P. Lin


P. Grant, J. Soul, Maria-Angela Franceschini, 2014, Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

P. Grant, S. Carp, M. Franceschini, 2013, Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE.

Ray-Yau Wang, Pei-Yi Lin, Yea-Ru Yang, 2008, Gait & posture.

P. Lin, Sang-I Lin, J. J. Chen, 2012, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering.

P. Lin, J. Chen, Sang-I Lin, 2012, Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology.

Pei-Yi Lin, P. Lin, Linda L. Lin, 2016, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering.

Maria Angela Franceschini, P Ellen Grant, Mathieu Dehaes, 2015, Biomedical optics express.

Pei-Yi Lin, P. Lin, J. Chen, 2013, Human brain mapping.

Meryem A Yücel, Christopher M Aasted, David A Boas, 2016, Biomedical optics express.

Ray-Yau Wang, Pei-Yi Lin, Yea-Ru Yang, 2006, Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation.