E. Scott


S. Bloomfield, E. Scott, C. Barlow, 1982, Journal of Hygiene.

E. Scott, 1999, American journal of infection control.

S. Bloomfield, M. Exner, G. Fara, 2010, American journal of infection control.

E. Scott, N. Herbold, 2008, International journal of environmental health research.

E. Scott, Karabeth Vanick, 2007, American journal of infection control.

S. Bloomfield, E. Scott, C. Barlow, 1984, Journal of Hygiene.

S. Bloomfield, E. Scott, 1990, The Journal of applied bacteriology.

E. Scott, 2003, The Canadian journal of infectious diseases = Journal canadien des maladies infectieuses.

R. Beumer, S. Bloomfield, M. Exner, 2004, American Journal of Infection Control.

S. Bloomfield, E. Scott, Sally F. Bloomfield, 1990, The Journal of applied bacteriology.

E. Scott, 2001, American journal of infection control.

S. Bloomfield, E. Scott, 2013, American journal of infection control.

S. Bloomfield, M. Exner, G. Fara, 2008, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.