L. F. Wilson


L. F. Wilson, 1996, Conference Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Fifteenth Annual International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications.

L. F. Wilson, D. J. Burroughs, George Cybenko, 2002, Conference Proceedings of the IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (Cat. No.02CH37326).

M. J. Gonzalez, L. F. Wilson, M.J. Gonzalez, 1996, Conference Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Fifteenth Annual International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications.

L. F. Wilson, D. Nicol, 1995, Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings, 1995..

L. F. Wilson, D. Nicol, Craig A. Lee, 1995, Proceedings 9th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (ACM/IEEE).

L. F. Wilson, D. Nicol, L.F. Wilson, 1996, Proceedings of Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Tools.

Linda F. Wilson, Daniel Burroughs, A. Kumar, 2001, Proc. IEEE.

Linda F. Wilson, Daniel Burroughs, Jeanne Sucharitaves, 2000, 2000 Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37165).

Linda F. Wilson, L. F. Wilson, G. Ayorkor Korsah, 2003, Simul..