Ruishuang Geng


W. Hauswirth, J. Flannery, K. Alagramam, 2009, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Ruishuang Geng, M. Hatzoglou, Q. Zheng, 2021, Cell death & disease.

Ruishuang Geng, Qingyin Zheng, Shuli Wang, 2022, Cell death discovery.

D. E. Somers, Ruishuang Geng, Jeongsik Kim, 2013, Development.

Ruishuang Geng, Q. Zheng, Qingzhu Wang, 2020, Frontiers in Genetics.

W. Hauswirth, K. Alagramam, A. Dinculescu, 2017, Scientific Reports.

R. Bürli, K. Alagramam, Guilian Tian, 2016, Nature chemical biology.

Lana M. Pollock, X. Chen, E. Fuchs, 2014, The Journal of Neuroscience.

D. E. Somers, Ruishuang Geng, Woe-Yeon Kim, 2003, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Ruishuang Geng, Q. Zheng, Peng Ma, 2022, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience.

W. Hauswirth, K. Alagramam, A. Dinculescu, 2017, Scientific Reports.

C. G. Wright, J. Flannery, K. Alagramam, 2009, Human molecular genetics.