B. Nicholson


Trevor Wood-Harper, Brian Nicholson, Amir Khosravani, 2013, 2013 Science and Information Conference.

Richard Heeks, Brian Nicholson, Richard Heeks, 2004, Competition & Change.

B. Nicholson, Fareesa Malik, S. Morgan, 2016 .

B. Nicholson, Susanne K. Espenlaub, Jenny M. Jones, 2006 .

Brian Nicholson, David Bird, B. Nicholson, 1998 .

B. Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, S. Krishna, 2003 .

Richard Heeks, Brian Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, 2001 .

Richard Heeks, B. Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, 2002 .

B. Nicholson, R. Babin, 2012 .

B. Nicholson, R. Babin, 2012 .

B. Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, S. Krishna, 2003 .

B. Nicholson, Fareesa Malik, 2020 .

B. Nicholson, R. Babin, M. Young, 2019, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases.

Richard Heeks, B. Nicholson, Karsten Eskelund, 2018, Locally Relevant ICT Research.

B. Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, Johan Sæbø, 2022, Inf. Soc..

B. Nicholson, R. Babin, 2012 .

Brian Nicholson, Michael Newman, Aghil Ameripour, 2010, J. Inf. Technol..

B. Nicholson, Fareesa Malik, S. Morgan, 2013 .

B. Nicholson, P. Aveyard, Laura Heath, 2022, BMJ.

Erran Carmel, Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Shirin Madon, 2016, ICIS.

Brian Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, B. Nicholson, 2009, J. Inf. Technol..

Robert W. Scapens, Brian Nicholson, Sung Hwan Chai, 2018, ECIS.

Robert W. Scapens, Brian Nicholson, R. Scapens, 2008 .

Brian Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, S. Krishna, 2003 .

Brian Nicholson, Michael Newman, Hritik Gupta, 2013, AMCIS.

Richard Heeks, Brian Nicholson, Aini Aman, 2018, Inf. Technol. Dev..

Richard Heeks, Brian Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, 2018, Information Systems Journal.

Petter Nielsen, Johan Sæbø, Brian Nicholson, 2019, Information and Communication Technologies for Development.

Julian M. Bass, Brian Nicholson, Eswaran Subhramanian, 2013 .

Brian Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, S. Krishna, 2003 .

Brian Nicholson, Michael Newman, Hritik Gupta, 2012, PACIS.

Brian Nicholson, Silvia Masiero, Fareesa Malik, 2021, Inf. Technol. People.

Brian Nicholson, Ron Babin, B. Nicholson, 2012 .

Petter Nielsen, Johan Sæbø, Brian Nicholson, 2021, Inf. Syst. J..

Elaine Byrne, Brian Nicholson, B Salem, 2009 .

Richard Heeks, Brian Nicholson, Gerardo Quinones, 2020, Inf. Technol. Dev..

Brian Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, B. Nicholson, 2006 .

Brian Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, B. Nicholson, 2004, 15th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2007).

B. Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, S. Krishna, 2003 .

Richard Heeks, Brian Nicholson, Fareesa Malik, 2017, ICT4D.

Nimmi Rangaswamy, Brian Nicholson, Yanuar Nugroho, 2016, Inf. Technol. Dev..

Elaine Byrne, Brian Nicholson, Fadi Salem, 2011, Inf. Technol. Dev..

Fareesa Malik, Brian Nicholson, B. Nicholson, 2019, Inf. Syst. J..

Erran Carmel, Brian Nicholson, E. Carmel, 2005, J. Glob. Inf. Manag..

Brian Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, B. Nicholson, 2009, Inf. Technol. Dev..

Brian Nicholson, John Dobson, B. Nicholson, 2017, J. Assoc. Inf. Syst..

Brian Nicholson, Ron Babin, Steve Briggs, 2011, Commun. ACM.

B. Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, S. Krishna, 2003 .

Richard Heeks, Brian Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, 2001, IEEE Softw..

B. Nicholson, R. Babin, 2012 .

Magda David Hercheui, Brian Nicholson, Aghil Ameripour, 2012, HCC.

Richard Heeks, Silvia Masiero, Fareesa Malik, 2020, ECIS.

Ron Babin, Brian Nicholson, Megan Young, 2020, JGIM.

Brian Nicholson, John Dobson, Richard Duncombe, 2010, HCC.

Brian Nicholson, Aini Aman, B. Nicholson, 2008, Information Technology in the Service Economy.

B. Nicholson, Sundeep Sahay, S. Krishna, 2003 .

Brian Nicholson, B. Nicholson, 1995 .

R. Scapens, B. Nicholson, Ali M. Elharidy, 2013 .

Brian Nicholson, Aini Aman, B. Nicholson, 2003 .

Brian Nicholson, Aini Aman, B. Nicholson, 2003, Information Systems Perspectives and Challenges in the Context of Globalization.

Juan E. Gómez-Morantes, Richard Heeks, B. Nicholson, 2020 .