Sami G. Tantawi


Christophe Royon, Alexander Mikhailichenko, Jian Cheng, 2007 .

Sami G. Tantawi, N. Kroll, K. Fant, 1999, Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.99CH36366).

Sami G. Tantawi, M. Yeddulla, Jiquan Guo, 2009, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.

C. Nantista, N. Kroll, R. Ruth, 2002, physics/0209061.

W. A. Khan, O. J. Luiten, M. A. Weber, 2018, 1812.06018.

Sami G. Tantawi, A. Gold, 2019, IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques.

Sami G. Tantawi, Y. Higashi, V. Dolgashev, 2010 .

G. Bowden, Sami G. Tantawi, Chao Chang, 2014, Physical review letters.

Sami G. Tantawi, A. Naji, Adham Naji, 2021, Physical Review Applied.

Sami G. Tantawi, E. Nanni, B. Weatherford, 2022, 2203.15984.

C. Limborg-Deprey, Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, 2017 .

Sami Tantawi, Matthew Sieth, Kiruthika Devaraj, 2012 .

Juwen Wang, Sami G. Tantawi, Chen Xu, 2016 .

Sami G. Tantawi, Jiawei Li, Changhua Chen, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.

Sami G. Tantawi, S. Church, Chao-Ren Chang, 2013 .

D. Burke, J. Frisch, D. Schultz, 2005, Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference.

A. Haase, Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, 2019 .

Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, E. Simakov, 2018, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment.

A. Haase, Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, 2017 .

Sami G. Tantawi, M. Nasr, 2017 .

Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, E. Nanni, 2016 .

A. Marcelli, J. Rosenzweig, J. Lewandowski, 2016 .

A. Marcelli, Sami G. Tantawi, Y. Higashi, 2012 .

T. Higo, C. Nantista, Sami G. Tantawi, 2007, 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC).

J. Miao, J. Wurtele, J. Hastings, 2020, New Journal of Physics.

Y. Higashi, T. Higo, T. Higo, 2005, Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference.

L. Laurent, J. Lewandowski, Sami G. Tantawi, 2011 .

L. Laurent, J. Lewandowski, Sami G. Tantawi, 2011 .

R. Ruth, D. Burke, R. Miller, 2003, Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference.

S. Kutsaev, A. Fukasawa, Sami G. Tantawi, 2021 .

M. Oriunno, J. Frisch, T. Barklow, 2022, 2203.09076.

M. Oriunno, Zhirong Huang, T. Barklow, 2021, 2110.15800.

R. Ruth, Sami G. Tantawi, A. Vlieks, 1995, Proceedings Particle Accelerator Conference.

W. R. Fowkes, R. Ruth, R. Miller, 1993, Proceedings of International Conference on Particle Accelerators.

R. Ruth, D. Burke, R. Cassel, 1993, Proceedings of International Conference on Particle Accelerators.

Sami G. Tantawi, Zenghai Li, P. Welander, 2018 .

Sami G. Tantawi, E. Nanni, M. Kemp, 2020, 2020 IEEE 21st International Conference on Vacuum Electronics (IVEC).

M. Messerschmidt, J. Spence, P. Fromme, 2020 .

Stanford, U. California, Menlo Park, 2022, 2203.08484.

Sami Tantawi, T. L. Lavine, R. D. Ruth, 1997, Proceedings of the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.97CH36167).

R. Ruth, R. Miller, R. Cassel, 1997 .

J. Urakawa, P. Tenenbaum, D. Sprehn, 1997, Proceedings of the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.97CH36167).

R. Ruth, C. Adolphsen, C. Nantista, 1997, Proceedings of the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.97CH36167).

R. Ruth, Sami G. Tantawi, Z. Zhang, 2005, Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference.

Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, A. Yeremian, 2012 .

Kexin Liu, Sami G. Tantawi, M. Franzi, 2017, Superconductor Science and Technology.

Sami G. Tantawi, F. Toufexis, 2019 .

Sami G. Tantawi, J. Neilson, F. Toufexis, 2017 .

Sami G. Tantawi, J. Verboncoeur, Chao Chang, 2011 .

C. Nantista, Sami G. Tantawi, A. Romanenko, 2006 .

C. Nantista, Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, 2010 .

Sami G. Tantawi, Jiquan Guo, C. Yoneda, 2012 .

Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, T. Yamamoto, 2011 .

Sami G. Tantawi, Jiquan Guo, C. Yoneda, 2011 .

J. Lewandowski, C. Nantista, G. Bowden, 2007, IEEE Symposium on Privacy-Aware Computing.

C. Nantista, J. Weisend, Sami G. Tantawi, 2005, Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference.

Sami G. Tantawi, Jiquan Guo, V. Dolgashev, 2010 .

Sami G. Tantawi, Jiquan Guo, C. Yoneda, 2011 .

Sami G. Tantawi, Jiquan Guo, C. Yoneda, 2010 .

C. Nantista, Sami G. Tantawi, A. Romanenko, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity.

Aaron Jensen, Germana Riddone, Steffen Döbert, 2012 .

S. Gold, Sami G. Tantawi, Wanming Liu, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science.

A. Fukasawa, Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, 2019, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams.

I. Syratchev, D. Esperante, R. Dasgupta, 2016, 1608.07537.

R. D’Agnolo, C. Nantista, Sami G. Tantawi, 2019, Journal of High Energy Physics.

Sami G. Tantawi, A. Mehta, E. Nanni, 2019, 2019 International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC).

D. E. Moncton, G. Resta, E. A. Nanni, 2014, 1409.6954.

Peter G Maxim, Billy W Loo, Sami G Tantawi, 2019, Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.

S. Kutsaev, A. Snijders, B. Loo, 2023, Applied sciences.

S. Kutsaev, A. Snijders, K. Nakamura, 2022, 2203.11047.

A. Haase, Sami G. Tantawi, E. Nanni, 2021, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams.

D. McCormick, D. Schultz, D. Atkinson, 2004, 2004 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37535).

Sami Tantawi, Christopher Nantista, Valery Dolgashev, 2004 .

C. Nantista, Sami G. Tantawi, 2003, Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference.

Sami G. Tantawi, 2000, physics/0008204.

W. R. Fowkes, N. M. Kroll, C. Nantista, 1999, Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.99CH36366).

R. Miller, C. Nantista, Sami G. Tantawi, 1998 .

E. Jongewaard, Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, 2018 .

J. Lauenstein, E. Jongewaard, Sami G. Tantawi, 2018 .

R. D’Agnolo, C. Nantista, Sami G. Tantawi, 2020, Journal of High Energy Physics.

C. Nantista, Sami G. Tantawi, D. Whittum, 2001, PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.01CH37268).

Aaron Jensen, Sami Tantawi, M.Dal Forno, 2014 .

Sami Tantawi, Valery Dolgashev, Juwen Wang, 2016 .

T. Goodman, R. Griffin, C. Nantista, 2023, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices.

B. Chase, H. Freund, J. Reid, 2021, Journal of Instrumentation.

Christopher Nantista, Sami Tantawi, Valery Dolgashev, 2004 .

Christopher Nantista, Sami Tantawi, Valery Dolgashev, 2003, Proceedings of the 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference.

Sami G. Tantawi, D. Whittum, 2001 .

C. Adolphsen, H. Padamsee, Sami G. Tantawi, 2001 .

Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, P. Borchard, 2016 .

Sami Tantawi, Valery Dolgashev, B. Spataro, 2016 .

R. Ruth, C. Adolphsen, T. Raubenheimer, 2001, PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.01CH37268).

Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, A. Yeremian, 2014, IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference.

Y. Nosochkov, J. Stöhr, Zhirong Huang, 2010 .

R. Ruth, Sami G. Tantawi, Zhiyu Zhang, 2005, Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams.

D. Alesini, Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, 2018, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment.

Sami G. Tantawi, F. Toufexis, 2017 .

Sami G. Tantawi, D. Gamzina, F. Toufexis, 2019 .

Alex Murokh, A. Valloni, Alexander Cahill, 2013 .

Giannantonio Cibin, Y. Higashi, Sami Tantawi, 2016 .

C. Clarke, D. McCormick, G. Bowden, 2017 .

E. Jongewaard, Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science.

Steven H. Gold, Allen K. Kinkead, Wei Gai, 2005, Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference.

T. Barklow, A. Schwartzman, Sami G. Tantawi, 2023, 2306.10057.

Joshua R. Smith, A. M. Guler, G. P. Yeh, 2007 .

R. H. Miller, Christopher Nantista, Sami Tantawi, 2002, AIP Conference Proceedings.

Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, E. Nanni, 2016 .

R. Ruth, C. Nantista, Sami G. Tantawi, 1997, Proceedings of the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.97CH36167).

Sami G. Tantawi, M. Petelin, Y. Danilov, 2012, Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics.

Minghao Qi, Stephen J. Wolf, Robert J. Noble, 2013, 1309.7637.

Pekka Kangaslahti, Sami Tantawi, Lorene Samoska, 2010, Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

S. Kutsaev, J. Rosenzweig, Sami G. Tantawi, 2022, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams.

W. B. Fowkes, T. O. Raubenhemer, R. Ruth, 1999, Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.99CH36366).

Bradley Dober, Johannes Hubmayr, Z. Ahmed, 2018, Journal of Low Temperature Physics.

C. Paus, P. Harris, J. Brau, 2023, Journal of Instrumentation.

G. Bowden, Sami G. Tantawi, Zenghai Li, 2021, The Review of scientific instruments.

M. Oriunno, M. Breidenbach, Sami G. Tantawi, 2020, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams.

Sami G. Tantawi, Zenghai Li, C. Limborg, 2018, 1811.09925.

Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, B. Spataro, 2021, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams.

Sami Tantawi, George Caryotakis, E. Wright, 1993, Proceedings of International Conference on Particle Accelerators.

Sami Tantawi, T. L. Lavine, Perry B. Wilson, 1993, Proceedings of International Conference on Particle Accelerators.

Sami G. Tantawi, M. Petelin, Y. Danilov, 2012 .

M. Oriunno, J. Duris, P. Bhat, 2023, Journal of Instrumentation.

T. Barklow, A. Schwartzman, Sami G. Tantawi, 2023, Journal of Instrumentation.

T. S. Chu, F. Hartemann, C. Limborg-Deprey, 2010 .

T. S. Chu, F. Hartemann, C. Limborg-Deprey, 2011 .

T. L. Houck, S. G. Anderson, Christopher A. Ebbers, 2011 .

Sami Tantawi, R. J. Loewen, A. E. Vlieks, 1997, Proceedings of the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.97CH36167).

Sami G. Tantawi, Zenghai Li, C. Limborg, 2018, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams.

Sami Tantawi, Valery Dolgashev, Alexander Cahill, 2018, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams.

Sami G. Tantawi, V. Dolgashev, E. Nanni, 2020, 2020 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz).

M. Oriunno, J. Frisch, T. Barklow, 2022, 2203.09076.

M. A. Weber, T. N. Wistisen, M. Hauschild, 2016, 1608.07537.

Stan B. Thomas, W. R. Fowkes, R. Ruth, 1996 .