G.-Myoung Lee


Dong-Choon Lee, G.-Myoung Lee, 1997, PESC97. Record 28th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference. Formerly Power Conditioning Specialists Conference 1970-71. Power Processing and Electronic Specialists Conference 1972.

Dong-Choon Lee, G.-Myoung Lee, Dong-Choon Lee, 1997, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron..

Jul-Ki Seok, Dong-Choon Lee, G.-Myoung Lee, 2004, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

Dong-Choon Lee, G-Myoung Lee, Hyeung-Gyun Kim, 2003, Sixth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 2003. ICEMS 2003..

Dong-Choon Lee, G-Myoung Lee, Dong-Choon Lee, 2001, IECON'01. 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (Cat. No.37243).