Chol-Ho Kim


Gun-Woo Moon, Chong-Eun Kim, Chol-Ho Kim, 2007, 2007 7th Internatonal Conference on Power Electronics.

Moon-Young Kim, Gun-Woo Moon, Chol-Ho Kim, 2011, 8th International Conference on Power Electronics - ECCE Asia.

Gun-Woo Moon, Chol-Ho Kim, Hong-Sun Park, 2008, 2008 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference.

Moon-Young Kim, Gun-Woo Moon, Chol-Ho Kim, 2012, 2012 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference.

Gun-Woo Moon, Chol-Ho Kim, Jae-Kuk Kim, 2007, 2007 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference.

Gun-Woo Moon, Ki-Bum Park, Chol-Ho Kim, 2009, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

Gun-Woo Moon, Chong-Eun Kim, Chol-Ho Kim, 2009, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

Moon-Young Kim, Gun-Woo Moon, Chol-Ho Kim, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

Moon-Young Kim, Gun-Woo Moon, Chol-Ho Kim, 2013, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.

Jong-Woo Kim, Moon-Young Kim, Gun-Woo Moon, 2011, 8th International Conference on Power Electronics - ECCE Asia.

Moon-Young Kim, Gun-Woo Moon, Shin-Young Cho, 2011, 8th International Conference on Power Electronics - ECCE Asia.

Moon-Young Kim, Gun-Woo Moon, Chol-Ho Kim, 2012, IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.

Moon-Young Kim, Gun-Woo Moon, Chol-Ho Kim, 2012, 2012 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference.