D. Gallahan


Laura M. Heiser, Suleiman A. Khan, Nicholas J. Wang, 2014, Nature Biotechnology.

Olaf Wolkenhauer, Nils Blüthgen, Charles Auffray, 2010, Cancer research.

Daniel Gallahan, Andrew J Gentles, A. Gentles, 2011, Cancer research.

R. Gatenby, C. Curtis, D. Gallahan, 2020, Nature Genetics.

G. Merlo, F. Diella, D. Gallahan, 1993, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

D. Gallahan, M. Potter, R. Callahan, 1982, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

L. Hennighausen, D. Gallahan, G. Robinson, 1996, Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists.

Yang Xie, Guanghua Xiao, Julio Saez-Rodriguez, 2014, Nature Biotechnology.

J. Sundberg, D. Gallahan, R. Callahan, 2000, Genes & development.

F. Diella, D. Gallahan, G. Merlino, 1995, Cell growth & differentiation : the molecular biology journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Olaf Wolkenhauer, Blaz Zupan, Ravi Iyengar, 2009, Molecular oncology.

Claire J. Tomlin, Alexander R. A. Anderson, C. Tomlin, 2013, Interface Focus.

D. Gallahan, C. Kozak, R. Callahan, 1987, Journal of virology.

D. Gallahan, M. Potter, R. Callahan, 1986, Current topics in microbiology and immunology.

D. Gallahan, R. Callahan, C. Escot, 1986, Current topics in microbiology and immunology.

D. Gallahan, R. Callahan, J. Robbins, 1985, Current topics in microbiology and immunology.

D. Gallahan, M. Potter, J. Hartley, 1984, The Journal of experimental medicine.

G. Merlo, D. Gallahan, R. Lidereau, 1992, Progress in clinical and biological research.

Eric Jakobsson, Daniel Gallahan, Grace C Y Peng, 2005, Trends in biotechnology.

Mariano J. Alvarez, Laura M. Heiser, A. Califano, 2014, Nature Biotechnology.