D. Dunsmuir


J. Ansermino, J. Daniels, D. Dunsmuir, 2008, Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing.

W. Macharia, D. Dunsmuir, C. M. Njeru, 2022, BMC Pediatrics.

L. Magee, J. Ansermino, Z. Bhutta, 2015, International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.

W. Karlen, W. Macharia, J. Ansermino, 2022, Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing.

W. Macharia, J. Ansermino, D. Dunsmuir, 2021, BMC Pediatrics.

Pierre Barralon, Guy A Dumont, J Mark Ansermino, 2012, Anesthesia and analgesia.

D. Dunsmuir, Guohai Zhou, N. West, 2017, The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society.

W. Karlen, G. Dumont, J. Ansermino, 2019, EClinicalMedicine.

Guy Albert Dumont, John Mark Ansermino, Matthias Görges, 2014, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.

Guy A. Dumont, Joanne Lim, Yang Ping, 2010 .

Aryannah U. Rollinson, J. Ansermino, A. Garde, 2021, Physiological measurement.

Guy A Dumont, Cornie Scheffer, J Mark Ansermino, 2015, JMIR mHealth and uHealth.

G. Dumont, J. Hutcheon, L. Magee, 2015, Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Canada : JOGC = Journal d'obstetrique et gynecologie du Canada : JOGC.

J. Ansermino, D. Dunsmuir, Terri Sun, 2020, Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie.

L. Magee, J. Ansermino, Z. Bhutta, 2023, BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology.

Guy Albert Dumont, John Mark Ansermino, Ainara Garde, 2018, 2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).

Cheryl Z. Qian, Victor Y. Chen, Chris Shaw, 2009, 2009 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology.

L. Magee, J. Ansermino, D. Dunsmuir, 2018 .

Walter Karlen, Guy A Dumont, J Mark Ansermino, 2015, Journal of healthcare engineering.

Guy Albert Dumont, John Mark Ansermino, Matthias Görges, 2013, ICFP.

J. Ansermino, D. Dunsmuir, N. Kenya-Mugisha, 2023, medRxiv.

N. Kissoon, J. Ansermino, D. Dunsmuir, 2023, Global Health: Science and Practice.