I. Berlin


I. Berlin, 1921 .

I. Berlin, I N Berlin, 1970, The American journal of orthopsychiatry.

I. Berlin, 1969, Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education.

I. Berlin, 1987, The Western journal of medicine.

I. Berlin, 1987, Suicide & life-threatening behavior.

I. Berlin, 1969, Individuality Incorporated.

I. Berlin, S. Szurek, 1966, Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry.

I. Berlin, 1987, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

I. Berlin, 1946 .

I. Berlin, 1970, Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry.

I. Berlin, 1919 .

I. Berlin, R. Kimball, E. L. Berlin, 2001 .

I. Berlin, J. Campbell, John Y. Powell, 2000 .

I. Berlin, Irving N. Berlin, 1978, Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry.

I. Berlin, S. Szurek, M. J. Boatman, 1951, The American journal of orthopsychiatry.

I. Berlin, 1965 .

I. Berlin, Deane L. Critchley, 1982, Child psychiatry and human development.

I. Berlin, 1958, The School Review.

P. S. Stephenson, I. Berlin, R. Freeman, 1974, Canadian Psychiatric Association journal.

I. Berlin, A. E. Christ, 1969, Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry.

I. Berlin, 1969, The American journal of orthopsychiatry.

I. Berlin, 1971, The American journal of orthopsychiatry.

I. Berlin, 1969, Community Mental Health Journal.

I. Berlin, 1965, Community mental health journal.

I. Berlin, 1972, The American journal of orthopsychiatry.

I. Berlin, 2001, Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America.

I. Berlin, 1975, Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry.

I. Berlin, 1979, Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry.

I. Berlin, D. L. Critchley, 1981, The American journal of orthopsychiatry.

I. Berlin, Deane L. Critchley, 1979, Child psychiatry and human development.

I. Berlin, 1934 .

I. Berlin, J. Noshpitz, L. A. Stone, 1979 .

Frank Vignola, Jimmy Van Heusen, Thelonious Monk, 1992 .

I. Berlin, 1966 .