V. Davé


Vladimir N Uversky, Lilia M Iakoucheva, Ravi Ramesh Pathak, 2014, Chemical reviews.

V. Uversky, V. Davé, Prerna Malaney, 2017, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.

P. Pandolfi, F. Furnari, M. Serrano, 2014, Science Signaling.

V. Davé, Jaymin J. Kathiriya, Niyati Nakra, 2017, Cell Death Discovery.

V. Uversky, B. Xue, V. Davé, 2014, Molecular bioSystems.

J. Whitsett, V. Davé, J. Hagood, 2010, Cell cycle.

V. Davé, R. Pathak, 2014, Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry.

A. Bezginov, E. Tillier, V. Uversky, 2017, Biochimica et biophysica acta. Proteins and proteomics.

V. Uversky, V. Davé, Prerna Malaney, 2013, Molecular bioSystems.

V. Davé, Z. Tian, Diane S. Allen-Gipson, 2018, Cell cycle.

Chen Zhao, Jun Ma, C. Tung, 2000, Molecular and Cellular Biology.

V. Davé, R. Pathak, Diane S. Allen-Gipson, 2013, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

A. R. Thitoff, J. Whitsett, V. Davé, 2008, American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology.

Varshal K. Davé, H R Garner, J. Thornton, 2001, Molecular biology of the cell.

S. Nicosia, V. Davé, P. Malaney, 2014, Cancer letters.

Jeffrey A Whitsett, J. Whitsett, V. Davé, 2007, Physiological reviews.

J. M. Baird-Titus, Jun Ma, V. Davé, 2006, Journal of molecular biology.

Jun Ma, V. Davé, Chen Zhao, 2003, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Minlu Zhang, Pooja Kadambi, Jeffrey A Whitsett, 2010, BMC Genomics.

J. Neilson, G. Crabtree, J. Whitsett, 2006, The Journal of clinical investigation.

J. Whitsett, V. Davé, V. Schreiber, 2006, Journal of Biological Chemistry.