Alec Smith


Luke J. Chang, Alan G. Sanfey, Martin Dufwenberg, 2011, Neuron.

Luke J. Chang, Alec Smith, 2015, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences.

Pierpaolo Battigalli, Martin Dufwenberg, Alec Smith, 2015, SSRN Electronic Journal.

Alec Smith, 2018, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

Alec Smith, Amrish Patel, 2018, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

M. Dufwenberg, Alec Smith, Flora Li, 2021, SSRN Electronic Journal.

Pierpaolo Battigalli, Martin Dufwenberg, Alec Smith, 2019, Games Econ. Behav..

Luca Turella, Brice A. Kuhl, Russell A. Poldrack, 2019, Nature.

M. Dufwenberg, Alec Smith, Matt Van Essen, 2013 .

Alec Smith, Terry Lohrenz, Colin F Camerer, 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Antonio Rangel, Alec Smith, Colin Camerer, 2013, American economic journal. Microeconomics.