P. Garoche


Behçet Açikmese, Assalé Adjé, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, 2020, ArXiv.

John Hauser, Paul Rousse, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, 2020, 2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).

Temesghen Kahsai, Arnaud Dieumegard, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, 2015, SAC.

P. Garoche, K. Bechgaard, R. Brusetti, 1983 .

P. Garoche, M. Gros, S. Marnieros, 1998, astro-ph/9801199.

Pierre Roux, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, Rémi Delmas, 2010, Electron. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci..

Pierre-Loïc Garoche, P. Garoche, 2019, Formal Verification of Control System Software.

Behçet Açikmese, P. Garoche, Sarah H. Q. Li, 2022, ArXiv.

Pierre-Loïc Garoche, P. Garoche, 2019, Formal Verification of Control System Software.

Behçet Açikmese, P. Garoche, Sarah H. Q. Li, 2022, ArXiv.

P. Garoche, S. Marnieros, L. Dumoulin, 2000, astro-ph/0004308.

P. Garoche, A. Benoit, M. Gros, 2000, astro-ph/0002462.

P. Garoche, M. Gros, S. Marnieros, 2001 .

P. Garoche, A. Moradpour, F. Pesty, 1985 .

P. Garoche, P. Roux, 2015, Formal Methods in System Design.

E. Feron, D. Henrion, P. Garoche, 2016, Optimization and Engineering.

P. Garoche, A. Sadeghzadeh, 2022, 2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA).

Behçet Açikmese, Assalé Adjé, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, 2020, Autom..

P. Garoche, K. Wang, C. Degand, 1993 .

P. Garoche, K. Bechgaard, R. Brusetti, 1983 .

Behçet Açikmese, P. Garoche, Sarah H. Q. Li, 2020, ArXiv.

Pierre Roux, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, Xavier Thirioux, 2018, 2018 Forum on Specification & Design Languages (FDL).

Temesghen Kahsai, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, Xavier Thirioux, 2016, HCVS@ETAPS.

Arie Gurfinkel, Temesghen Kahsai, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, 2014, HCVS.

P. Garoche, G. Creuzet, I. Campbell, 1982 .

A. Fert, P. Garoche, B. Boucher, 1980 .

P. Garoche, Y. Calvayrac, J. Veyssié, 1980 .

Johann Schumann, Pierre-Loic Garoche, Anastasia Mavridou, 2020, 2020 IEEE 28th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE).

Pierre Roux, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, Romain Jobredeaux, 2015, HSCC.

Assalé Adjé, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, Alexis Werey, 2014, APLAS.

P. Garoche, L. Dumoulin, K. Wang, 2000 .

P. Garoche, L. Dumoulin, K. Wang, 1998 .

Eric Feron, Pierre Roux, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, 2016, HSCC.

P. Garoche, B. Coqblin, K. Wang, 1990 .

P. Garoche, J. Cooper, S. Tomić, 1986 .

Timothy Wang, Eric Feron, Marc Pantel, 2014, Optimization and Engineering.

Eric Feron, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, Heber Herencia-Zapana, 2012, NASA Formal Methods.

P. Garoche, J. Torré, K. Wang, 1993 .

Kon-Well Wang, P. Garoche, L. Dumoulin, 1993 .

Didier Henrion, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, Paul Rousse, 2019, 2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC).

Raúl A. Santelices, William G. J. Halfond, Michael L. Collard, 2009, 2022 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica.

Eric Feron, Martha A. Grover, Kerianne Hobbs, 2017, ArXiv.

Didier Henrion, Victor Magron, Pierre-Loic Garoche, 2017, SIAM J. Control. Optim..

Raphael Cohen, Eric F'eron, Pierre-Loic Garoche, 2020, Journal of Aerospace Information Systems.

M. Martel, P. Garoche, Farah Benmouhoub, 2022, Verified Software: Theories, Tools, Experiments.

Matthieu Martel, Farah Benmouhoub, Pierre-Loic Garoche, 2021, SAI.

M. Farhood, P. Garoche, Dany Abou Jaoude, 2023, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.

P. Garoche, Sarah H. Q. Li, Assal'e Adj'e, 2022, 2207.07271.

Pierre Roux, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, P. Garoche, 2013, ATVA.

Pierre Roux, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, P. Garoche, 2015, Formal Methods Syst. Des..

Benoît Combemale, Xavier Crégut, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, 2007, ICEIS.

P. Garoche, X. Thirioux, C. Garion, 2021, ACM Trans. Cyber Phys. Syst..