C. Doyle


Emily You, D. Dunt, C. Doyle, 2016, BMC Health Services Research.

Emily You, D. Dunt, C. Doyle, 2017, Health & social care in the community.

Emily You, D. Dunt, C. Doyle, 2016, Health & social care in the community.

J. Pirkis, D. Dunt, C. Doyle, 2012, Australasian journal on ageing.

Emily You, D. Dunt, C. Doyle, 2016, Care Management Journals.

D. Dunt, C. Doyle, D. Ames, 2013, International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

C. Doyle, S. Malta, 2016, Australasian journal on ageing.

C. Doyle, B. Dow, 2010, International Psychogeriatrics.

E. Cyarto, C. Doyle, D. Ames, 2014, Asia-Pacific psychiatry : official journal of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists.

Emily You, D. Dunt, C. Doyle, 2016, Qualitative health research.

Emily You, D. Dunt, C. Doyle, 2013, Journal of aging and health.

G. Livingston, C. Doyle, C. Cooper, 2019, Health & social care in the community.

D. Dunt, C. Doyle, P. Morris, 2014, International Psychogeriatrics.

C. Doyle, S. Runci, J. Redman, 1999, International Psychogeriatrics.

S. Bhar, Emily You, C. Doyle, 2018, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

D. Dunt, C. Doyle, 2012, International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.