A. Vanhoestenberghe


N. Donaldson, G. Blunn, H. Lancashire, 2016, Journal of neural engineering.

Anne Vanhoestenberghe, Thomas Guenther, Nigel H Lovell, 2013, Biomaterials.

H. Lancashire, A. Vanhoestenberghe, 2020, Biomedical Engineering Education.

H. Lancashire, A. Vanhoestenberghe, Alejandro Carnicer-Lombarte, 2017, Journal of neural engineering.

A. Vanhoestenberghe, 2013, Journal of neural engineering.

A. Vanhoestenberghe, Ariadni Papadopoulou, Niraj S Kumar, 2022, The British journal of surgery.

H. Lancashire, A. Vanhoestenberghe, Kylie de Jager, 2021, IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics.

A. Delchambre, J. Devière, A. Vanhoestenberghe, 2017, Artificial organs.

A. Delchambre, J. Devière, A. Vanhoestenberghe, 2016, European journal of translational myology.

J. Delbeke, A. Vanhoestenberghe, Lars Stumpp, 2022, Journal of neural engineering.

N. Donaldson, A. Vanhoestenberghe, N. Donaldson, 2012, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology.

Anne Vanhoestenberghe, Antoine Nonclercq, Laurent Lonys, 2015, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing.

Anne Vanhoestenberghe, S. Ourselin, Daniil I. Nikitichev, 2017, Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE.

A. Delchambre, A. Vanhoestenberghe, A. Nonclercq, 2016, European journal of translational myology.

J. Delbeke, A. Vanhoestenberghe, S. Gorza, 2021, Journal of neural engineering.

J. Delbeke, B. Haut, A. Vanhoestenberghe, 2021, Journal of neural engineering.

H. Lancashire, A. Vanhoestenberghe, Thomas Niederhoffer, 2023, Journal of neural engineering.

A Vanhoestenberghe, N Donaldson, N. Donaldson, 2013, Journal of neural engineering.

A. Vanhoestenberghe, S. Heavey, Katarina Pedersen, 2022, In vitro models.

J. Rossiter, A. Conn, H. Lancashire, 2021, IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics.

T. Perkins, D. Jiang, A. Demosthenous, 2021, Frontiers in Neuroscience.

Anne Vanhoestenberghe, Andreas Demosthenous, Arsam N. Shiraz, 2012, 2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS 2012).

H. Lancashire, A. Vanhoestenberghe, Thomas Niederhoffer, 2023, 2023 IEEE BioSensors Conference (BioSensors).

Anne Vanhoestenberghe, Andreas Demosthenous, Nick Donaldson, 2012, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing.

A. Delchambre, A. Vanhoestenberghe, A. Nonclercq, 2023, Biomedical physics & engineering express.

N. Donaldson, G. Blunn, H. Lancashire, 2016, Journal of neural engineering.