V. Poggi


Stefano Parolai, Valerio Poggi, Paolo Comelli, 2021 .

Jeffrey R. Moore, D. Fäh, Gabriela Gassner-Stamm, 2010 .

G. Weatherill, D. Viganò, M. Pagani, 2020 .

L. Danciu, D. Fäh, V. Poggi, 2018, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.

S. Barani, V. Poggi, D. Albarello, 2019, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.

M. Pagani, V. Poggi, J. García-Pelaez, 2020, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.

B. Edwards, V. Poggi, James Holt, 2019, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.

Donat Fäh, Cécile Cornou, Valerio Poggi, 2009 .

M. K. Kelesoglu, V. Poggi, A. G. Özcebe, 2020, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.

Dario Albarello, Fabrice Hollender, Sebastiano Foti, 2018, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.

Valerio Poggi, Marco Pagani, Graeme Weatherill, 2017, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.