G. Marcus


G. Marcus, 2000 .

G. Marcus, 1988, American Political Science Review.

B. Nardi, G. Marcus, Tom Boellstorff, 2012 .

P. Rabinow, G. Marcus, James Faubion, 2020 .

W. R. Neuman, G. Marcus, Michael B. Mackuen, 2000 .

G. Marcus, Ted Brader, Kristyn L. Miller, 2011 .

G. Marcus, Ted Brader, 2013 .

George E. Marcus, G. Marcus, Paul G. Letkemann, 1998 .

W. Russell Neuman, George E. Marcus, Ann N. Crigler, 2007 .

Michael J. Lyons, G. Marcus, 2002 .

W. R. Neuman, G. Marcus, Michael B. Mackuen, 2018, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media.

Jennifer Wolak, Luke Keele, George E. Marcus, 2010 .

M. Fortun, G. Marcus, Kim Fortun, 2017 .

G. Marcus, 2021, The Psychology of Populism.

G. Marcus, W. Rahn, 1990 .

George E. Marcus, G. Marcus, 1989 .

G. Marcus, Erkan Saka, 2006 .

G. Marcus, 1999 .

Michael M. J. Fischer, George E. Marcus, G. Marcus, 1986 .

George E. Marcus, D. Brenneis, G. Marcus, 2005 .

C. Geertz, J. Clifford, G. Marcus, 1988 .

J. Clifford, G. Marcus, 1985, Current Anthropology.

Marilyn Strathern, Paul Rabinow, I. C. Jarvie, 1987, Current Anthropology.

G. Marcus, 2021, Experimenting with Ethnography.

John L. Sullivan, George E. Marcus, J. Sullivan, 1982 .

W. R. Neuman, G. Marcus, Michael B. Mackuen, 2015, Political Science Research and Methods.

Nicholas A. Valentino, G. Marcus, P. Vasilopoulos, 2018, Political Psychology.

Nicholas A. Valentino, G. Marcus, P. Vasilopoulos, 2019, Political Psychology.

Nicholas A. Valentino, G. Marcus, P. Vasilopoulos, 2019, Political Psychology.

Jennifer Wolak, Luke Keele, George E. Marcus, 2006 .

G. Marcus, Michael B. Mackuen, 2004 .

Sandra L. Wood, G. Marcus, Elizabeth Theiss-Morse, 1998, Politics and the Life Sciences.

J. Sullivan, G. Marcus, S. Feldman, 1981, American Political Science Review.

G. Marcus, Christine Hegel, Luke Cantarella, 2020, Ethnography by Design.

George E. Marcus, G. Marcus, 1996 .

George E. Marcus, G. Marcus, James W. Fernandez, 1992 .

George E. Marcus, G. Marcus, S. Feldman, 2015 .

John L. Sullivan, George E. Marcus, J. Sullivan, 1979, American Political Science Review.

J. Sullivan, G. Marcus, D. R. Minns, 1975 .

George E. Marcus, G. Marcus, 2008 .

G. Marcus, D. Holmes, 2020, Frontiers of Capital.

G. Marcus, Russell L. Hanson, 1993 .

David P. Redlawsk, Michael D. Martinez, Christopher Wlezien, 2006 .

George E. Marcus, Edward Pessen, G. Marcus, 1985 .

J. Sullivan, L. Sigelman, G. Marcus, 1983 .

G. Marcus, 1985, European Journal of Sociology.

Huddy, P. Tetlock, A. Kruglanski, 2012 .

W. Russell Neuman, George E. Marcus, W. R. Neuman, 2011 .

G. Marcus, 2002 .

M. Strathern, P. Rabinow, M. Crick, 1987, Current Anthropology.

G. Marcus, Erkan Saka, 2006 .