G. Blake


Geoffrey A. Blake, Dz-Hung Gwo, Charles A. Schmuttenmaer, 1991 .

Shuji Matsuura, A. W. Jackson, S. Matsuura, 1999 .

Daniel B. Holland, G. Blake, R. Zadoyan, 2011, Journal of biomedical optics.

G. Blake, P. Wennberg, S. Nizkorodov, 2002 .

G. Blake, J. Najita, K. Pontoppidan, 2015, 1512.07197.

G. Blake, S. Ioppolo, M. A. Allodi, 2016, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

Nathan R Newbury, Jun Ye, K. Cossel, 2017, Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics.

Roger E Bumgarner, W. Goddard, S. Dasgupta, 1992, Science.

Miguel de Val-Borro, M. Banaszkiewicz, E. Lellouch, 2010, 1007.1291.

Geronimo L. Villanueva, Geoffrey A. Blake, Avi M. Mandell, 2010, 1011.5507.

G. Blake, H. Knutson, L. Deming, 2009, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

Geoffrey A. Blake, Thomas G. Phillips, Colin R. Masson, 1985 .

John C. Pearson, Shuji Matsuura, Geoffrey A. Blake, 2000 .

Shuji Matsuura, Geoffrey A. Blake, Herbert M. Pickett, 2003 .

G. Blake, Ian A Finneran, Griffin J. Mead, 2016, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

G. Blake, L. Evangelisti, G. Feng, 2017, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

G. Blake, M. A. Allodi, Ian A Finneran, 2015, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

E. Bergin, G. Blake, D. Wilner, 2013, Science.

Geoffrey A. Blake, A. C. Adwin Boogert, G. Blake, 2009 .

G. Herczeg, D. Hollenbach, G. Blake, 2008, 0808.1099.

Geoffrey A. Blake, Ke Zhang, Matthew J. Richter, 2015, 1508.07483.

C. Dullemond, G. Blake, D. Wilner, 2008, 0802.0998.

Geoffrey A. Blake, Alain Smette, Klaus M. Pontoppidan, 2011, 1103.3000.

Geoffrey A. Blake, Travis Barman, Chad F. Bender, 2014 .

E. Bergin, G. Blake, F. Ciesla, 2021, Science Advances.

Geoffrey A. Blake, G. Blake, C. Salyk, 2011, 1109.4579.

G. Blake, D. Wilner, P. Ho, 2004, astro-ph/0403412.

G. Blake, J. Lothringer, S. Casewell, 2022, The Astronomical Journal.

R. C. Cohen, G. Blake, D. Hovde, 1988, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

G. Blake, A. Avoird, S. Ioppolo, 2013, 1311.6643.

G. Herczeg, G. Blake, E. Dishoeck, 2013, 1304.4961.

G. Herczeg, D. Hollenbach, G. Blake, 2008 .

G. Blake, P. Wennberg, Hui Zhang, 2000 .

H. R. Dickel, M. Wright, G. Blake, 2005, astro-ph/0505499.

Geoffrey A. Blake, Joan Najita, Klaus M. Pontoppidan, 2010, 1006.4189.

G. Blake, J. Najita, E. Dishoeck, 2013, 1303.2692.

E. Bergin, G. Blake, F. Ciesla, 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

J. Carlstrom, G. Blake, J. Zmuidzinas, 1995, The Astrophysical journal.

J. Augereau, E. F. Dishoeck, G. Blake, 2010, 1007.0644.

P. Hennebelle, P. Caselli, T. Henning, 2010, 1007.4691.

P. Hennebelle, K. Menten, H. Müller, 2010, 1007.1461.

A. Giorgio, S. Bontemps, P. Caselli, 2010, 1007.3986.

K. Menten, A. Belloche, M. Pérault, 2010, 1007.5128.

A. Giorgio, M. Melchior, S. Bontemps, 2010, 1007.2198.

P. Hennebelle, P. Caselli, T. Henning, 2010, 1007.4226.

A. Giorgio, S. Bontemps, G. Herczeg, 2010, 1007.1248.

E. Bergin, G. Blake, D. Wilner, 2019, The Astrophysical Journal.

E. Bergin, G. Blake, Ke Zhang, 2017, Nature Astronomy.

N. Evans, C. Dullemond, G. Blake, 2005, astro-ph/0511786.

Thomas F. Miller, G. Blake, Griffin J. Mead, 2020, The journal of physical chemistry. B.

G. Blake, I. Katayama, J. Takeda, 2019, The Review of scientific instruments.

Thomas F. Miller, G. Blake, R. Welsch, 2016, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

G. Blake, M. A. Allodi, Ian A Finneran, 2015, The Journal of chemical physics.

Jason D. Weibel, F. Irion, G. Blake, 2006 .

E. Bergin, G. Blake, F. Ciesla, 2021, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

C. G. Morgan, G. Blake, Y. Yung, 2022 .

W. Thi, G. Blake, M. Hogerheijde, 1999, astro-ph/9906231.

Jonathan P. Williams, F. Ménard, E. Bergin, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal.

G. Blake, M. Hogerheijde, E. V. van Dishoeck, 1998, The Astrophysical journal.

L. Mundy, G. Blake, W. Latter, 2000 .

E. Bergin, G. Blake, N. Crockett, 2014, Faraday discussions.

C. Dullemond, G. Blake, M. Hogerheijde, 2005, astro-ph/0511786.

S. Molinari, E. F. Dishoeck, G. Blake, 2016 .

G. Blake, F. van der Tak, E. V. van Dishoeck, 2000, astro-ph/0001527.

L. Mundy, G. Blake, B. Wilking, 1989 .

D. Padgett, L. Mundy, K. Stapelfeldt, 2004, astro-ph/0406298.

G. Herczeg, U. Gorti, D. Hollenbach, 2007 .

G. Blake, D. Jaffe, T. Greathouse, 2007, 0704.1481.

G. Blake, A. Boogert, K. Öberg, 2004, astro-ph/0407270.

R. C. Cohen, G. Blake, R. Saykally, 1988, High Resolution Spectroscopy.

G. Blake, M. Hogerheijde, H. V. van Langevelde, 1998, The Astrophysical journal.

A. Tielens, J. Black, E. F. Dishoeck, 1999 .

T. Barman, G. Blake, B. Benneke, 2021, The Astronomical Journal.

G. Blake, T. Phillips, T. Groesbeck, 1994, The Astrophysical journal. Supplement series.

L. Mundy, C. Aspin, G. Blake, 1995, The Astrophysical journal.

M. Meyer, L. Hillenbrand, G. Blake, 2004, astro-ph/0412033.

C. Dullemond, E. V. Dishoeck, G. Blake, 2006, astro-ph/0610384.

G. Blake, M. Hogerheijde, E. V. van Dishoeck, 1998, The Astrophysical journal.

Qizhou Zhang, G. Blake, D. Wilner, 2004, astro-ph/0403412.

G. Blake, A. Sargent, D. Koerner, 2003, astro-ph/0307246.

G. V. Zadelhoff, W. Thi, G. Blake, 2002, astro-ph/0211440.

G. Blake, D. Wilner, M. Hogerheijde, 2008, 0803.2753.

L. Mundy, G. Blake, J. McMullin, 1993 .

Jason J. Wang, Evan C. Morris, Ronald A. López, 2022, The Astrophysical Journal.

G. Blake, Olivia H. Wilkins, O. Wilkins, 2022, The journal of physical chemistry. A.

M. Wright, G. Blake, M. A’Hearn, 2004, astro-ph/0401073.

K. Stapelfeldt, C. Dullemond, G. Blake, 2007, astro-ph/0702394.

E. F. Dishoeck, G. Blake, J. Jørgensen, 2004, astro-ph/0401635.

T. Barman, G. Blake, C. Bender, 2014, 1402.0846.

G. Wasserburg, G. Blake, R. Wunderlich, 1992 .

G. Blake, A. Sargent, E. Dishoeck, 1992 .

D. Padgett, L. Mundy, K. Stapelfeldt, 2006, astro-ph/0610797.

G. Blake, C. Koresko, A. Sargent, 1999, The Astrophysical journal.

Miguel de Val-Borro, T. Encrenaz, N. Thomas, 2010, 1006.0114.

M. A. Frerking, Geoffrey A. Blake, Jam Farhoomand, 1985 .

G. Blake, E. Chiang, E. Dishoeck, 2002 .

Daniel B. Holland, G. Blake, Ian A Finneran, 2013, The Review of scientific instruments.

L. Mundy, J. Augereau, B. Merín, 2007, astro-ph/0701651.

E. Bergin, G. Blake, J. Jørgensen, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal.

G. Blake, A. Sargent, S. McMuldroch, 1995 .

G. Blake, M. Ádámkovics, B. McCall, 2003, astro-ph/0306059.

L. E. Kristensen, Th. de Graauw, B. Nisini, 2010, 1006.0210.

W. Thi, G. Blake, M. Hogerheijde, 1999, astro-ph/9906231.

R. Jayawardhana, D. Johnstone, G. Blake, 2002, astro-ph/0209104.

G. Blake, F. D. Lucia, K. Sastry, 1984 .

G. V. Zadelhoff, W. Thi, G. Blake, 2004 .

G. Blake, D. Jaffe, J. Lacy, 2002, astro-ph/0205301.

Susanna L. Widicus, M. T. Feldmann, William A Goddard, 2005, The Journal of chemical physics.

R. Alexander, I. Kamp, G. Blake, 2022, The Astronomical Journal.

E. F. Dishoeck, G. Blake, E. V. van Dishoeck, 1998, Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics.

C. Masson, G. Blake, W. Danchi, 1990 .

E. Bergin, G. Blake, Ke Zhang, 2017, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

G. Blake, E. Gaidos, M. Güdel, 2000, Geophysical research letters.

L. Mundy, B. Zuckerman, E. Becklin, 1999 .

G. Herczeg, G. Blake, K. Pontoppidan, 2013, 1303.4804.

A. Tielens, E. F. Dishoeck, G. Blake, 2011, 1101.2486.

G. Herczeg, K. M. Pontoppidan, G. Herczeg, 2016, 1611.06230.

G. Blake, S. Ioppolo, M. A. Allodi, 2014, Faraday discussions.

John C. Pearson, Ewine F. van Dishoeck, Michiel R. Hogerheijde, 2011, Science.

N. Evans, G. Blake, K. Pontoppidan, 2011, 1107.5825.

Geoffrey A. Blake, Klaus M. Pontoppidan, Hans Ulrich Kaufl, 2010, 1009.3259.

S. Bontemps, P. Caselli, G. Herczeg, 2010, 1007.4370.

F. Lahuis, K. M. Pontoppidan, G. Blake, 2008, 0802.0037.

E. Bergin, D. Lis, G. Blake, 2016, 1604.00323.

E. Bergin, G. Blake, D. Wilner, 2021, The Astrophysical Journal.

E. Bergin, G. Blake, Ke Zhang, 2021, The Astrophysical Journal.

E. Bergin, G. Blake, D. Wilner, 2020, The Astronomical Journal.

Jonathan P. Williams, E. Bergin, G. Blake, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal.

Jonathan P. Williams, G. Blake, J. Carpenter, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal.

Maryvonne Gerin, Quentin Kral, Gary Melnick, 2019, 1903.06587.

G. Blake, C. Walsh, K. Pontoppidan, 2019, The Astrophysical Journal.

L. Testi, E. Bergin, E. Chapillon, 2018, The Astrophysical Journal.

Geoffrey A. Blake, Ke Zhang, Klaus Pontoppidan, 2013, Nature.

Geoffrey A. Blake, Michael J. Ireland, Alain Smette, 2008, 0805.3314.

Geoffrey A. Blake, Anthony J. Remijan, Ian A. Finneran, 2016, Science.

G. Blake, V. Anicich, W. Huntress, 1986 .

Geoffrey A. Blake, Jam Farhoomand, Herbert M. Pickett, 1986 .

C. Brogan, P. Caselli, G. Blake, 2019, The Astrophysical Journal.

T G Phillips, G. Blake, P. Schilke, 1997, The Astrophysical journal. Supplement series.

G. Blake, A. Remijan, B. McGuire, 2014, 1405.7057.

Howard Isaacson, Debra A. Fischer, Geoffrey A. Blake, 2016, 1609.09074.

Michael C. Liu, Evan C. Morris, P. Wizinowich, 2021, The Astronomical Journal.

Paul Hartogh, Miguel de Val-Borro, Geoffrey A. Blake, 2011, Nature.

E. Bergin, G. Blake, J. Carpenter, 2022, 2202.00709.

E. Bergin, G. Blake, D. Wilner, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal.

E. Bergin, G. Blake, J. Carpenter, 2019, The Astrophysical Journal.

G. Wasserburg, G. Blake, R. Wunderlich, 1993 .

J. Augereau, B. Merín, C. Dullemond, 2007, 0707.0304.

Geoffrey A. Blake, Dz-Hung Gwo, Charles A. Schmuttenmaer, 1991 .

Martin Wahlen, Geoffrey A. Blake, Hui Zhang, 1998 .

Daniel B. Holland, G. Blake, M. A. Allodi, 2015, Physical review letters.

Geoffrey A. Blake, Klaus M. Pontoppidan, C. Dullemond, 2009, 0908.2997.

J. Augereau, N. Evans, B. Merín, 2006, astro-ph/0609157.

M. Meyer, R. Alexander, I. Kamp, 2020, The Astrophysical Journal.

Daniel B. Holland, G. Blake, Ian A Finneran, 2015, The Review of scientific instruments.

N. Evans, G. Blake, E. Dishoeck, 2011, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union.

S. Hasegawa, R. Schulz, M. J. Mumma, 2005, Science.

Geronimo L. Villanueva, Randall D. Campbell, James E. Lyke, 2005, Science.

G. Blake, H. Knutson, J. Lothringer, 2022, The Astrophysical Journal.

E. Bergin, G. Blake, F. Ciesla, 2017, 1707.08982.

California Institute of Technology, University of Maryland, L. G. Mundy, 1997, astro-ph/9709288.

W. Goddard, S. Dasgupta, G. Blake, 1993, Nature.

G. Blake, S. Suzuki, 1994, Chemical physics letters.

Geoffrey A. Blake, Richard J. Saykally, G. Blake, 1993, Science.

Geronimo L. Villanueva, Avi M. Mandell, Michael J. Mumma, 2008, 0805.3502.

Miguel de Val-Borro, T. Encrenaz, N. Thomas, 2010, 1005.2969.

Jason J. Wang, Evan C. Morris, Ronald A. López, 2023, The Astronomical Journal.

G. Blake, Y. Yung, B. Lewis, 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

A. Tielens, E. Bergin, E. F. Dishoeck, 2000 .

T. Henning, A. Sicilia-Aguilar, C. Dullemond, 2010, 1012.5301.

H. R. Dickel, M. Wright, G. Blake, 2006, astro-ph/0601709.

G. Blake, Tomislav Begušić, 2022, Nature Communications.

Thomas F. Miller, G. Blake, Tomislav Begušić, 2022, The Journal of chemical physics.

G. Blake, I. Katayama, J. Takeda, 2019, The Review of scientific instruments.

Thomas F. Miller, G. Blake, I. Magdău, 2019, The journal of physical chemistry. A.

Thomas F. Miller, G. Blake, R. Welsch, 2017, The journal of physical chemistry letters.

G. Blake, C. Koresko, M E Brown, 1998, The Astrophysical journal.

E. Bergin, G. Blake, F. Ciesla, 2023, The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

G. Blake, J. Najita, K. Pontoppidan, 2019, The Astrophysical Journal.

C. Dullemond, E. F. Dishoeck, G. Blake, 2008, 0812.3664.

Russel J. White, C. Blake, G. Blake, 2012, 1209.1772.

Jason J. Wang, Evan C. Morris, Ronald A. López, 2023, The Astronomical Journal.

G. Blake, Griffin Mead, Haw-Wei Lin, 2022, Physical Review Letters.

John E. Bowers, Arthur C. Gossard, Shuji Matsuura, 2000 .

G. Herczeg, R. Meijerink, G. Blake, 2009, 0904.1597.

Jason J. Wang, Evan C. Morris, Ronald A. López, 2022, The Astronomical Journal.

G. Blake, S. Ioppolo, M. A. Allodi, 2014, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

M. A. Frerking, Geoffrey A. Blake, Jam Farhoomand, 1986, Other Conferences.

John C. Pearson, Shuji Matsuura, Geoffrey A. Blake, 2000 .

C. I. O. Technology., G. Blake, P. Sciences, 2021, The Astrophysical Journal.

Christopher R. Webster, Yang Liu, Andrew Scott Rivkin, 2013 .

Shuji Matsuura, Pin Chen, Geoffrey A. Blake, 1999, Photonics West.

T. Henning, N. Evans, U. Gorti, 2013, Nature.

P. Hennebelle, P. Caselli, P. Encrenaz, 2010, 1007.4410.

Jason J. Wang, Anusha Pai Asnodkar, Michael C. Liu, 2022, The Astronomical Journal.

E. Bergin, G. Blake, F. Ciesla, 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Chin-Lin Guo, Daniel B. Holland, Jiun-Yann Yu, 2018, Optics letters.

G. Blake, S. Ioppolo, M. A. Allodi, 2016, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.