V. Puig


Vicenç Puig, Yolanda Bolea, José Rodellar, 2005 .

J. M. Grosso, C. Ocampo‐Martinez, B. Joseph, 2014 .

V. Puig, G. Cembraño, Congcong Sun, 2020, Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research.

V. Puig, G. Cembraño, Congcong Sun, 2020, Journal of environmental management.

V. Puig, G. Cembraño, Congcong Sun, 2018 .

V. Puig, G. Cembraño, Ye Wang, 2019, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.

V. Puig, G. Cembraño, C. C. Sun, 2015 .

V. Puig, Vikas Gupta, 2016, 2016 3rd Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

G. Alenyà, V. Puig, A. Miguel, 2019 .

Vicenç Puig, Yolanda Bolea, Ricardo S. Sanchez-Pena, 2009 .

Vicenç Puig, Hector Rodriguez Rangel, Juan J. Flores, 2018 .

Vicenç Puig, Ari Ingimundarson, Sebastián Tornil, 2006 .

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Pep Cugueró, 2001, 2001 European Control Conference (ECC).

Vicenç Puig, Teresa Escobet, Jordi Meseguer, 2007 .

Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Vicenc Puig, Masoud Pourasghar, 2016, 2016 3rd Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

V. Puig, J. Meseguer, T. Escobet, 2007, 2007 European Control Conference (ECC).

V. Puig, F. López‐Estrada, G. Valencia‐Palomo, 2020 .

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Alexandru Stancu, 2006 .

V. Puig, J. Quevedo, J. Saludes, 2017 .

Vicenç Puig, Jordi Saludes, Joaquim Blesa, 2012 .

Vicenç Puig, Gabriela Cembrano, Jordi Meseguer, 2021, Journal of Hydroinformatics.

V. Puig, F. López‐Estrada, G. Valencia‐Palomo, 2022, Expert Syst. Appl..

V. Puig, Rihab El Houda Thabet, Sofiane Ahmed Ali, 2022, International Journal of Systems Science.

D. Rotondo, V. Puig, Ruicong Yang, 2019, IFAC-PapersOnLine.

O. Sename, V. Puig, M. M. Morato, 2022, 2022 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED).

V. Puig, F. Nejjari, Boutrous Khoury, 2022, Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci..

V. Puig, F. Nejjari, Sergio E. Samada, 2022, IFAC-PapersOnLine.

Ye Wang, Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, 2015, European Control Conference.

O. Sename, R. Palhares, V. Puig, 2022, Applied Soft Computing.

R. Palhares, V. Puig, I. Bessa, 2022, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems.

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, V. Puig, 2002, Math. Comput. Simul..

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Carlos Trapiello, 2021, Syst. Control. Lett..

V. Puig, Carlos Trapiello, 2022, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica.

Vicenç Puig, Masoud Shafiee, Amir Hossein Hassanabadi, 2016, Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci..

V. Puig, M. Shafiee, Amir Hossein Hassanabadi, 2016, 2016 3rd Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

Vicenç Puig, Gabriela Cembrano, Congcong Sun, 2020, Water.

V. Puig, J. Blesa, G. Cembraño, 2020, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Teresa Escobet, 2013 .

D. Rotondo, V. Puig, Ruicong Yang, 2019, 2019 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD).

Vicenç Puig, Reinaldo M. Palhares, Iury Bessa, 2021, Autom..

R. Palhares, V. Puig, I. Bessa, 2022, IFAC-PapersOnLine.

Vicenç Puig, Erdal Taskent, V. Puig, 2018, Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis.

Vicenç Puig, Hazem N. Nounou, Mohamed N. Nounou, 2021, J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst..

Vicenç Puig, Javad Poshtan, Majid Ghaniee Zarch, 2021, Processes.

Vicenç Puig, Sebastian Tornil-Sin, Rosa M. Fernandez-Canti, 2021, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.

Vicenç Puig, P. Trnka, Davide Barcelli, 2010 .

Vicenç Puig, Lizeth Torres, Guillermo Valencia-Palomo, 2021, Journal of Fluids Engineering.

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Ari Ingimundarson, 2013 .

Vicenç Puig, Hazem Nounou, Kais Bouzrara, 2021, 2021 18th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD).

T. Johansen, D. Rotondo, V. Puig, 2017, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems.

D. Rotondo, M. Witczak, V. Puig, 2016, 2016 3rd Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Teresa Escobet, 2015, Intelligent Monitoring, Control, and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems.

Vicenç Puig, Teresa Escobet, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems.

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Miquel A. Cugueró, 2017 .

Vicenç Puig, Gabriela Cembrano, Congcong Sun, 2015 .

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Jordi Saludes, 2008, Fuzzy Sets Syst..

Vicenç Puig, Fatemeh Karimi‐Pour, Carlos Ocampo‐Martinez, 2021, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Eugenio Alcalá, 2019, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Eugenio Alcalá, 2019, IFAC-PapersOnLine.

Gabriela Cembrano, Luis Romero Ben, Vicenç Puig, 2019, IFAC-PapersOnLine.

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Eugenio Alcalá, 2018, ArXiv.

Vicenç Puig, Ye Wang, Gabriela Cembrano, 2018, Journal of Process Control.

Vicenç Puig, Ye Wang, David Muñoz de la Peña, 2018, 2018 European Control Conference (ECC).

Vicenç Puig, Ye Wang, Teodoro Alamo, 2016, 2016 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA).

Ye Wang, Gabriela Cembrano, Vicenc Puig, 2016, 2016 3rd Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

Vicenç Puig, Eric Duviella, Yolanda Bolea, 2014, J. Intell. Syst..

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, J. M. Grosso, 2014 .

V. Puig, G. Cembraño, Carlos Trapiello, 2023, Journal of Process Control.

Vicenç Puig, Gabriela Cembraño, Carlos Trapiello, 2021, Comput. Chem. Eng..

Gabriela Cembrano, Vicenç Puig, Carlos Trapiello, 2020, 2020 7th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT).

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, C. Ocampo‐Martinez, 2010 .

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, C. Ocampo‐Martinez, 2009, Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held jointly with 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference.

Vicenç Puig, Cecilio Angulo, Jordi Duatis, 2008 .

Alberto Bemporad, Vicenç Puig, Ari Ingimundarson, 2008 .

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Ari Ingimundarson, 2006 .

Damiano Rotondo, Fatiha Nejjari, Vicenc Puig, 2016, 2016 5th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC).

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Marcin Witczak, 2015, J. Frankl. Inst..

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Ramon Sarrate, 2007, 2007 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Albert Rosich, 2006 .

Vicenç Puig, Joaquim Blesa, Mohamadou Nassourou, 2018, J. Syst. Control. Eng..

Vicenç Puig, Iury Valente de Bessa, Reinaldo M. Palhares, 2020, J. Frankl. Inst..

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Rita Maria Planas, 2016 .

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2011, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference.

Vicenç Puig, Masoud Shafiee, Amir Hossein Hassanabadi, 2016, Int. J. Syst. Sci..

Damiano Rotondo, Joseba Quevedo, Teresa Escobet, 2019, Annu. Rev. Control..

Joseba Quevedo, Vicenc Puig, Olivier Sename, 2020, ArXiv.

V. Puig, F. Nejjari, Khoury Boutrous, 2020 .

Vicenç Puig, Lala Rajaoarisoa, Fatiha Nejjari, 2019, Journal of Process Control.

Vicenç Puig, Antoni Grau-Saldes, Yolanda Bolea, 2014, J. Appl. Math..

V. Puig, J. M. Grosso, C. Ocampo-Martinez, 2012, 2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED).

M Casas, G Cembrano, J Quevedo, 2011, Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research.

Vicenç Puig, Ramon Creus, Meritxell Minoves, 2011 .

Vicenç Puig, Jan Van Impe, Filip Logist, 2011 .

Vicenç Puig, Bernardo Morcego, Valeria Javalera, 2010, ICAART.

G Cembrano, J Quevedo, V Puig, 2009, Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research.

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Gabriela Cembrano, 2002 .

L. Rajaoarisoa, V. Puig, P. Segovia, 2019, 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Fatemeh Karimi Pour, 2017, 2017 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT).

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Fatemeh Karimi Pour, 2017 .

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Juan M. Grosso, 2013, Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell..

Vicenç Puig, Bernardo Morcego, Valeria Javalera, 2010, Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference.

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Diego Feroldi, 2008 .

Vicenç Puig, Ramon Costa-Castelló, José Luis Sampietro, 2019, Energies.

Vicenç Puig, G. Valencia-Palomo, F. R. López-Estrada, 2018 .

V. Puig, E. Duviella, P. Segovia, 2021, ISA transactions.

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Sorin Olaru, 2017, Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci..

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Sorin Olaru, 2014, 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.

Vicenç Puig, Ghaleb Hoblos, Ahmad Al-Mohamad, 2019, 2019 4th Conference on Control and Fault Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

Vicenç Puig, Józef Korbicz, Joseba Quevedo, 2007, Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell..

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2015, J. Frankl. Inst..

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Christophe Combastel, 2019, Journal of Process Control.

Vicenç Puig, Teresa Escobet, Ramon Sarrate, 2010, 2007 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.

Jordi Saludes, Vicenc Puig, Joaquim Blesa, 2009, 2010 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

Vicenç Puig, Xavier Prats, Joseba Quevedo, 2010 .

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Ari Ingimundarson, 2008, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.

Vicenç Puig, Teresa Escobet, Peter Fogh Odgaard, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

Vicenç Puig, Rosa M. Fernández-Cantí, Sebastian Tornil-Sin, 2015, Annu. Rev. Control..

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, 2019, J. Frankl. Inst..

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2015, 2015 American Control Conference (ACC).

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2014, 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC).

Damiano Rotondo, Fatiha Nejjari, Vicenc Puig, 2014, 2014 European Control Conference (ECC).

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2013, 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation.

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2013 .

V. Puig, F. Nejjari, D. Rotondo, 2012, 2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED).

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2016 .

Vicenç Puig, Teresa Escobet, Jordi Meseguer, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans.

Vicenç Puig, Cecilio Angulo, Jordi Duatis, 2014, 2014 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA).

Vicenç Puig, Joaquim Blesa, Sebastian Tornil-Sin, 2017 .

Gabriela Cembrano, Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, 2004 .

Vicenç Puig, Eric Duviella, Fatiha Nejjari, 2018 .

Gabriela Cembrano, Congcong Sun, Jan Lorenz Svensen, 2020, ArXiv.

Gabriela Cembrano, Fatemeh Karimi Pour, Vicenç Puig, 2019, Energies.

Vicenç Puig, Alessandro Casavola, Francesco Tedesco, 2018, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems.

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, José María Maestre, 2017 .

Vicenç Puig, Gabriela Cembraño, Cong Cong Sun, 2016, Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell..

Vicenç Puig, Joaquim Blesa, Rosa M. Fernández-Cantí, 2014, 2014 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA).

Cesare Alippi, Manuel Roveri, Giacomo Boracchi, 2013, 2013 Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing (ICICIP).

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Teresa Escobet, 2009 .

Vicenç Puig, Teresa Escobet, Anibal Bregon, 2019 .

V. Puig, F. López‐Estrada, G. Valencia‐Palomo, 2023, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Masoud Pourasghar, 2020, J. Frankl. Inst..

Vicenç Puig, Yolanda Bolea, Joaquim Blesa, 2010 .

Vicenç Puig, Teresa Escobet, Ramon Sarrate, 2007, 2007 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Tor Arne Johansen, 2018, Int. J. Control.

Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, Eric Duviella, 2018, 2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA).

Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, Eric Duviella, 2018, J. Syst. Control. Eng..

Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, Eric Duviella, 2017, 2017 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT).

Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, Eric Duviella, 2017, 2017 American Control Conference (ACC).

Vicenç Puig, Yolanda Bolea, Y. Bolea, 2016, ISA transactions.

Vicenç Puig, Yolanda Bolea, Joaquim Blesa, 2014, Environ. Model. Softw..

Vicenç Puig, Laurent Bako, Moamar Sayed Mouchaweh, 2013, 2013 10th IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NETWORKING, SENSING AND CONTROL (ICNSC).

Vicenç Puig, Yolanda Bolea, Ricardo Salvador Sánchez Peña, 2009, 2009 European Control Conference (ECC).

Yolanda Bolea, Vicenc Puig, R. Sanchez-Pena, 2007, 2007 European Control Conference (ECC).

Yolanda Bolea, Vicenc Puig, Joaquim Blesa, 2007, 2007 European Control Conference (ECC).

Feng Xu, Vicenç Puig, Bin Liang, 2018, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Cristian Kunusch, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

V. Puig, Zhou Meng, Jing Wang, 2023, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.

Ye Wang, Vicenç Puig, Jing Wang, 2020, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Sorin Olaru, 2014, 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.

Vicenç Puig, Cecilio Angulo, Jordi Duatis, 2015 .

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Teresa Escobet, 2018, IET Control Theory & Applications.

Vicenç Puig, Peter Fogh Odgaard, Hector Eloy Sanchez Sardi, 2018 .

Vicenç Puig, Christophe Aubrun, Mohamed Naceur Abdelkrim, 2021, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy.

Vicenç Puig, D. Rotondo, V. Puig, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers.

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Trapiello, V. Puig, 2019, 2019 4th Conference on Control and Fault Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

D. Rotondo, V. Puig, G. Cembraño, 2019, 2019 4th Conference on Control and Fault Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

Damiano Rotondo, Fatiha Nejjari, Jean-Christophe Ponsart, 2016, 2016 3rd Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2015, Fuzzy Sets Syst..

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

Damiano Rotondo, Fatiha Nejjari, Vicenc Puig, 2013, 2013 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

Vicenç Puig, Marcin Witczak, Saúl Montes de Oca, 2012, Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci..

Vicenc Puig, Saul Montes de Oca, V. Puig, 2010, 2010 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

R. Palhares, V. Puig, I. Bessa, 2020 .

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2015 .

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2012 .

Vicenç Puig, Alessandro Casavola, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, 2014, 2014 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA).

V. Puig, Eugenio Alcalá, Marc Facerías, 2022, Sensors.

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2016, J. Frankl. Inst..

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2014, J. Frankl. Inst..

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2013, 2013 European Control Conference (ECC).

L. Glielmo, L. Iannelli, V. Puig, 2022, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC).

Vicenç Puig, Saúl Montes de Oca, V. Puig, 2009, 2009 European Control Conference (ECC).

Gabriela Cembrano, Vicenç Puig, Luca Vezzaro, 2020 .

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Trapiello, V. Puig, 2020, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC).

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, 2019, 2019 8th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC).

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Carlos Trapiello, 2019, 2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT).

Vicenç Puig, Jakub Mozaryn, Andrzej W. Ordys, 2021, 2021 European Control Conference (ECC).

Vicenç Puig, Juan J. Flores, Héctor Rodríguez, 2016, 2016 European Control Conference (ECC).

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Eugenio Alcalá, 2020, Robotics Auton. Syst..

J. Quevedo, V. Puig, S. de Lira, 2010, 2010 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

Joseba Quevedo, Vicenc Puig, Attila Husar, 2010, 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'10.

Vicenç Puig, Didier Theilliol, Saúl Montes de Oca, 2014 .

Vicenç Puig, Ye Wang, Gabriela Cembrano, 2019, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.

Vicenç Puig, Ye Wang, Gabriela Cembrano, 2018, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.

Vicenç Puig, Joaquim Blesa, Elma Sanz, 2021, Control Engineering Practice.

D. Ichalal, S. Mammar, V. Puig, 2022, J. Frankl. Inst..

Vicenç Puig, Shahram Aghaei, Iman Zare, 2020, 2020 European Control Conference (ECC).

Vicenç Puig, Bernardo Morcego, Carlos Trapiello, 2019, IET Control Theory & Applications.

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2016, Int. J. Syst. Sci..

Vicenç Puig, Luis E. Garza-Castañón, Myrna V. Casillas, 2013, 2013 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

V. Puig, J. Quevedo, J. Gertler, 2010, 2010 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Gerard Sanz, 2014, Environ. Model. Softw..

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Tor Arne Johansen, 2018, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.

Florin Stoican, Paul Irofti, Luis Romero-Ben, 2021, 2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA).

Paul Irofti, Florin Stoican, Vicencc Puig, 2020, ArXiv.

Vicenç Puig, Pep Lluís Negre, Isaac Pineda, 2012 .

Vicenç Puig, Pep Lluís Negre, Isaac Pineda, 2011 .

V. Puig, J. Vendrell, Congcong Sun, 2021, 2021 5th International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

Vicenç Puig, Mohamed Boumehraz, Mohamed Nadour, 2019, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management.

Vicenç Puig, Juan Reyes-Reyes, Citlaly Martinez-Garcia, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs.

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2015, Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci..

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Fatiha Nejjari, 2014, 2014 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA).

Vicenç Puig, Jordi Meseguer, Gabriela Cembraño, 2018, 2018 International Workshop on Cyber-physical Systems for Smart Water Networks (CySWater).

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Teresa Escobet, 2008, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.

Richard D. Braatz, Ye Wang, Vicenç Puig, 2018, 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).

S. Simani, M. Witczak, V. Puig, 2023, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.

Joseba Quevedo, Jordi Saludes, Vicenc Puig, 1999, 1999 European Control Conference (ECC).

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Teresa Escobet, 2017 .

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Miquel A. Cugueró, 2008 .

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Ricardo Salvador Sánchez Peña, 2005, ICINCO.

Damiano Rotondo, Fatiha Nejjari, Vicenc Puig, 2013, 2013 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

Vicenc Puig, Ramon Costa-Castello, Jose Luis Sampietro, 2016, 2016 UKACC 11th International Conference on Control (CONTROL).

Vicenç Puig, C. M. Astorga-Zaragoza, Juan Reyes-Reyes, 2020, Processes.

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Marcin Witczak, 2015, 2015 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED).

Marcin Witczak, Marcel Luzar, Vicenc Puig, 2013, 2013 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

M. Witczak, V. Puig, J. Korbicz, 2008, 2008 16th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation.

Vicenç Puig, C.-M. Astorga-Zaragoza, C. Martínez García, 2018 .

Vicenç Puig, Józef Korbicz, Marcin Witczak, 2008 .

V. Puig, Hamidreza Ahmadzadeh, S. Aghaei, 2023, J. Frankl. Inst..

Vicenç Puig, Guillem Alenyà, Alberto San Miguel, 2019, 2019 4th Conference on Control and Fault Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

V. Puig, F. Nejjari, Sergio E. Samada, 2023, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing.

Vicenç Puig, Joaquim Blesa, Adria Soldevila, 2018, 2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA).

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Miquel A. Cugueró, 2014, 2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).

Damiano Rotondo, Fatiha Nejjari, Vicenc Puig, 2013, 2013 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

M. Innocenti, V. Puig, F. Nejjari, 2012, 2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED).

Y. Bolea, V. Puig, J. Blesa, 2012, 2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED).

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, C. Ocampo‐Martinez, 2017 .

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Masoud Pourasghar, 2019, Int. J. Syst. Sci..

Damiano Rotondo, Vicenç Puig, Tor Arne Johansen, 2018, J. Intell. Robotic Syst..

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Masoud Pourasghar, 2019, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.

Vicenç Puig, Rosa M. Fernández-Cantí, Sebastian Tornil-Sin, 2013, 2013 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

Vicenç Puig, Teresa Escobet, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, 2012, Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell..

Vicenç Puig, Mario Sznaier, Ricardo Salvador Sánchez Peña, 2006, Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.

Vicenç Puig, Teresa Escobet, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, 2009 .

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Sebastián Tornil, 2000 .

Vicenc Puig, Joaquim Blesa, Adria Soldevila, 2016, 2016 3rd Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol).

Vicenç Puig, Joaquim Blesa, Adria Soldevila, 2016, 2016 European Control Conference (ECC).

Vicenç Puig, Adrià Soldevila, Joaquim Blesa, 2019, 2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT).

Vicenç Puig, Jordi Meseguer, Joaquim Blesa, 2021, 2021 European Control Conference (ECC).

Vicenç Puig, Luis E. Garza-Castañón, Adriana Vargas-Martínez, 2015 .

V. Puig, J. Blesa, F. López‐Estrada, 2020, IFAC-PapersOnLine.

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Teresa Escobet, 2012, The 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Juan M. Grosso, 2017, Int. J. Syst. Sci..

Vicenç Puig, Vikas Gupta, V. Puig, 2016, 2016 European Control Conference (ECC).

V. Puig, S. Montes de Oca, C. Ocampo-Martinez, 2012, 2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED).

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, J. M. Grosso, 2017 .

V Puig, C Ocampo-Martinez, V Fambrini, 2010, Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference.

Vicenç Puig, Joseba Quevedo, Jordi Saludes, 2017 .

Vicenç Puig, Yolanda Bolea, Joaquim Blesa, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.

Vicenç Puig, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Sorin Olaru, 2013, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.