L. Bouter


E. Roelofsen, G. J. Lankhoorst, L. Bouter, 2000, International journal of rehabilitation research. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Rehabilitationsforschung. Revue internationale de recherches de readaptation.

G. Lankhorst, D. Kuik, L. Bouter, 1996, Disability and rehabilitation.

H. D. de Vet, R. Scholten, L. Bouter, 2001, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care.

L. Bouter, M. Lindeboom, A. Varga, 2022, Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology.

L. B. Mokkink, H. C. W. de Vet, A. Chiarotto, 2018, Quality of Life Research.

L M Bouter, H C de Vet, L. Bouter, 2001, The British journal of surgery.

G. Lankhorst, L. Bouter, F. Jelles, 1995, Journal of clinical epidemiology.

A. Hofman, J. Knottnerus, D. Couper, 2014, European journal of preventive cardiology.

L M Bouter, L. Bouter, P. Lips, 1998, Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.

L. Bouter, G. Lankhorst, F. Jelles, 1995, Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation.

L. Bouter, J. Alberts, I. Gerstenbluth, 1997, International Journal of Obesity.

F J Snoek, L M Bouter, L. Bouter, 1994, Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association.

P D Bezemer, L M Bouter, H C de Vet, 2001, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care.

L. Bouter, G. Lankhorst, C. V. van Bennekom, 1996, Journal of clinical epidemiology.

R. Heine, L. Bouter, E. Mollema, 1997, Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association.

Academisch Proefschrift, L. Bouter, H. Stallmann, 2007 .

Academisch Proefschrift, L. Bouter, M. Distel, 2009 .

Jan Terwel, Martijn van Schaik, Academisch Proefschrift, 2010 .