T. Day


Sam P. Brown, Sasha R. X. Dall, Jay D. Evans, 2011, Nature.

B. Grenfell, S. Gandon, T. Day, 2016, Trends in ecology & evolution.

J. Dushoff, D. Earn, Junling Ma, 2013, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Peter D. Taylor, Troy Day, P. Taylor, 2007, Nature.

T. Day, A. Read, N. Mideo, 2008, Cellular microbiology.

Laurent Lehmann, James A. R. Marshall, Hanna Kokko, 2011, Nature.

Troy Day, Peter D Taylor, P. Taylor, 2007, Journal of theoretical biology.

T. Day, S. E. Reece, W. Nelson, 2011, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

Troy Day, Jonathan Dushoff, David J. D. Earn, 2011, Theoretical Ecology.

P D Taylor, P. Taylor, T. Day, 1998, Journal of theoretical biology.

T. Day, R. Bonduriansky, 2003, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

T. Day, R. Bonduriansky, A. Crean, 2011, Evolutionary applications.

Sam P. Brown, Sasha R. X. Dall, Jay D. Evans, 2011, Nature.

T. Day, S. Greenhalgh, 2017, Infectious Disease Modelling.

S. Gandon, T. Day, 2009, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

Y. Iwasa, T. Day, K. Bessho, 2015, Journal of theoretical biology.

T. Day, J. Hansen, 2014, Journal of evolutionary biology.

T. Day, 2004, Emerging infectious diseases.

T. Day, A. Read, N. Mideo, 2009 .

S. Gandon, T. Day, 2003, Trends in microbiology.

Troy Day, Daniel Cownden, Amy Hurford, 2010, Journal of The Royal Society Interface.

T. Day, David V. McLeod, 2014, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

T. Day, Paul D. Williams, P. Williams, 2003, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

S. Gandon, T. Day, A. Read, 2022, PLoS biology.

T. Day, T. Cook, 1996, The Quarterly Review of Biology.

T. Day, Carly Rozins, 2016, Evolutionary applications.

Troy Day, Nicole Mideo, T. Day, 2008, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

T. Day, Carly Rozins, S. Greenhalgh, 2019, Epidemics.

T. Day, Carly Rozins, S. Greenhalgh, 2018, bioRxiv.

Troy Day, Neal Madras, Jianhong Wu, 2006, American journal of epidemiology.

S. Otto, S. Gandon, T. Day, 2020, Current Biology.

T. Day, Carly Rozins, 2016, Journal of Mathematical Biology.

T. Day, Carly Rozins, 2016, Journal of mathematical biology.

Carmen Lía Murall, C. Bauch, T. Day, 2015, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Troy Day, Andrew F. Read, Silvie Huijben, 2015, Trends in microbiology.

T. Day, A. Graham, C. Cressler, 2015, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Troy Day, Silvie Huijben, T. Day, 2011, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Sylvain Gandon, Troy Day, S. Gandon, 2008, Vaccine.

L. Rowe, T. Day, E. Cameron, 2003, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences.

Carl T. Bergstrom, A. Hendry, M. Kinnison, 2011, Evolutionary applications.

T. Day, P. Abrams, 2020, Trends in ecology & evolution.

A. Buckling, S. Gandon, T. Day, 2008, Journal of evolutionary biology.

T. Day, E. Cameron, Paul D. Williams, 2005, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

T. Day, R. Bonduriansky, 2013, Journal of evolutionary biology.

D. Schluter, T. Day, John Pritchard, 1994, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

L. Rowe, T. Day, E. Cameron, 2007, The American Naturalist.

T. Day, David V. McLeod, 2019, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

Paul D. Williams, L. Rowe, T. Day, 2006, Trends in ecology & evolution.

David V McLeod, Troy Day, T. Day, 2019, PLoS Comput. Biol..

T. Day, H. K. Alexander, T. Day, 2010, Journal of The Royal Society Interface.

S. Gandon, T. Day, 2012, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

E. Hansen, S. Moghadas, T. Day, 2010, The Canadian journal of infectious diseases & medical microbiology = Journal canadien des maladies infectieuses et de la microbiologie medicale.

Troy Day, Elsa Hansen, E. Hansen, 2011, Journal of mathematical biology.

Troy Day, Elsa Hansen, E. Hansen, 2010, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

T. Day, R. Schmidt, S. Greenhalgh, 2019, American journal of epidemiology.

M. Hochberg, R. Holt, S. Gandon, 2013, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

V. Jansen, T. Day, S. Lion, 2011, Trends in ecology & evolution.

Robin N. Thompson, Megan A. Greischar, L. Childs, 2020, Evolution, medicine, and public health.

L. Rowe, T. Day, E. Cameron, 2003, Journal of evolutionary biology.

Troy Day, Andrew F. Read, Derek Gordon Sim, 2013, PLoS pathogens.

T. Day, D. Sim, A. Read, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Troy Day, Paul D Williams, T. Day, 2008, Molecular ecology.

Troy Day, Samuel Alizon, Nicole Mideo, 2008, Trends in ecology & evolution.

T. Day, 2000, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

T. Day, A. Chippindale, N. G. Prasad, 2006, The American Naturalist.

T. Day, M. Servedio, O. Cotto, 2021, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

D. Schluter, T. Day, 1995, Trends in ecology & evolution.

P. Taylor, J. André, T. Day, 2006, Theoretical population biology.

Troy Day, Sebastian Bonhoeffer, C Jessica E Metcalf, 2014, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

N. Savill, T. Day, S. E. Reece, 2011, The American Naturalist.

S. Gandon, T. Day, 2007, Journal of The Royal Society Interface.

T. Day, S. Proulx, 2004, The American Naturalist.

T. Day, 2002, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences.

T. Day, 2001, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

T. Day, David V. McLeod, 2017, Nature Ecology &Evolution.

A. Lambert, T. Parsons, S. Gandon, 2017, bioRxiv.

Troy Day, Stephen R Proulx, L. Rowe, 2002, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences.

Troy Day, Andrew F. Read, T. Day, 2016, PLoS Comput. Biol..

P. Taylor, T. Day, 1998, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

T. Day, S. Barrett, L. Jesson, 2003, The American Naturalist.

L. Aarssen, T. Day, 1997, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

Peter D. Taylor, Troy Day, P. Taylor, 1996, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences.

N. Colegrave, T. Day, D. Shuker, 2010, PLoS pathogens.

Troy Day, Madeleine J. H. van Oppen, M. Julian Caley, 2007, The American Naturalist.

T. Day, W. Nelson, Amy B Forsythe, 2021, Ecology letters.

A. Lambert, T. Parsons, S. Gandon, 2018, Journal of The Royal Society Interface.

T. Day, N. Mideo, Samuel Alizon, 2011, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

A. Gumel, A. Galvani, C. Struchiner, 2008, Vaccine.

T. Day, A. Read, A. Graham, 2007, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Sylvain Gandon, Troy Day, S. Gandon, 2006, Disease Evolution: Models, Concepts, and Data Analyses.

J. G. Burns, T. Day, 2003, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

Troy Day, T. Day, Paul D. Williams, 2001, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences.

L. Rowe, T. Day, 2006, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

T. Day, N. S. McClure, 2014, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

P. Taylor, T. Day, 1997, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences.

I. Bogoch, D. Fisman, T. Day, 2020, Canadian Medical Association Journal.

J. André, T. Day, A. Park, 2006, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

T. Day, N. Mideo, Samuel Alizon, 2008, Evolutionary applications.

S. Stearns, T. Day, 2009, Evolutionary applications.

A. Lambert, T. Parsons, S. Gandon, 2022, medRxiv.

T. Day, A. Hurford, 2013, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.

T. Day, E. Mccauley, W. Nelson, 2014, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

J. André, T. Day, 2005, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Troy Day, Peter D Taylor, P. Taylor, 2004, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences.

T. Day, David V. McLeod, 2018, The American Naturalist.

T. Day, David V. McLeod, 2015, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

A. Lambert, T. Parsons, S. Gandon, 2020, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

T. Day, S. Huijben, A. Read, 2011, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

T. Day, S. Huijben, A. Read, 2015, Trends in microbiology.

T. Day, O. Cotto, 2023, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Lisa P. Barrett, Samir N. Patel, B. Sander, 2021 .

T. Day, O. Cotto, 2020, Journal of evolutionary biology.

A. Lambert, T. Parsons, S. Gandon, 2017, bioRxiv.

Y. Iwasa, T. Day, K. Bessho, 2015, Journal of theoretical biology.

Jonathan M. Chase, T. Day, P. Abrams, 2002, Evolution; international journal of organic evolution.