E. Michel


D. Etheridge, I. Enting, R. Francey, 1999 .

Anna Jentzen, Julie Meilland, Tracy Aze, 2018, Revue de Micropaléontologie.

Didier Paillard, Claire Waelbroeck, Laurent Labeyrie, 2001, Nature.

E. Michel, M. Paterne, Virginie Héros, 2019, Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

V. Masson‐Delmotte, F. Eynaud, E. Michel, 2014 .

Didier Paillard, Claire Waelbroeck, Laurent Labeyrie, 2001, Nature.

J. Duplessy, E. Cortijo, C. Waelbroeck, 2005 .

J. Duprat, E. Michel, Stefan Schouten, 2009, Quaternary Research.

M. Kageyama, E. Michel, M. Holzer, 2021, Goldschmidt2021 abstracts.

C. Kissel, F. Eynaud, F. Marret, 2012 .

Claire Waelbroeck, Laurent Labeyrie, E. Michel, 2011 .

E. Michel, F. Dewilde, G. Siani, 2020, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology.

E. Michel, C. Waelbroeck, E. Michel, 2010, Science.

E. Michel, S. Jaccard, H. Vogel, 2019, Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

C. Kissel, C. Waelbroeck, E. Michel, 2018, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

G. Delpech, E. Michel, G. Villarosa, 2021, Quaternary Science Reviews.

G. Haug, R. Schiebel, E. Michel, 2017 .

J. Southon, E. Michel, L. Stott, 2019, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology.