Z. V. Shevtsova


D. O’Connor, J. Rogers, J. Kuhn, 2015, Archives of Virology.

Z. V. Shevtsova, B. Lapin, 1971, Zeitschrift fur Versuchstierkunde.

Z. V. Shevtsova, 1969, Voprosy virusologii.

Z. V. Shevtsova, B. Lapin, 1996, Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine.

N. V. Doroshenko, Z. V. Shevtsova, B. Lapin, 1988, Journal of medical primatology.

Z. V. Shevtsova, E. G. Belova, R. I. Krylova, 1991, Arkhiv patologii.

Z. V. Shevtsova, B. Lapin, 2018, Journal of medical primatology.

Z. V. Shevtsova, B. Lapin, 1990, Experimental pathology.

Z. V. Shevtsova, A. Medkova, E. G. Semin, 2020, Journal of microbiology, epidemiology and immunobiology.

Z. V. Shevtsova, V. Uvarova, R. I. Krylova, 1976 .

N. V. Doroshenko, Z. V. Shevtsova, B. Lapin, 1990, Biulleten' eksperimental'noi biologii i meditsiny.

N. V. Doroshenko, Z. V. Shevtsova, G. Zairov, 1989, Voprosy virusologii.

Z. V. Shevtsova, R. I. Krylova, 1971, Voprosy virusologii.

Z. V. Shevtsova, A. Medkova, E. G. Semin, 2016, Russian Journal of Genetics.

Z. V. Shevtsova, R. I. Krylova, N. A. Voskanyan, 1977, Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine.