L. Pilla


Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Laércio Lima Pilla, Fabrice Dupros, 2015, Perform. Evaluation.

Francieli Zanon Boito, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Jean-François Méhaut, 2015, IET Comput. Digit. Tech..

L. Pilla, 2022, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.

Guilherme Piegas Koslovski, Laércio Lima Pilla, Maurício A. Pillon, 2016, Journal of Grid Computing.

Israel Koren, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Laércio Lima Pilla, 2017, SC17: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis.

Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Laércio Lima Pilla, Matthias Diener, 2019, ACM Trans. Parallel Comput..

Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Jean-François Méhaut, Pierre Coucheney, 2014, Future Gener. Comput. Syst..

Vilnei Neves, Adenauer Yamin, Maurício Pilla, 2018, 2018 Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems (WSCAD).

Laércio Lima Pilla, José Luís Almada Güntzel, Vinicius S. Livramento, 2022, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems.

Luigi Carro, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Laércio Lima Pilla, 2014, 2014 44th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks.

Luigi Carro, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Laércio Lima Pilla, 2013, FTXS '13.

Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Jean-François Méhaut, Laércio Lima Pilla, 2014, 2014 22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing.

Jean-François Méhaut, Laércio Lima Pilla, Márcio Bastos Castro, 2018, 2018 Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems (WSCAD).

Laércio Lima Pilla, José Luís Almada Güntzel, Vinicius S. Livramento, 2019, ISPD.

Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Laércio Lima Pilla, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi, 2010, VECPAR.

Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Laércio Lima Pilla, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi, 2009, ICCS.

Laércio Lima Pilla, José Luís Almada Güntzel, Vinicius S. Livramento, 2018, 2018 31st Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI).

Jean-François Méhaut, Laércio Lima Pilla, Tiago C Bozzetti, 2015 .

Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Jean-François Méhaut, Laércio Lima Pilla, 2014, 2014 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC).

Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Jean-François Méhaut, Pierre Coucheney, 2012, 2012 IEEE 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems.

Laxmikant V. Kalé, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Jean-François Méhaut, 2012, 2012 41st International Conference on Parallel Processing.

Thiago Santini, Laércio Lima Pilla, Paolo Rech, 2016, IEEE Transactions on Computers.

Laércio Lima Pilla, Mario A. R. Dantas, Eduardo Camilo Inacio, 2015, 2015 IEEE 24th International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises.

Laércio Lima Pilla, José Luís Almada Güntzel, Vinicius S. Livramento, 2017, 2017 30th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI).

Rodrigo da Rosa Righi, Hans-Ulrich Heiss, Alexandre Carissimi, 2010 .

Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Laércio Lima Pilla, Matthias Diener, 2016, ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim..

F. Ciorba, L. Pilla, J. Korndörfer, 2020, ArXiv.

Laércio Lima Pilla, Márcio Bastos Castro, Vinicius Freitas, 2018, 2018 30th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD).

Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Jean-François Méhaut, Laércio Lima Pilla, 2016, CARLA.

Vania Bogorny, Laércio Lima Pilla, Andre Salvaro Furtado, 2018, Data Knowl. Eng..

Johanne Cohen, Laércio Lima Pilla, Márcio Castro, 2021, J. Parallel Distributed Comput..

Johanne Cohen, Laércio Lima Pilla, Vinicius Freitas, 2019 .

Márcio Castro, Vinicius Freitas, Alexandre de L. Santana, 2019, 2019 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS).

P. Navaux, M. Diener, E. Cruz, 2019, ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing.

Luigi Carro, Philippe O. A. Navaux, Paolo Rech, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.

Luigi Carro, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Laércio Lima Pilla, 2015, FTXS@HPDC.

Olivier Aumage, L. Pilla, Mihail Popov, 2023, J. Parallel Distributed Comput..

Laércio Lima Pilla, José Luís Almada Güntzel, Vinicius S. Livramento, 2017, ISPD.

Luigi Carro, Mauricio Hanzich, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, 2017, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA).

Luigi Carro, Israel Koren, Daniel Oliveira, 2016, 2016 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop (REDW).