P. Annibale


P. Annibale, S. Vanni, M. Scarselli, 2011, Nature Methods.

P. Annibale, J. Pellequer, A. Inga, 2019, Molecular cell.

M Facchini, P Stoliar, M. Facchini, 2009, Biosensors & bioelectronics.

Patrick A. Naylor, Rudolf Rabenstein, Paolo Annibale, 2013, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing.

R. V. Martinez, Ricardo Garcia, P. Annibale, 2020, Journal of microscopy.

S. Winkelmann, P. Annibale, P. de Lanerolle, 2022, Cells.

M. Lohse, P. Annibale, H. Biebermann, 2020, International journal of molecular sciences.

P. Annibale, D. D. de Leeuw, F. Biscarini, 2007, Journal of the American Chemical Society.

U. Zabel, M. Lohse, P. Annibale, 2021, Cell.

E. Gratton, P. Annibale, A. Anzalone, 2014, Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE.

S. Kosak, E. Gratton, P. Annibale, 2016, Journal of Cell Science.

P. Annibale, A. Radenović, A. Kis, 2010, Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids.

A. Radenovic, P. Annibale, M. Scarselli, 2014, Histochemistry and Cell Biology.

M. Lohse, P. Annibale, P. Gmeiner, 2021, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

C. Schütte, M. Lohse, P. Annibale, 2020, Optics letters.

U. Zabel, M. Lohse, P. Annibale, 2020, Cell.

Enrico Gratton, Adali Pecci, Valeria Levi, 2017, Scientific Reports.

M. Lohse, C. Hoffmann, P. Annibale, 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

C. Schütte, C. Karathanasis, M. Lohse, 2020, Nature Chemical Biology.

M. Lohse, P. Annibale, 2020, Nature Methods.

Enrico Gratton, Alexander Dvornikov, Paolo Annibale, 2015, Biomedical optics express.

Sascha Spors, Peter Steffen, Rudolf Rabenstein, 2009, 2009 17th European Signal Processing Conference.

Rudolf Rabenstein, Paolo Annibale, R. Rabenstein, 2012, 2012 Proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO).

Rudolf Rabenstein, Paolo Annibale, R. Rabenstein, 2017, Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput..