Vlad Gheorghiu


Vlad Gheorghiu, 2011, 1101.1519.

R. Griffiths, Vlad Gheorghiu, 2007, 0705.0369.

S. Friedland, Vlad Gheorghiu, G. Gour, 2013, Physical review letters.

Patrick J. Coles, R. Griffiths, Vlad Gheorghiu, 2010, 1006.4859.

R. Griffiths, Vlad Gheorghiu, S. Looi, 2009, 0912.2017.

R. Griffiths, Vlad Gheorghiu, Li Yu, 2007, 0712.1979.

M. Mosca, Vlad Gheorghiu, Priyanka Mukhopadhyay, 2021, 2101.03142.

Vlad Gheorghiu, T. Barkley, 2017, Critical care nurse.

Robert B. Griffiths, Vlad Gheorghiu, R. Griffiths, 2008, 0807.2360.

M. Mosca, Vlad Gheorghiu, Priyanka Mukhopadhyay, 2021, npj Quantum Information.

Sarah Meng Li, M. Mosca, Vlad Gheorghiu, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems.

M. Mosca, Vlad Gheorghiu, Priyanka Mukhopadhyay, 2021, 2110.10292.

Vlad Gheorghiu, Tomas Jochym-O'Connor, Jacob A. Marks, 2017, 1701.02335.

M. Mosca, Vlad Gheorghiu, Priyanka Mukhopadhyay, 2021, npj Quantum Information.

Michele Mosca, Vlad Gheorghiu, Olivia Di Matteo, 2019, IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering.

Vlad Gheorghiu, Vlad Gheorghiu, 2014 .

Milap Sheth, Vlad Gheorghiu, Vlad Gheorghiu, 2019, Physical Review A.

Martin R. Albrecht, Vlad Gheorghiu, John M. Schanck, 2020, ASIACRYPT.

Martin R. Albrecht, Vlad Gheorghiu, John M. Schanck, 2019, IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch..

Michele Mosca, Matthew Amy, Vlad Gheorghiu, 2016, SAC.

M. Mosca, Vlad Gheorghiu, Priyanka Mukhopadhyay, 2021, npj Quantum Information.

Vlad Gheorghiu, M. Amy, 2019, Quantum Science and Technology.

Vlad Gheorghiu, Vlad Gheorghiu, 2014, PloS one.

Michele Mosca, Vlad Gheorghiu, Beatrice Nash, 2019, Quantum Science and Technology.

B. Sanders, Vlad Gheorghiu, M. C. de Oliveira, 2014, Physical review letters.

Srinivasan Arunachalam, Michele Mosca, Vlad Gheorghiu, 2015, TQC.

B. Sanders, Vlad Gheorghiu, M. D. Oliveira, 2015 .

Scott M. Cohen, Vlad Gheorghiu, Li Yu, 2010, 1004.5126.

Vlad Gheorghiu, Fabio Fracas, Alex Kerzner, 2023, 2311.04379.

Patrick J. Coles, Robert B. Griffiths, Vlad Gheorghiu, 2012, 1205.6188.