S. Dekel


Shai Dekel, Tamir Bendory, Arie Feuer, 2014, ArXiv.

S. Dekel, Iryna Nemirovsky, 2022 .

Oren Barkan, Amir Averbuch, Shai Dekel, 2017, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging.

P. Petrushev, S. Dekel, Yongsheng Han, 2009 .

S. Dekel, Tal Weissblat, 2012 .

W. Dahmen, P. Petrushev, S. Dekel, 2010 .

S. Dekel, Oren Elisha, Ohad Morgan, 2018, ArXiv.

Nira Dyn, Shai Dekel, Roman Kazinnik, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

P. Petrushev, G. Kerkyacharian, S. Dekel, 2014, 1409.0424.

Shai Dekel, Ziv Gil, Leeor Langer, 2015, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.

Micha Sharir, Shai Dekel, Dany Leviatan, 2004 .

Amir Averbuch, Shai Dekel, Shay Deutsch, 2012, SIAM J. Imaging Sci..

Shai Dekel, Tamir Bendory, Avinoam David Bar-Zion, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.

Shai Dekel, S. Dekel, 2012, J. Approx. Theory.

Shai Dekel, Dany Leviatan, S. Dekel, 2004, SIAM J. Math. Anal..

P. Petrushev, S. Dekel, Tal Weissblat, 2011 .

Yann LeCun, Ravid Shwartz-Ziv, S. Dekel, 2023, ArXiv.

Dan Givoli, Eli Turkel, Shai Dekel, 2020, J. Comput. Phys..

Shai Dekel, Dany Leviatan, S. Dekel, 2005, SIAM J. Numer. Anal..

Shai Dekel, Itai Gershtansky, S. Dekel, 2012 .

Shai Dekel, Ido Ben-Shaul, S. Dekel, 2021, ArXiv.

Shai Dekel, Tamir Bendory, Arie Feuer, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.

N. Dyn, S. Dekel, Roman Kazinnik, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

Amir Averbuch, Shai Dekel, Dror Alani, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

Yoel Shkolnisky, Shai Dekel, Leonid Gugel, 2016, ArXiv.

S. Dekel, Leonid Gugel, 2022, 2022 7th International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing (ICFSP).

Shai Dekel, Oren Elisha, S. Dekel, 2017, ArXiv.

Shai Dekel, Dany Leviatan, S. Dekel, 2004, Adv. Comput. Math..

Wolfgang Dahmen, Shai Dekel, Pencho Petrushev, 2007, Numerische Mathematik.