G. Brierley


Gary Brierley, G. Brierley, 2009 .

K. Fryirs, G. Perry, G. Brierley, 2021, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences.

G. Brierley, 2019, Finding the Voice of the River.

K. Fryirs, G. Brierley, T. Dixon, 2019, Nature Communications.

G. Brierley, 2019, Finding the Voice of the River.

K. Fryirs, G. Brierley, Mônica dos Santos Marçal, 2019, Revista Brasileira de Geomorfologia.

K. Fryirs, G. Brierley, C. Cullum, 2013 .

J. Wheaton, K. Fryirs, G. Brierley, 2015 .

G. Brierley, Stephen Tooth, 2023, The AAG Review of Books.

G. Brierley, R. Ferguson, K. Woolfe, 1997 .

J. Wheaton, K. Fryirs, G. Brierley, 2019, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

A. Salmond, G. Brierley, Marc Tadaki, 2018, River Research and Applications.

K. Fryirs, G. Brierley, R. Poeppl, 2020, The Science of the total environment.

G. Brierley, 2019, Finding the Voice of the River.

G. Brierley, K. Fisher, S. Trowsdale, 2017 .

G. Perry, G. Brierley, Jay Gao, 2013, Journal of Mountain Science.

Mark Patrick Taylor, Gary Brierley, Kirstie Fryirs, 2001 .

H. Piégay, G. Brierley, M. Rinaldi, 2015, Aquatic Sciences.

G. Brierley, R. Heron, Claire Gregory, 2011 .

K. Fryirs, G. Brierley, N. Preston, 2011 .

A. Ladson, G. Brierley, M. Stewardson, 1998 .

G. Brierley, Guilherme Hissa Villas Boas, Mônica Marçal, 2022, Human Ecology.

M. Stankoviansky, G. Brierley, 2003 .

J. Salmond, G. Brierley, Marc Tadaki, 2011 .

G. Brierley, Jay Gao, A. Cheung, 2013, Journal of Mountain Science.

K. Fryirs, G. Brierley, 2008 .

K. Fitzpatrick, G. Brierley, Rosemary Martin, 2013 .

J. Brasington, G. Brierley, I. Fuller, 2022, WIREs Water.

K. Fryirs, G. Brierley, 2021, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

G. Brierley, Brendon Blue, Guoan Yu, 2013, Journal of Geographical Sciences.

Zhaoyin Wang, G. Brierley, Zhiwei Li, 2013, Journal of Geographical Sciences.

J. Salmond, G. Brierley, Emma L. Sharp, 2022, Environment and Planning F.

Gary Brierley, Sam Trowsdale, Ines Winz, 2009 .

G. Brierley, R. Howitt, Deirdre A Wilcock, 2013 .

G. Brierley, Xi-lai Li, 2013, Journal of Mountain Science.

G. Brierley, Zhiwei Li, H. Huang, 2022, WIREs Water.

G. Brierley, C. Cullum, Jiang Fu, 2016 .

G. Brierley, Tami Nicoll, Guoan Yu, 2013, Journal of Geographical Sciences.

Stuart N. Lane, Paola Passalacqua, Ellen Wohl, 2018, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

Gary Brierley, Marc Tadaki, Carola Cullum, 2014 .

Gary Brierley, Kirstie Fryirs, Vikrant Jain, 2006 .

G. Brierley, D. Gore, J. Pickard, 2000 .

Gary Brierley, Marc Tadaki, J. Salmond, 2012 .

Gary Brierley, Alan Kwok Lun Cheung, David O’sullivan, 2015, Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Sci..

J. Salmond, G. Brierley, Marc Tadaki, 2015 .

G. Brierley, C. Cullum, H. Huang, 2016 .

Gary Brierley, Kirstie Fryirs, K. Fryirs, 2000 .

G. Brierley, I. Fuller, D. Hikuroa, 2022, Land.

A. Salmond, G. Brierley, D. Hikuroa, 2022, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research.

K. Fryirs, G. Brierley, H. Reid, 2021 .

G. Brierley, D. Hikuroa, Mary Salmond, 2019, Policy Quarterly.

Gary Brierley, Andrew Pattrick Brooks, G. Brierley, 2000 .

Gary Brierley, David O'Sullivan, G. Brierley, 2016 .

G. Brierley, Heqing Huang, 2013, Journal of Geographical Sciences.

G. Brierley, R. D. Williams, H. Reid, 2019, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface.

G. Brierley, S. Trowsdale, Ines Winz, 2011 .