M. Ouimet


T. Dingus, P. Albert, B. Simons-Morton, 2011, The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.

T. Dingus, B. Simons-Morton, M. Ouimet, 2014, The New England journal of medicine.

Neil D. Lerner, Bruce G. Simons-Morton, Paul L. Zador, 2017 .

Martin Paquette, Marie Claude Ouimet, T. G. Brown, 2018, Accident; analysis and prevention.

T. Dingus, P. Albert, B. Simons-Morton, 2011, American journal of public health.

Kaigang Li, A. Pradhan, B. Simons-Morton, 2014, The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.

A. Pradhan, E. Falk, B. Simons-Morton, 2014, Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association.

D. Fisher, Hasmik Mehranian, A. Pradhan, 2013, Accident; analysis and prevention.

T. G. Brown, W. Marcantoni, M. Ouimet, 2018, Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research.

T. G. Brown, M. Ouimet, W. Vanlaar, 2017, Accident; analysis and prevention.

T. G. Brown, M. Ouimet, T. Brown, 2012 .

T. G. Brown, M. Lepage, M. Ouimet, 2008, Traffic injury prevention.

A. Pradhan, B. Simons-Morton, M. Ouimet, 2013, The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.

Anuj K Pradhan, C Raymond Bingham, Jean T Shope, 2014, The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.

Marie Claude Ouimet, Bruce G Simons-Morton, Richard F Catalano, 2008, American journal of preventive medicine.

Anuj K. Pradhan, Bruce G. Simons-Morton, Marie Claude Ouimet, 2015, The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.

T. G. Brown, M. Ouimet, T. Brown, 2008, Accident; analysis and prevention.

R. Catalano, M. Ouimet, ruce G. Simons-Morton, 2008 .

Thomas A. Dingus, Jing Wang, Bruce G. Simons-Morton, 2012, Journal of safety research.

Bruce G Simmons-Morton, A. Pradhan, M. Ouimet, 2017 .

M. Ouimet, R. Margolese, J. Sigal, 2007, Journal of psychosocial oncology.

M. Ouimet, H. Forget, H. Vasiliadis, 2022, Aging & mental health.

M. Ouimet, J. Nazif-Muñoz, Y. Oulhote, 2020, Addiction.

T. G. Brown, K. Dedovic, J. Pruessner, 2016, Neuroscience Letters.

T. G. Brown, K. Dedovic, J. Pruessner, 2015, Substance abuse : research and treatment.

J. Pruessner, M. Ouimet, T. Brown, 2015, Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs.

T. G. Brown, M. Lepage, M. Ouimet, 2007, Accident; analysis and prevention.

M. Ouimet, J. Bergeron, T. Brown, 2010, Psychological reports.

J. C. Perry, M. Ouimet, M. Rossignol, 2003, The American journal of orthopsychiatry.

J. Afilalo, M. Ouimet, L. Rudski, 2021, Journal of the American Heart Association.

J P Ehsani, S G Klauer, B G Simons-Morton, 2017, Journal of safety research.

Anuj K Pradhan, C Raymond Bingham, Paul S Albert, 2016, Transportation research. Part F, Traffic psychology and behaviour.

Feng Guo, Anuj K Pradhan, Paul S Albert, 2015, Journal of safety research.

C. Raymond Bingham, Anuj K. Pradhan, Jean T. Shope, 2015, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.

Thomas A. Dingus, Feng Guo, Bruce G. Simons-Morton, 2013, The Journal of pediatrics.

Thomas A Dingus, Marie Claude Ouimet, Suzanne E Lee, 2011, Accident; analysis and prevention.

Allan F Williams, David F Preusser, William A Leaf, 2008, Traffic injury prevention.

Anuj K. Pradhan, Bruce G. Simons-Morton, Johnathon P Ehsani, 2017 .

Thomas A Dingus, Marie Claude Ouimet, Sheila G Klauer, 2011, Traffic injury prevention.

T. G. Brown, M. Ouimet, T. Brown, 2010, Accident; analysis and prevention.

Jing Wang, Thomas A Dingus, Marie Claude Ouimet, 2017, Proceedings of the ... International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design.

T. G. Brown, K. Dedovic, M. Ouimet, 2018, International journal of adolescent medicine and health.

Thomas A. Dingus, Suzanne E. Lee, Erik C. B. Olsen, 2008, Transportation research record.

M. Ouimet, T. Brown, C. Gianoulakis, 2005, Alcohol and alcoholism.

M. Ouimet, H. Forget, H. Vasiliadis, 2020, Journal of affective disorders.

J. Afilalo, M. Ouimet, S. Lauck, 2021, The Canadian journal of cardiology.

M. Ouimet, J. Nazif-Muñoz, Gül Anil Anakök, 2022, Journal of safety research.

Louis Mullie, Jonathan Afilalo, J. Afilalo, 2018, Journal of the American Heart Association.

P. Séguin, M. Ouimet, E. Reynaud, 2023, Behavioural Brain Research.

M. Ouimet, Derek A. Albert, Thomas G. Brown, 2023, Accident; analysis and prevention.

T. Dingus, B. Simons-Morton, M. Ouimet, 2012, Journal of safety research.

A. Pradhan, B. Simons-Morton, M. Ouimet, 2013, The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.

D. Fisher, A. Pradhan, B. Simons-Morton, 2013, Accident; analysis and prevention.

M. Ouimet, Marie-Soleil Cloutier, W. Vanlaar, 2024, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.

T. G. Brown, M. Ouimet, W. Vanlaar, 2017, Accident; analysis and prevention.