A. Pommerol


Nicolas Thomas, Antoine Pommerol, N. Thomas, 2012 .

S. Debei, F. Scholten, N. Thomas, 2015, Science.

A. Pommerol, N. Thomas, O. Poch, 2018, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

A. McEwen, A. Pommerol, C. Okubo, 2013 .

D. Stam, B. Demory, C. Keller, 2021, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

S. Erard, C. Pilorget, E. Palomba, 2020, 2009.14476.

N. Thomas, E. Simioni, G. Cremonese, 2019, Geophysical Research Letters.

N. Thomas, A. Pommerol, P. Sabouroux, 2018, 2018 5th IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (MetroAeroSpace).

H. U. Keller, A. Pommerol, N. Thomas, 2014, 1701.05822.

K. Gwinner, E. Simioni, G. Cremonese, 2022, Planetary and Space Science.

Alfred S. McEwen, Antoine Pommerol, Antoine Séjourné, 2014 .

A. McEwen, L. Keszthelyi, A. Ivanov, 2019 .

S. Debei, A. McEwen, L. Keszthelyi, 2018 .

N. Thomas, A. Pommerol, T. Beck, 2014 .

A. Pommerol, L. Mayer, J. Blum, 2022, The Review of scientific instruments.

D. Stam, B. Demory, C. Keller, 2022, Optical Engineering + Applications.

N. Thomas, A. Pommerol, M. Wieser, 2015, 1509.04008.

G. Filacchione, A. Pommerol, S. Mottola, 2019, Space Science Reviews.

A. G. Hayes, K. Herkenhoff, J. Johnson, 2020, Space Science Reviews.

H. Keller, A. Pommerol, S. Schröder, 2011 .

Christopher Ré, A. McEwen, E. Simioni, 2022, Planetary and Space Science.

V. Sautter, A. Pommerol, P. Beck, 2021, 2203.10051.

E. Simioni, G. Cremonese, A. Pommerol, 2021, Planetary and Space Science.

Nicolas Thomas, Stubbe F. Hviid, Jörg Knollenberg, 2014 .

A. Pommerol, J. Blum, B. Gundlach, 2021, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

David Kappel, Stefano Mottola, Antoine Pommerol, 2019, Space Science Reviews.

N. Thomas, A. Pommerol, O. Poch, 2017, Planetary and Space Science.

A. Pommerol, J. Blum, B. Gundlach, 2019, Space Science Reviews.

C. Pilorget, E. Palomba, A. Longobardo, 2020, Nature Astronomy.

L. Keszthelyi, S. Douté, F. Seelos, 2022, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

Nicolas Thomas, Chris H. Okubo, Anton B. Ivanov, 2014 .

Jimmy D Bell, A. G. Hayes, Jeffrey R. Johnson, 2020, Space Science Reviews.

J. Bridges, G. Cremonese, A. Pommerol, 2022, Planetary and Space Science.

A. Pommerol, B. Gundlach, H. Sierks, 2021, The Review of scientific instruments.

N. Thomas, B. Schmitt, A. Pommerol, 2012 .

A. McEwen, G. Cremonese, A. Pommerol, 2023, Planetary and Space Science.

R. Srama, S. Armes, J. Hillier, 2022, Planetary and Space Science.

Nicolas Thomas, François Fleuret, Gabriele Cremonese, 2017, ArXiv.

S. Debei, F. Scholten, N. Thomas, 2017 .

Christoph U. Keller, Antoine Pommerol, Frans Snik, 2020, Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.

Olivier Poch, Christoph U. Keller, Frans Snik, 2019, Optical Engineering + Applications.

A. Pommerol, N. Thomas, Z. Yoldi, 2021, Planetary and Space Science.

Nicolas Thomas, Olivier Poch, Antoine Pommerol, 2017, Astrobiology.

A. Pommerol, B. Gundlach, O. Poch, 2023, 2308.11338.

F. Postberg, A. Longobardo, F. Frassetto, 2024, Space science reviews.

A. McEwen, N. Bridges, C. Hansen, 2014 .

F. G. Carrozzo, F. Daerden, A. Vandaele, 2024, Nature Geoscience.