G. Raposo


Robert G. Parton, Pierre Sens, Pierre Nassoy, 2011, Cell.

G. Raposo, P. Dupree, R. Parton, 1993, The EMBO journal.

Graça Raposo, Willem Stoorvogel, Hans J. Geuze, 2002, Traffic.

C. Théry, G. Raposo, Marina Colombo, 2014, Annual review of cell and developmental biology.

Graça Raposo, M. Simons, G. Raposo, 2009, Current opinion in cell biology.

J. Bonifacino, L. Johannes, G. Raposo, 2007, Journal of Cell Science.

Sabine Bardin, Bruno Goud, Graça Raposo, 2017, Nature Communications.

Graca Raposo, Lydia Danglot, Thierry Galli, 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Guillem Rigaill, Graça Raposo, Philippe Chavrier, 2009, Cancer research.

G. Raposo, F. Giordano, M. Mari, 2012, Molecular biology of the cell.

Jean Salamero, Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, Xavier Heiligenstein, 2017, Methods in Cell Biology.

J. Salamero, G. Raposo, A. Akiva, 2021, Methods in cell biology.

J. Salamero, G. Raposo, A. Akiva, 2020, bioRxiv.

L. Schaeffer, G. Raposo, P. Leblanc, 2015, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.

A. Clayton, G. Raposo, P. Vader, 2022, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

G. Raposo, P. Stahl, 2019, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

J. Falcón-Pérez, G. Raposo, M. Marks, 2006, Molecular biology of the cell.

G. Raposo, M. Marsh, A. Pelchen-Matthews, 2004, Trends in microbiology.

W. Stoorvogel, G. Raposo, M. Marks, 2002, Cell structure and function.

G. Raposo, Cédric Delevoye, S. Vale-Costa, 2017, Journal of Cell Science.

Andrew J. Lindsay, B. Goud, G. Raposo, 2013, Molecular biology of the cell.

A. Trautmann, G. Raposo, M. Romao, 2005, European journal of immunology.

G. Raposo, D. Bennett, M. Romao, 2006, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Raposo, T. Tolmachova, S. Pascolo, 2007, Nature Cell Biology.

C. Théry, G. Raposo, D. Mazzeo, 2001, Journal of cell science.

G. Raposo, M. Marks, H. Heijnen, 2013, Current opinion in cell biology.

G. Raposo, M. Lemmon, M. King, 2004, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Raposo, F. Giordano, F. Jollivet, 2012, Biology of the cell.

Filippo Del Bene, G. Raposo, F. Verweij, 2018, bioRxiv.

G. Raposo, Cédric Delevoye, S. Loubéry, 2012, Traffic.

G. Raposo, I. Hurbain, Jean Cohen, 2011, Molecular biology of the cell.

H. Ploegh, M. Yilla, P. Benaroch, 1995, The EMBO journal.

G. Raposo, G. Péhau-Arnaudet, S. Amigorena, 1999, Molecular biology of the cell.

B. de Strooper, L. Serneels, G. Raposo, 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

G. Raposo, M. Marks, A. Theos, 2006 .

J. Bonifacino, Daniel Lévy, P. Bassereau, 2021, bioRxiv.

F. Waharte, J. Salamero, B. Goud, 2007, Traffic.

G. Raposo, M. Marks, A. Theos, 2003, Immunologic research.

L. Zitvogel, A. Régnault, G. Raposo, 1999, European journal of cancer.

J. Bonifacino, S. Mohammed, A. Heck, 2008, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Raposo, A. Dürrbach, D. Louvard, 1999, Molecular biology of the cell.

G. Raposo, M. Ferenczi, M. Romao, 2007, Traffic.

G. Raposo, D. Vilette, Benoît Février, 2005, Blood cells, molecules & diseases.

G. Raposo, C. Bonnerot, D. Lankar, 2006, Biology of the cell.

G. Raposo, C. Hivroz, C. Bonnerot, 2003, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

G. Raposo, Cédric Delevoye, F. Giordano, 2011, Medecine sciences : M/S.

Graça Raposo, Willem Stoorvogel, W. Stoorvogel, 2013, The Journal of cell biology.

J. Salamero, G. Raposo, Cédric Delevoye, 2014, Methods in cell biology.

J. Bonifacino, G. Raposo, J. Martina, 2005, Molecular biology of the cell.

L. Zitvogel, F. André, G. Raposo, 2002, The Lancet.

A. Saiardi, G. Raposo, Cédric Delevoye, 2018, Journal of Cell Science.

E. Mekada, G. Raposo, E. Odintsova, 2013, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Graca Raposo, Crislyn D'Souza-Schorey, Philippe Chavrier, 2009, Current Biology.

Carla Oliveira, Bernd Giebel, An Hendrix, 2016, ACS nano.

B. Goud, G. Raposo, M. Chaussepied, 2005, Cellular microbiology.

G. Raposo, S. Gould, 2013, Journal of extracellular vesicles.

Katharina Gaus, Pierre Sens, Patricia Bassereau, 2007, Nature.

Graça Raposo, G. Raposo, Guillaume van Niel, 2018, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

Graça Raposo, G. Raposo, M. Marks, 2007, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

G. Raposo, M. Marks, L. Salavessa, 2021, Integrative and comparative biology.

G. Raposo, I. Hurbain, M. Romao, 2017, The Journal of investigative dermatology.

G. Raposo, M. Marks, F. Giordano, 2011 .

G. Raposo, D. Bennett, E. Sviderskaya, 2021, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.

G. Raposo, Léa Ripoll, Floriane Gilles-Marsens, 2018, International journal of molecular sciences.

G. Raposo, M. Marks, D. Bennett, 2015, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Raposo, M. Marks, G. Niel, 2013, Pigment cell & melanoma research.

A. Verkleij, J. Sibarita, J. Salamero, 2009, The Journal of cell biology.

D. Fowler, J. Kelly, G. Raposo, 2009, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

G. Raposo, M. Marks, A. Theos, 2005, Pigment cell research.

G. Raposo, M. Marks, D. C. Harper, 2001, Molecular biology of the cell.

G. Raposo, M. Marks, Linh Le, 2021, Integrative and comparative biology.

L. Schurgers, G. Raposo, I. Hurbain, 2015, Cell reports.

G. Raposo, D. Loew, F. Dingli, 2015, Nature Communications.

A. Verkleij, G. Raposo, M. Marks, 2008, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

E. Steingrímsson, P. Petersen, G. Raposo, 2015, Front. Neuroanat..

G. Raposo, M. Marks, C. Delevoye, 2019, Current opinion in cell biology.

G. Raposo, I. Hurbain, M. Romao, 2017, Methods in molecular biology.

G. Raposo, M. Marks, D. Cutler, 2007, Current opinion in cell biology.

J. Lötvall, A. Hill, C. Théry, 2021, Journal of extracellular vesicles.

J. Poncer, T. Galli, G. Raposo, 2006, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

M. D'Esposito, A. Hamburger, T. Galli, 2003, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Raposo, M. Pierres, A. Hueber, 1994, The Journal of experimental medicine.

W. Faigle, G. Raposo, M. Vidal, 2004, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Aled Clayton, Sebastian Amigorena, Clotilde Théry, 2006, Current protocols in cell biology.

James W. Clancy, P. Chavrier, C. Rossé, 2015, Nature Communications.

Eva-Maria Krämer-Albers, R. Vandenbroucke, C. Théry, 2021, Nature Methods.

F. Del Bene, Filippo Del Bene, G. Raposo, 2019, Developmental cell.

J. Neefjes, M. Verhage, R. Toonen, 2018, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Lachenal, F. Kirchhoff, J. Garin, 2006, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience.

Laurence Zitvogel, Sebastian Amigorena, Jérôme Garin, 1999, The Journal of cell biology.

Laurence Zitvogel, Sebastian Amigorena, Graça Raposo, 1998, Nature Medicine.

C. Melief, H. Geuze, W. Stoorvogel, 1996, The Journal of experimental medicine.

A. Vincent-Salomon, M. Stern, G. Raposo, 2019, Cell metabolism.

G. Raposo, J. Klumperman, 2014, Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology.

P. Hupé, E. Formstecher, M. Arpin, 2011, Molecular biology of the cell.

Laurence Zitvogel, Sebastian Amigorena, Florence Faure, 2001, Nature Medicine.

Miguel C. Seabra, Nir Hacohen, Sebastian Amigorena, 2010, Nature Cell Biology.

G. Raposo, J. Darlix, P. Leblanc, 2008, Biology of the cell.

G. Raposo, H. Laude, D. Vilette, 2005, Traffic.

G. Raposo, P. Stahl, 2018, Essays in biochemistry.

A. Clayton, G. Raposo, P. Vader, 2022, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

Clotilde Théry, Graça Raposo, C. Théry, 2011, Traffic.

Miguel C. Seabra, Nir Hacohen, Sebastian Amigorena, 2009 .

G. Raposo, R. Hershberg, N. Cerf-Bensussan, 2001, Gastroenterology.

P. Ricciardi-Castagnoli, L. Zitvogel, A. Régnault, 1999, The Journal of cell biology.

Graça Raposo, G. Raposo, C. Bonnerot, 2005, International immunology.

G. Raposo, Benoît Février, 2004, Current opinion in cell biology.

G. Raposo, M. Vidal, C. Géminard, 2003, Blood.

X. Breakefield, Eva-Maria Krämer-Albers, M. Barr, 2014, The Journal of Neuroscience.

Graça Raposo, S. Le Gall, P. Benaroch, 2001, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Raposo, P. Stahl, Alessandra Lo Cicero, 2015, Current opinion in cell biology.

H. Geuze, P. Benaroch, G. Raposo, 2002, Traffic.

G. Raposo, G. van Niel, Sabrina Simoes, 2006, Journal of biochemistry.

A. Régnault, G. Raposo, F. Faure, 2002, The Journal of Immunology.

J. Dausset, P. van Endert, A. Kauffmann, 2006, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

P. Opolon, L. Zitvogel, G. Kroemer, 2006, Nature Medicine.

G. Raposo, Alessandra Lo Cicero, 2013 .

Z. Aktary, F. Rambow, G. Raposo, 2021, Communications biology.

Graça Raposo, A. Trautmann, N. Bercovici, 1998, The Journal of experimental medicine.

Volker Briken, Graça Raposo, G. Raposo, 2002, The Journal of experimental medicine.

D. Nižetić, G. Raposo, A. Rebillat, 2020, Acta Neuropathologica Communications.

B. Goud, G. Raposo, I. Hurbain, 2015, Biology of the cell.

P. Benaroch, G. Raposo, C. Bonnerot, 2002, International immunology.

G. Raposo, Avital Wagner, Thorolf Magnesen, 2023, Nature Communications.

G. Raposo, Avital Wagner, Thorolf Magnesen, 2022, bioRxiv.

L. Zitvogel, N. Chaput, F. André, 2002, Vaccine.

H. Geuze, G. Raposo, M. Vidal, 1997 .

G. Raposo, P. Leblanc, O. Andréoletti, 2015, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.

Javier G. Magadán, J. Bonifacino, G. Raposo, 2010, Molecular biology of the cell.

L. Schaeffer, G. Raposo, P. Leblanc, 2015, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.

G. Raposo, J. Darlix, P. Leblanc, 2006, The EMBO journal.

P. Chavrier, C. Rossé, J. Camonis, 2003, The Journal of cell biology.

P. Chavrier, G. Raposo, F. Niedergang, 2003, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Raposo, S. Suetsugu, G. D’angelo, 2022, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

Jean Salamero, Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, Xavier Heiligenstein, 2017, Microscopy and Microanalysis.

Catherine Chapuis, C. Petit, A. El-Amraoui, 2003, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Raposo, I. Hurbain, Paulius Gibieža, 2019, Nature Communications.

A. Strosberg, S. Kaveri, G. Raposo, 1989, European journal of cell biology.

Franck Perez, Graça Raposo, F. Perez, 2012, Nature Methods.

G. Raposo, I. Hurbain, Paulius Gibieža, 2019, Nature Communications.

Jean Salamero, Sabine Bardin, Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, 2014, Traffic.

Jérôme Casas, G. Raposo, I. Hurbain, 2021, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

R. Sougrat, B. Goud, F. Perez, 2007, Molecular biology of the cell.

P. Benaroch, P. Chavrier, G. Raposo, 2007, Molecular biology of the cell.

L. Zitvogel, F. André, G. Raposo, 2001, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

P. Paul-Gilloteaux, A. Vincent-Salomon, S. Vacher, 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

L. Schaeffer, G. Raposo, J. Darlix, 2012, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.

G. Raposo, F. Giordano, V. Marigo, 2011, Pigment cell & melanoma research.

G. Raposo, P. Stahl, G. van Niel, 2021, FASEB bioAdvances.

D. Nižetić, G. Raposo, A. Rebillat, 2020, Acta Neuropathologica Communications.

L. Schaeffer, G. Raposo, P. Leblanc, 2017, Methods in molecular biology.

J. Lötvall, C. Théry, M. Wauben, 2012 .

G. Raposo, Guillaume Montagnac, G. van Niel, 2023, International journal of molecular sciences.

G. Raposo, F. Verweij, D. Pegtel, 2022, The Journal of cell biology.

P. Paul-Gilloteaux, J. Salamero, L. Collinson, 2017, Nature Methods.

L. Zitvogel, A. Régnault, F. André, 2001 .

G. Raposo, I. Dunia, E. Benedetti, 2006, Parasitology Research.

G. Raposo, Xavier Heiligenstein, Léa Ripoll, 2016, Cell cycle.

E. Gilson, K. Sawamoto, G. Raposo, 2010, Nature Cell Biology.

G. Raposo, D. Bennett, M. Romao, 2006, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Raposo, H. Laude, D. Vilette, 2005, Medecine sciences : M/S.

C. Melief, H. Geuze, W. Stoorvogel, 1996, The Journal of experimental medicine.

C. Théry, G. Raposo, Marina Colombo, 2011, Traffic.

James W. Clancy, P. Chavrier, G. Raposo, 2009, Current Biology.

L. Schaeffer, G. Raposo, J. Darlix, 2011, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.

E. Mekada, G. Raposo, E. Odintsova, 2013, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

J. Salamero, G. Raposo, A. Akiva, 2021, Methods in cell biology.

P. Chavrier, G. Raposo, F. Niedergang, 2003, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Raposo, P. Stahl, 2023, Extracellular vesicles and circulating nucleic acids.