S. Thun


C. von Kalle, K. Heitmann, S. Thun, 2020, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.

S. Thun, M. Lehne, F. Prasser, 2020, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases.

Bernd Blobel, Sylvia Thun, Kai U. Heitmann, 2016 .

C. von Kalle, K. Heitmann, S. Thun, 2020, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.

S. Thun, E. Tacconelli, M. Mirandola, 2022, npj Digital Medicine.

S. Thun, M. Muzoora, N. Rajkumar, 2022, Journal of dental research.

C. von Kalle, J. Sass, A. Bartschke, 2020, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.

Julius O. B. Jacobsen, Michael A. Gargano, Peter N. Robinson, 2021, medRxiv.

Andrea Essenwanger, Sylvia Thun, Moritz Lehne, 2019, npj Digital Medicine.

Birgit Kløve, Sylvi Thun, Pål F. Kamsvåg, 2019, Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies.

Sylvia Thun, Stefan Schulz, Josef Ingenerf, 2013, CLEF.

Julius O. B. Jacobsen, Orion J. Buske, Michael A. Gargano, 2022, Nature Biotechnology.

I. Pigeot, W. Ahrens, Shada Alsalamah, 2023, The Lancet. Digital health.

A. Bakker, S. Thun, 2018, Stress and health : journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress.

Stefan Schulz, Ronald Cornet, Sylvia Thun, 2019, Int. J. Medical Informatics.

S. Thun, F. Balzer, Joscha Hofferbert, 2021, Journal of medical Internet research.

S. Thun, J. Sass, M. Löbe, 2021, Studies in health technology and informatics.

Maryna Khvastova, Michael Witt, Andrea Essenwanger, 2020, Journal of Medical Systems.

S. Thun, S. Klopfenstein, Caroline Stellmach, 2022, Journal of Medical Internet Research.

S. Thun, J. Sass, E. Rinaldi, 2021, GMDS.

R. Eils, M. Marschollek, A. Mellmann, 2021, Scientific Reports.

Sylvia Thun, Moritz Lehne, Sandra Luijten, 2019, GMDS.

Sylvia Thun, Eugenia Rinaldi, S. Thun, 2021, MIE.

S. Thun, M. Muzoora, Caroline Stellmach, 2022, Studies in health technology and informatics.

I. Pigeot, W. Ahrens, Shada Alsalamah, 2023, The Lancet. Digital health.

Andrea Essenwanger, Sylvia Thun, Julian Sass, 2019, GMDS.

Sylvia Thun, Kai U. Heitmann, Martin Dugas, 2009, J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc..

T. Bahls, O. Kohlbacher, M. Marschollek, 2022, MIE.

Rüdiger Pryss, Ulrich Sax, Andrea Essenwanger, 2021, MIE.

José Antonio Miñarro-Giménez, S. Schulz, D. Karlsson, 2019, Int. J. Medical Informatics.