H. Lewin


Joshua M. Stuart, D. Haussler, S. Brenner, 2009, The Journal of heredity.

Bronwen L. Aken, J. Harrow, S. Searle, 2012, Nature.

Dan Xie, Mingchao Xie, Xiaoyun Xing, 2012, Cell.

C. Robert-Granié, R. E. Everts, H. Lewin, 2011, Reproduction.

Juan Carlos Castilla-Rubio, D. Haussler, Huanming Yang, 2018, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Loretta Auvil, Denis M. Larkin, Michael Welge, 2009, Genome research.

P M VanRaden, P. VanRaden, C. V. Van Tassell, 2004, Journal of dairy science.

M. Rebeiz, H. Lewin, C. Green, 2000, Genome research.

R. E. Everts, H. Lewin, J. Loor, 2005, Veterinary immunology and immunopathology.

M. Rebeiz, H. Lewin, Mark Rebeiz, 2000, Animal biotechnology.

Andreas R. Pfenning, Graham M. Hughes, K. Lindblad-Toh, 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Loretta Auvil, Takahiro Yonezawa, Ye Yin, 2012, Nature Genetics.

M. Sogin, H. Lewin, L. K. McNeil, 2000, Journal of molecular evolution.

Sergey Koren, Adam M. Phillippy, Eugene W. Myers, 2020, Nature.

Voichita D. Marinescu, Andreas R. Pfenning, William J. Nash, 2020, Nature.

Andreas R. Pfenning, Graham M. Hughes, K. Lindblad-Toh, 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Loretta Auvil, Boris Capitanu, Denis M Larkin, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Wei Zhao, Xiangke Liao, Shaoliang Peng, 2014, Nature Communications.

Steven J. M. Jones, Timothy P. L. Smith, G. L. Bennett, 2007, Genome Biology.

P. D. de Jong, K. Osoegawa, M. Rebeiz, 2003, Genome research.

M. Mitchell, R. E. Everts, H. Lewin, 2014, Bioinformatics and biology insights.

H. Lewin, L. Schook, A. Xu, 2009, Animal genetics.

D. Watkins, N. Letvin, H. Lewin, 1989, European journal of immunology.

H. Lewin, S. Rodriguez-Zas, K. Schellander, 2008, Reproduction.

R. E. Everts, H. Lewin, S. Rodriguez-Zas, 2005, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

D. I. Våge, S. Ennis, M. Georges, 1997, Mammalian Genome.

H. Lewin, K. Kelley, Harris A. Lewin, 1986, Journal of animal science.

R. E. Everts, H. Lewin, S. Rodriguez-Zas, 2011, Functional & Integrative Genomics.

H. Lewin, H. Maiato, D. Larkin, 2018, Current Biology.

H. Lewin, J. L. Bouzat, K. Paige, 1998, The American Naturalist.

H. Lewin, M. Amills, J. Norimine, 1998, Revue scientifique et technique.

D. Watkins, N. Letvin, H. Lewin, 1989, Journal of immunogenetics.

Steven G. Schroeder, D. Bickhart, C. V. Van Tassell, 2016, DNA research : an international journal for rapid publication of reports on genes and genomes.

W. Murphy, M. Springer, E. Eizirik, 2022, bioRxiv.

L. Andersson, J. Poel, N. Cockett, 1994 .

R. E. Everts, H. Lewin, A. Carvalho, 2008, Infection and Immunity.

H. Lewin, I. Russ, M. V. Eijk, 2004, Mammalian Genome.

D. Haussler, R. Durbin, M. Diekhans, 2015 .

B. Birren, K. Lindblad-Toh, J. Korlach, 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Andrew W. Torrance, Jacob S. Sherkow, Debra J. H. Mathews, 2021, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

H. Lewin, S. Rodriguez-Zas, C. Park, 2002, Animal genetics.

R. Fernando, H. Lewin, J. Beever, 1992, Immunogenetics.

H. Lewin, M. V. van Eijk, M. V. Eijk, 2009, Animal genetics.

H. Lewin, L. Schook, D. Hamernik, 2003, Animal biotechnology.

R. E. Everts, H. Lewin, C. Giraud-Delville, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

J. Korlach, A. Djikeng, H. Lewin, 2022, Nature.

Loretta Auvil, Boris Capitanu, Denis M. Larkin, 2013, Nature Communications.

R. E. Everts, H. Lewin, C. Giraud-Delville, 2009, Physiological genomics.

R. Shanks, H. Lewin, M. Wu, 1989, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

R. Shanks, H. Lewin, Y. Da, 1993, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

H. Lewin, R. Dietert, L. Kass, 1982, The Journal of experimental zoology.

M. Sogin, H. Lewin, H. Robertson, 2000, Journal of Molecular Evolution.

J. A. Stewart, D. Bernoco, H. Lewin, 1994, European journal of immunogenetics : official journal of the British Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics.

Lei Liu, George Gong, Richard D. LeDuc, 2004, BMC Bioinformatics.

Seongwon Seo, Harris A. Lewin, H. Lewin, 2009 .

Readman Chiu, Denis M Larkin, Harris A Lewin, 2005, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

H. Lewin, W. Davis, D. Bernoco, 1985, Veterinary immunology and immunopathology.

H. Lewin, Y. Da, M. Mirsky, 1993, PCR methods and applications.

P. Donnelly, J. Korlach, A. Phillippy, 2021, Nature.

R. E. Everts, H. Lewin, C. Green, 2006, Physiological genomics.

L. Andersson, S. Mikko, H. Lewin, 1997, Immunogenetics.

H. Lewin, C. Beattie, R. McGraw, 1998, Animal genetics.

R. E. Everts, H. Lewin, S. Rodriguez-Zas, 2009, Reproduction, fertility, and development.

Stephen J O'Brien, Denis M Larkin, Harris A Lewin, 2009, Genome research.

Dalia A. Conde, Juan Carlos Castilla-Rubio, Jacob S. Sherkow, 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

H. Lewin, Y. Da, W. Barendse, 2009, Animal genetics.

H. Lewin, F. Biase, Rosane Oliveira, 2016, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Ryan J. Haasl, D. Bickhart, C. V. Van Tassell, 2016, Genome biology and evolution.

R. E. Everts, H. Lewin, S. Rodriguez-Zas, 2009, Molecular reproduction and development.

H. Lewin, S. Rodriguez-Zas, B. Southey, 2002, Journal of dairy science.

H. Lewin, M. Teutsch, 1996, Veterinary immunology and immunopathology.

H. Lewin, J. Beever, G. Guérin, 1997, Mammalian Genome.

Fergal J. Martin, A. Phillippy, S. Pelan, 2021 .

Alvaro G. Hernandez, T. Harkins, M. Goddard, 2012, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

R. Durbin, F. Di Palma, K. Lindblad-Toh, 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

H. Lewin, Lauren M. Staska, C. Davies, 2003, Infection and Immunity.

Loretta Auvil, Boris Capitanu, Jian Ma, 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

H. Lewin, Joana Damas, Marco Corbo, 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

H. Lewin, M. Gillings, J. Beever, 1998, Journal of dairy science.

H. Lewin, 2004, Cytogenetic and Genome Research.

Michael E Goddard, Ben J Hayes, Harris A Lewin, 2013, Trends in genetics : TIG.

Voichita D. Marinescu, Andreas R. Pfenning, Graham M. Hughes, 2023, bioRxiv.

P. VanRaden, G. Wiggans, J. Weller, 1999, Physiological genomics.

C. Mummery, G. Folkers, H. Lewin, 1999, Biology of reproduction.

H. Lewin, A. Xu, Kay McKenna, 2004, Immunogenetics.

H. Lewin, Y. Da, C. Green, 1995, Mammalian Genome.

H. Lewin, C. Green, M. Band, 2000, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

R. E. Everts, H. Lewin, Y. Da, 1996, The Journal of heredity.

P. VanRaden, G. Wiggans, J. Weller, 1999, Animal biotechnology.

H. Lewin, C. C. Calvert, D. Bernoco, 1985, American journal of veterinary research.

Harris A. Lewin, H. Lewin, 2009, Science.

H. Lewin, W. Barendse, I. Olsaker, 2002, Animal genetics.

Voichita D. Marinescu, Andreas R. Pfenning, Graham M. Hughes, 2023, Science.

Fergal J. Martin, J. Korlach, A. Phillippy, 2021, Cell genomics.

Sunil Kumar Sahu, Robert P. Davey, Juan Carlos Castilla-Rubio, 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

L. L. Berger, R. E. Everts, H. Lewin, 2013, Bioinformatics and biology insights.

Rachel S. Meyer, Nathan J B Kraft, Amanda C. Freise, 2021, California Agriculture.

Rachel S. Meyer, Nathan J B Kraft, Amanda C. Freise, 2019, bioRxiv.

Voichita D. Marinescu, Andreas R. Pfenning, Graham M. Hughes, 2023, Science.

Voichita D. Marinescu, Gavin J. Svenson, Andreas R. Pfenning, 2023, Science.

Voichita D. Marinescu, Andreas R. Pfenning, Matthew G. Johnson, 2023, Science.

Voichita D. Marinescu, Andreas R. Pfenning, Graham M. Hughes, 2023, bioRxiv.

H. Lewin, J. A. Stewart-Haynes, 1992, BioTechniques.

H. Lewin, J. Stewart, M. J. Romano, 1989, Veterinary immunology and immunopathology.

H. Lewin, B. Nonnecke, L. Timms, 1989, Journal of dairy science.

H. Lewin, J. Beever, S. Fisher, 2009, Mammalian Genome.

M. Ron, H. Lewin, Y. Da, 1994, Mammalian Genome.

Hans H. Cheng, M. Delany, Xiaoxiang Hu, 2023, Science advances.

Danielle G. Lemay, K. Worley, C. Elsik, 2009, BMC Genomics.

H. Lewin, Joana Damas, Marco Corbo, 2020, Annual review of animal biosciences.

Voichita D. Marinescu, Andreas R. Pfenning, Graham M. Hughes, 2023, Science.

Voichita D. Marinescu, Andreas R. Pfenning, Matthew G. Johnson, 2023, Science.

H. Lewin, J. Beever, 2009, Animal genetics.

G. L. Bennett, H. Lewin, S. Lien, 2001, Animal Genetics.

D. I. Våge, H. Lewin, S. Lien, 1999, Animal genetics.

D. Pomp, J. Keele, H. Lewin, 1998, Animal genetics.

H. Lewin, D. Larkin, N. M. Astakhova, 2006, Cytogenetic and Genome Research.

Voichita D. Marinescu, Andreas R. Pfenning, BaDoi N. Phan, 2023, Science.

W. Kress, G. Robinson, J. Coddington, 2019, Biodiversity Information Science and Standards.

A. Krogh, Yao Lu, X. Fang, 2014, Nature Communications.

S. O’Brien, J. Pontius, H. Lewin, 2009, Genome research.

Stephen J O'Brien, Harris A Lewin, Jennifer A Marshall Graves, 2019, GigaScience.

H. Lewin, D. Larkin, L. Auvil, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Jian Ma, Kwan-Liu Ma, Jaebum Kim, 2017, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

R. E. Everts, H. Lewin, S. Rodriguez-Zas, 2009, Molecular reproduction and development.

C. Robert-Granié, R. E. Everts, H. Lewin, 2011, Reproduction.

H. Lewin, L. Schook, D. Mclaren, 2020 .