W. Trouleau


Matthias Grossglauser, Farnood Salehi, William Trouleau, 2019, NeurIPS.

Utkarsh Upadhyay, Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez, Samir Bhatt, 2018, ArXiv.

W. Trouleau, A. Montresor, A. Mikhailov, 2017, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Bernhard Scholkopf, Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez, Lars Lorch, 2020, ACM Trans. Spatial Algorithms Syst..

Weicong Ding, Brian Eriksson, Azin Ashkan, 2016, KDD.

Patrick Thiran, Matthias Grossglauser, Negar Kiyavash, 2019, ICML.