J. Verdenet


J. Verdenet, J. Cardot, J. Bassand, 1987, The American journal of cardiology.

J. Verdenet, T. Clerc, F. Fontanel, 1997, Journal de radiologie.

J. Verdenet, J. Cardot, J. Bassand, 2004, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine.

J. Verdenet, J. Cardot, Y. Tropet, 2004, Revue de chirurgie orthopedique et reparatrice de l'appareil moteur.

J. Maublant, J. Verdenet, J. Cardot, 1988, Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine.

J. Verdenet, J. Cardot, M. Baud, 2002, Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine.