A. Groisman


W. Rappel, H. Levine, W. Loomis, 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Y. Fainman, A. Groisman, S. Zamek, 2008 .

Mark E. Polinkovsky, A. Groisman, M. Adler, 2010, Lab on a chip.

H. El-Samad, H. Bourne, A. Groisman, 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

A. Groisman, V. Steinberg, 2000, Nature.

Pablo A. Iglesias, Alex Groisman, Andre Levchenko, 2007, Nature.

Alex Groisman, Andre Levchenko, Yann S. Dufour, 2005, Nature Methods.

Terence Hwa, Rutger Hermsen, Zhongge Zhang, 2013, Science.

N. Wingreen, W. Ryu, A. Groisman, 2017, eLife.

Erin L. Barnhart, A. Mogilner, J. Theriot, 2020, Cell systems.

A. Groisman, E. Gutierrez, M. Ginsberg, 2008, Lab on a chip.

A. Groisman, N. Prévost, R. Litvinov, 2010, Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH.

S. Quake, A. Groisman, M. Enzelberger, 2003, Science.

Victor Steinberg, Alex Groisman, A. Groisman, 2004, nlin/0401006.

P. Schultz, E. Brustad, V. Vandelinder, 2009, Journal of the American Chemical Society.

David Kleinfeld, Alex Groisman, Kyle Campbell, 2005 .

A. Levchenko, A. Groisman, E. K. Chu, 2018, Nature Communications.

Y. Fainman, A. Groisman, S. Zamek, 2008 .

A. Groisman, P. Davies, R. Drori, 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Mark E. Polinkovsky, A. Groisman, A. Deniz, 2014, Nature Communications.

Sameer B. Shah, A. Groisman, E. Gutierrez, 2015, Experimental Neurology.

Gürol M. Süel, J. García-Ojalvo, A. Groisman, 2022, Cell systems.

Alex Groisman, Stephen R Quake, S. Quake, 2004, Physical review letters.

A. Groisman, D. Rinberg, C. Simonnet, 2005, physics/0502080.

A. Groisman, V. Steinberg, A. Groisman, 2000, Nature.

W. Rappel, W. Loomis, A. Groisman, 2012, PloS one.

Eva-Maria S. Collins, P. Diamond, A. Groisman, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

A. Groisman, V. Steinberg, 2000, Physical review letters.

G. Danuser, A. Groisman, O. Pertz, 2011, Nature Cell Biology.

A. Groisman, V. Weaver, E. Gutierrez, 2016, Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro.

John T. Sauls, T. Hwa, A. Groisman, 2016, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

A. Groisman, E. McGhee, K. Anderson, 2016, The Journal of cell biology.

Gaudenz Danuser, Alex Groisman, Sangyoon J. Han, 2015, Nature Methods.

A. Groisman, E. Tkachenko, E. Gutierrez, 2016, Scientific Reports.

Alex Groisman, A. Groisman, Claire Simonnet, 2006, Analytical chemistry.

A. Groisman, J. Pachter, Penghua Wang, 2021, Journal of leukocyte biology.

David Kleinfeld, Alex Groisman, Zvi Kam, 2005 .

Victor Steinberg, Alex Groisman, Enrico Segre, 2003, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

Alex Groisman, Wouter-Jan Rappel, Herbert Levine, 2012, Science Signaling.

K. Oegema, E. Zanin, A. Desai, 2011, PloS one.

A. Levchenko, A. Groisman, E. K. Chu, 2018, Nature Communications.

Henrik Jönsson, Alex Groisman, Andre Levchenko, 2007, PLoS biology.

Terence Hwa, Minsu Kim, Zhongge Zhang, 2012, Molecular systems biology.

A. Groisman, Jin Zhang, C. Lim, 2008, Molecular biology of the cell.

B. Engelhardt, K. Ley, A. Groisman, 2016, Nature Communications.

K. Ley, A. Groisman, E. Gutierrez, 2012, Nature.

A. Burlingame, S. Mooney, Victoria J. Butler, 2018, Human molecular genetics.

Sang Joon Ahn, G. Voth, A. Groisman, 2021, Biophysical journal.

A. Groisman, M. A. Kanibolotskii, G. Babe, 1973 .

Y. Fainman, Lin Pang, S. Zamek, 2008, 2008 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2008 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science.

Alex Groisman, Wouter-Jan Rappel, Herbert Levine, 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Semion K. Saikin, Alex Groisman, Edgar Gutierrez, 2013, Biology Open.

K. Ley, A. Groisman, M. Adler, 2016, The Journal of Immunology.

Yeshaiahu Fainman, Alex Groisman, Shayan Mookherjea, 2006 .

A. Groisman, I. Rehberg, T. Mahr, 1996, patt-sol/9604005.

Alex Groisman, Yann Gambin, Allan Chris M. Ferreon, 2011, Nature Methods.

Erin L. Barnhart, J. Theriot, A. Groisman, 2018, bioRxiv.

W. Rappel, Yuansheng Cao, Elisabeth Ghabache, 2021, Molecular systems biology.

Brian A. Camley, W. Rappel, Yuansheng Cao, 2018, Soft matter.

Sameer B. Shah, L. Goldstein, A. Groisman, 2021, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

Sangyoon J. Han, G. Danuser, T. Mitchison, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Alex Groisman, Edgar Gutierrez, A. Groisman, 2009, Lab on a chip.

Erin L. Barnhart, A. Mogilner, J. Theriot, 2020, bioRxiv.

Monica L. Skoge, W. Rappel, H. Levine, 2010, Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro.

Elena F. Koslover, J. Theriot, A. Groisman, 2021, Biophysical journal.

A. Groisman, M. Adler, E. Gutierrez, 2012, Lab on a chip.

Yeshaiahu Fainman, Lin Pang, Alex Groisman, 2005, Optics express.

Demetri Psaltis, Yeshaiahu Fainman, Lin Pang, 2004 .

Alex Groisman, Sreekanth H. Chalasani, Sreekanth H Chalasani, 2015, Lab on a chip.

Andre Levchenko, Alex Groisman, Eric K. Chu, 2019, bioRxiv.

Sreekanth H. Chalasani, Javier J. How, A. Groisman, 2019, bioRxiv.

Greg M. Allen, J. Theriot, A. Groisman, 2018, bioRxiv.

Brian A. Camley, W. Rappel, Yuansheng Cao, 2018, Soft matter.

N. Wingreen, W. Ryu, A. Groisman, 2017, eLife.

Y. Fainman, A. Groisman, S. Mookherjea, 2006 .