehant, 2012 .

Jonathan Tennyson, Olga V. Naumenko, Ann Carine Vandaele, 2005 .

Mark Leese, Eddy Neefs, Bojan Ristic, 2015, Optics express.

T. Encrenaz, J. Amiaux, J. Beaulieu, 2021, 2104.04824.

Manish R. Patel, F. Daerden, F. Lefévre, 2021, Nature Astronomy.

A. Vandaele, F. Leblanc, A. Spiga, 2022, Earth, Planets and Space.

R. Clancy, A. Vandaele, D. Kass, 2021, Planetary and Space Science.

F. Daerden, R. Clancy, A. Vandaele, 2021, Geophysical Research Letters.

F. Daerden, R. Clancy, A. Vandaele, 2019, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

Oleg Korablev, Eddy Neefs, Sophie Berkenbosch, 2019, Nature.

Ann Carine Vandaele, Vladimir G. Tyuterev, Michel Carleer, 2007 .

M. Gurwell, A. Vandaele, G. Liuzzi, 2020, Nature Astronomy.

Nuno Pereira, François Poulet, Özgür Karatekin, 2020, Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

Manish R. Patel, F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, 2021, Science Advances.

Manish R. Patel, R. Clancy, A. Vandaele, 2018, Space Science Reviews.

Michel Kruglanski, Ann Carine Vandaele, Martine De Mazière, 2006 .

F. Daerden, U. Grabowski, A. Vandaele, 2022, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

Manish R. Patel, F. Daerden, U. Grabowski, 2022, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

F. Daerden, B. Cantor, R. Clancy, 2022, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

Francesca Bovolo, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Bruce A. Campbell, 2020 .

A. Vandaele, N. Iwagami, A. Mahieux, 2019, Earth, Planets and Space.

G. Naletto, P. Eccleston, E. Pascale, 2017, Advances in Space Research.

P. Bernath, L. Brown, J. Hodges, 2014 .

A. Vandaele, F. Mills, E. Marcq, 2017, Space Science Reviews.

F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, G. Bellucci, 2023, The Planetary Science Journal.

Manish R. Patel, F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, 2019, Nature.

Eddy Neefs, Sophie Berkenbosch, Roland Clairquin, 2013, Optics express.

Eric Villard, Anna Fedorova, Oleg Korablev, 2008, Applied optics.

A. Vandaele, I. Thomas, N. Schneider, 2023, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, M. Leese, 2022, Planetary and Space Science.

A. Vandaele, F. Montmessin, A. Mahieux, 2008 .

Manish R. Patel, F. Daerden, U. Grabowski, 2023, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

A. Vandaele, S. Lewis, M. Patel, 2022, Journal of geophysical research. Planets.

F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, G. Bellucci, 2021, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

M. Gurwell, A. Vandaele, G. Liuzzi, 2020 .

F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, G. Bellucci, 2021, Planetary and Space Science.

Marco Giuranna, Ann Carine Vandaele, Mark E. McKelvey, 2018 .

Nuno Pereira, Yves Langevin, François Poulet, 2020, Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

I. R. Thomas, E. Neefs, G. Peter, 2019, Optical Engineering + Applications.

Ann Carine Vandaele, Christian Hermans, Michel Carleer, 2003 .

T. K. Sklyadneva, G. N. Tolmachev, J. A. Beukes, 1998, Environmental science and pollution research international.

Christian Hermans, Reginald Colin, Sophie Fally, 1998, Remote Sensing.

F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, G. Bellucci, 2023, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

F. Daerden, P. Coheur, A. Vandaele, 2021, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

F. G. Carrozzo, F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, 2024, Nature Geoscience.

A. Vandaele, R. Kataoka, Y. Willame, 2023, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics.

A. Vandaele, I. Thomas, J. Bertaux, 2015 .

Jonathan Tennyson, B. A. Voronin, Olga V. Naumenko, 2007 .