G. Atchou


A. Minetti, L. Ardigò, F. Saibene, 2004, European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology.

P. E. di Prampero, A. Duvallet, G. Atchou, 2004, European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology.

P. E. di Prampero, G. Atchou, G. Atchou, 2006, European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology.

A. Kengne, G. Atchou, B. Hamadou, 2007, European journal of echocardiography : the journal of the Working Group on Echocardiography of the European Society of Cardiology.

J. Sztajzel, A. Bayés de Luna, G. Atchou, 2006, The American journal of cardiology.

G. Ferretti, A. Veicsteinas, G. Atchou, 1995, International journal of sports medicine.

R. Massarelli, S. Perrey, G. Atchou, 2005, International journal of sports medicine.

G. Ferretti, P. Cerretelli, G. Atchou, 2004, European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology.

G. Atchou, P. Ndumbe, M. Biwole, 1993, Medical Microbiology and Immunology.

R. Massarelli, J. Barthélémy, G. Atchou, 2006, Clinical physiology and functional imaging.

P. Cerretelli, G. Atchou, R. Olgiati, 1986, Journal of applied physiology.

G. Atchou, G. Atchou, P. Prampero, 2004, European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology.