L. Corner


P. Culmer, L. Corner, A. Alazmani, 2018, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine.

H O Dickinson, J. Bond, T. Finch, 2007, International journal of geriatric psychiatry.

L. Corner, J. Hughes, 2004 .

John Bond, J. Bond, L. Corner, 2004 .

Michael Nunns, Sara Schroter, Jenny Donovan, 2017, Research Involvement and Engagement.

B. Hanratty, L. Corner, C. Todd, 2021, Postgraduate medical journal.

L. Ferrucci, A. Roddam, L. Corner, 2022, The Lancet. Healthy longevity.

G. Livingston, C. Brayne, Sube Banerjee, 2018, International journal of geriatric psychiatry.

A. Wheatley, L. Robinson, L. Corner, 2019, Health technology assessment.

L. Corner, Audley Genus, M. Booth, 2014, Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship.

Katie Brittain, John Bond, J. Bond, 2004 .

A. Wheatley, L. Robinson, L. Corner, 2019, Health technology assessment.

P. Culmer, L. Corner, A. Alazmani, 2018, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine.